Describe how things might be different if you able to improve these protective factors. Volunteer and commit your time and efforts to helping others. Increasing social connections with patients by placing a getting to know you board in each patient room; on admission, nurses can encourage the patient to share something about themselves (not their illness or hospitalization, but about who you are). If you use the salt, remind them that this is an important thing to remember: sometimes things that seem impossible actually are possible when you think outside the box! You'll build a better reality for yourself if you choose to see the positive in any situation and make the most of it. Keep Quote Books, or notebooks for your children to write in. Bring in speakers? (Seif, 2013). Check all of the boxes that apply. Listen to your favorite musicits that easy! (And mean it. As important as a positive mindset is for the rank-and-file, its easy to see why it is vital for those in a position of leadership. Being honest and ethical. This piece is a long one, so settle in and get comfortable. Why a positive mindset is a managers indispensable ally. You can find more detailed instructions. Happier employees are more productive than other employees. the process of leading others. A cancer patient will likely be told at least a few times that You have to stay positive! and You can fight this if you maintain a positive attitude.. Every week, choose a positive quote to share with your kids and encourage them to write it down along with their thoughts, drawings that correspond to the quote, or insights from a family discussion or activities based on the quote. Being positive: Perceptions of patients with cancer and their nurses. Try to list at least three examples. Use wait time when you are asking for questions. There are many positive thinking exercises and games that can give you a boost. Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger. d. ancient play. Having a positive attitude can help you form important professional connections and succeed in your career. False smiles and superficial cheerfulness will likely do nothing for the cancer patient, but working on cultivating an authentically positive mindset and focusing on the activities and techniques that build well-being can have a significant impact on a cancer patients quality of life andpossiblytheir chances of beating cancer. Identify changes that could be made to help you meet the deadline. Werrell, B. He wants to get to work on time, so decides to set two alarms. A reason to be excited about the future, An unexpected good thing that happened. With a certificate or degree from an accredited school b. Personal professionalism is the practice of holding yourself responsible for your attitude, thoughts, words, and actions inside and outside of the workplace. You know you have to be positive However, when we make space for people to express all of their feelings, rather than bottling them up inside, it is then easier for them to be optimistic. Dont forget to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free. 10 activities to encourage a positive attitude in our kids. are always the same - and give young employees an edge as they begin their careers. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients understand and use emotions advantageously. Youll have to get creative to check off everything on the list, especially abstract things like love, but thats part of the challenge. These 12 activities include: To read more about how each of these activities contributes to your wellbeing, download the handout here. Blank, C. (2017). Remember, the goal is not to become a Pollyanna, but to become the best version of yourself that you can be and maintain a healthy and happy mental state. In spite of the word's root, this quality is not restricted to what we describe as "the professions," which are typically careers that require a lot of education and have high earnings associated with them. Model a positive, encouraging attitude in all that you say, do and believe. Maintaining a positive attitude at work will benefit your career and steer you towards a promotion. Practice gratitude. Some rules of etiquette may be written down, such as a dress code that defines what employees can wear. (2016). Listen to music that matches your mood. This worksheet is focused on the therapeutic technique of behavioral activationencouraging the patient to get more active, engage in positive activities, and gain the rewards inherent in these activities. Professional Work Attitudes . As you teach, encourage students to ask clarifying and elaborative questions. You can overcome professional obstacles more easily, and you may feel more motivated to set and reach goals. Osborne, M. (2017). Researchers Hannah, Woolfolk, and Lord (2009) outlined a framework for positive leadership that rests on the idea that leaders with a positive self-concept (a positive idea of who they are and a habit of thinking positively about themselves) are more able to bring the right stuff to their leadership role. Faculty attitudes and students with disabilities in higher education: A literature review. Approaching your day in a professional manner is a great way to help maintain a positive attitude at work. 36 per cent of professionals polled on LinkedIn agree that a positive attitude is the most important quality that employers look for in candidates and team members.. This can involve active listening, maintaining eye contact, and using positive body language. Present yourself to the workplace as a professional. It is common for a healthcare professional to be given a number of tasks of varying importance, each with its own deadline. Encourage each family member to identify some positive character traits in each other and write them on the slinky person. According to a research study, many people tune into sad songs as a form of mood enhancement. There are even more games and activities to help children develop a positive mindset. I am good. (Cullins, 2018). Encourage your child to help others, whether that takes the form of assisting an elderly neighbor with yard work or chores, helping a friend with homework, or participating in a canned food, clothing, or toy drive. Make gratitude stones and encourage your children to practice gratitude every day. Staff teams who are knowledgeable, skilled, and committed. Having a positive mindset means making positive thinking a habit, continually searching for the silver lining and making the best out of any situation you find yourself in. Say it with feeling! Once everyone has a list ready, send them off on a scavenger hunt to collect as many items on the list as possible. a collection of standards that define proper social behavior in a specific community. I support professionals, teams and organizations in their development specifically in the area of: Leadership and personal skills Time & energy management Mindfulness and stress reduction <br> Vitality & growth<br><br>So summarized . Nurses who embrace these core values and adopt a positive mindset toward themselves, their work, and their patients can help them find the meaning and fulfillment that likely prompted them to enter the field in the first place. Look long-term instead of short-term. When you choose to give in to the negativity, pessimism, and doom-and-gloom view of the world, you are not only submitting to a loss of control and potentially wallowing in unhappinessyou are missing out on an important opportunity for growth and development. You will treat yourself with more respect and love, and this in turn will boost your confidence . Which of the following are examples of respecting confidentiality? See yourself as helping students build pathways to adult success. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students or employees. In other words, positive attitudes in a leader will draw followers and encourage motivation and engagement in subordinates. a person whose job requires specialized knowledge, such as a doctor or nurse. The Three Good Things exercise, in which the nursing staff maintains a three good things sheet that gets passed around all the nurses at the end of their shift; each staff member writes down at least one good thing that happened that day, and the charge nurse selects three of these positive things to share with the oncoming-shift nurses to help them start their day with positivity. These factors include: Once you have given thought to each protective factor, the next page poses some questions about them: To download this worksheet and learn about your own protective factors, click here. If you found the list above still too vague, there are many more specific examples of a positive attitude in action. Jarrow, C. (2012). Having a positive attitude is a choice you can make. Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free. Compare different sources whenever possible. Authentic leadership and positive psychological capital: The mediating role of trust at the group level of analysis. Self-control and regulation are key skills to facilitate in young children, as failure to develop sufficient [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 B.V. Think positivebut not too muchand think negative when you need to; sometimes we need to grieve, think about the negative consequences, and use negative emotions to motivate and engage us. This also improves your professional appearance for others who see your workspace. (2018). According to Seligman (2006), optimism can be cultivated by challenging the negative stories we create in our minds. Do a quick Google search on how to cultivate a more positive mindset, and youll see that there are tons of suggestions out there! May you feel happy. (2003). Tell them to find a way to balance the egg in an upright position on the table. Youve probably heard of all these generic benefits before, so well get more specific and explore the benefits of a positive mindset in several different contexts: No construct better captures the essence of a positive attitude in the workplace quite like psychological capital (or PsyCap for short). It is acceptable to be a few minutes late for work every day as long as you make up for the time at the end of the day. Tell your children to carry them around and use them as a reminder to think about the things they are grateful for. End each day prepared to start the next. Mayo Clinic Staff. How can your subject, your grade level, your school contribute to making these pathways smoother? How do you feel about the positivity movement? 5. Where possible, instead of or in addition to reading textbooks, find and have students read and choose books that are interesting to them, that opens them up to the world around them, that makes them think! I have a strong aptitude for learning with a positive attitude because I believe that by doing so, I can draw lessons from my mistakes and strive to optimize each step of the process. As a professional, you will be counted on to find a way to get the job done. Nonverbal communication - body language, such as gestures or eye contact Condition yourself to experience random moments of positivity (use classical conditioning on yourself to build positive associations). In case you haven't noticed, there's been a move behind the scenes by groups of professionals and industry associations to ensure professional work standards in their industry sectors. There are many traits and characteristics associated with a positive mindset, including: Not only are these characteristics of a positive mindset, but they may also work in the other directionactively adopting optimism, acceptance, resilience, gratitude, mindfulness, and integrity in your life will help you develop and maintain a positive mindset. (2004). By filling out your name and email address below. Stay focused and avoid distractions. Make sure employees know what will happen if they fail to meet expectations, and follow through on those consequences. As a bonus, it will also help you boost your creative thinking in addition to your positive thinking. B., Reichard, R. J., Luthans, F., & Mhatre, K. H. (2011). If youre interested in fun, engaging, and hands-on ways to improve your positivity and enhance your positive mindset, youve come to the right place! Have one person bring up a negative event, like losing a job or breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Click here to get started. Unsurprisingly, its also important for nurses and other health professionals to cultivate a positive attitude towards their patients with a disabilitysomething that nurses sometimes struggle with (Tervo & Palmer, 2004). organizing tasks so that the most important and urgent tasks are completed first. In this piece, well cover the basics of positivity within positive psychology, identify some of the many benefits of approaching life from a positive point of view, and explore some tips and techniques for cultivating a positive mindset. We are really grateful for your blog post. Make an effort to step outside of your comfort zone (2015). Showing interest in coworkers ' views and cultures is . For example, consider how learning about the American Revolution might be tied to a current event happening in the world. The only instruction is to consider each of the positive traits listed and write briefly about times when you have displayed each of them. With so many resources available for promoting positive attitudes toward disability, there is ample opportunity to rectify this lack; for example, research by The Childrens Society in the UK identified several ways to promote positivity: A 2009 study also established that formal instruction in disability awareness combined with hands-on fieldwork experiences with people who have a disability can have a significant impact on the positive attitudes toward those with disability (Campbell, Gilmore, & Cuskelly).
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