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Doctor Who: How Clara Became Immortal (& Still Died), Doctor Who Already Has The Perfect 15th Doctor Actor, Doctor Who: How Season 13 Can Retcon The Timeless Child Twist, Doctor Who Hid A Big Clue That John Simm's Saxon Was The Master. Given his nature, William is most likely not insane, he just seemingly does not care for the difference between right and wrong, and simply chooses to be evil for no other reason than to achieve his twisted and unethical desires. Afton appears as the optional final boss in Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, named as "Burntrap" according to the game datas. Apart from her animatronic form known as Ballora, Clara Afton is a relatively lesser-known character in the FNAF series. Link to family and friends whose lives she impacted. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. - 40+ 9 (No one knows if she passed away or not since Scott confirmed she does not possess any animatronic or existed.). Fazbear Entertainment open a third lower budget Freddy's location in 1988. With Ashildr's help, The Doctor and Clara realize that their friendship has become dangerous after the hero abandoned his long-held moral code to revive her. Thus, eventually, I came up with the strategy to beat her. It is unknown if she possesses an animatronic at all, though many believe that she possessed Ballora- courtesy one of MatPat's theories. He was apparently charged sometime before 1993, and tried for the murders of these children, but was released due to lack of evidence. Mia, a new nurse at Heracles, overheard the other nurses. FNAF The unofficial Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As the player, collects more tapes in levels throughout the game, he gets closer and closer to the player, mostly waving at them. clara roselle Afton is the wife of the famous purple guy also know as William afton and Dave miller from fnaf books,she is also the mother of the afton kids Michael Afton, elizabeth afton and the crying child that terrorize as Evan or Chris afton.Clara was actually never confirmed to be exist in the game or even in the fnaf books by Scott however Springtrap has a wide, permanent grin, as the material surrounding his teeth has deteriorated. The Blob grabs him by the neck and drags him back into the crumbling building, and it collapses onto them both. BonBon strangled her. He had nightmares about it, but no one believed him, and he got killed in "The Bite of '83" when his brother Michael and his friends (who is most known as the 4 FNAF bullies) puts the child's head in between Fredbear's jaws as a joke. He appears in the FNaF 3 levels (acting the same as in the original game), the Hard Mode version of the "Vent Repair - Ennard" level (where the player has to fix the vent as soon as possible before Springtrap kills them) and Pizza Party (peeking inside the FNaF 3-styled room, where the player has to leave it as soon as possible or Springtrap kills them). From his half-torn right ear, the red wire appears to be cut off. She had lost her precious children and, after separating from her husband, lived out the rest of her days with instability and heartache. it extends in his hand in a beckoning pose. After this, the credits roll, with Glitchtrap dancing in the background. Upon flashing the light, youll discover that shes absent from the Party Room, at which point HandUnit will instruct you to deliver a controlled shock to wake her up. Unlike the previous design where his interior was mostly machinery, it is now almost entirely organic, and shows his human skeleton as well as flesh, with five bony fingers as his right hand. His back from the lowest part of his torso is chopped off. Arham is a pretty multifaceted gamer that is willing to try his hand at anything, including unsettling horror games like FNAF. During the missing children incident, he wore a costume of the Spring Bonnie mascot, then during the murder of the toy kids . One ending to this has the player locked in front of a metal door, with Glitchtrap appearing through the door's lock and shushing the player before walking off. At an unknown time period, William wore a springlock suit, but had accidentally released the springlocks. Her boss fight, as such, was fairly challenging, and it personally took me eight attempts to beat her with no prior knowledge of her mechanics it was a completely blind run. Before opening day, Afton hosted a private party at his establishment as a test. William remains in hiding during their hunt, planning to reveal himself when the time is right. Hair color didnt seem to matter to her she loved them both. Fans quickly found the original audio file and discovered that the rabbit says "I always come back. The pizzeria is soon closed down and abandoned by Fazbear Entertainment as a result of bankruptcy. The Afton Family Members William Afton. Both of their souls supposedly move onto the afterlife. Role Other than that, fans also generally know Clara for being the one who possessed Ballora, one of the funtime animatronics. Gregory must activate several hidden switches that lead to incinerators that Henry had set up previously. we begin to Show & Tell who they were during particular moments in their lives. If an animatronic met the Paragraph Four criteria, they would be deemed rouge and locked up in an underground maze-like basement, awaiting death. They get stuffed into the animatronics. Watch popular content from the following creators: Duckie(@rubberduck712), Spam like = Block . As such, it turns out that after the collapse of the Michael Aftons body, Ennard fled to the sewers, and the amalgamation had internal conflicts. Thus, Clara was set free from the prison of his ex-husbands making, hoping to reunite with her children in the beyond. In 1874, in the year that Clara Afton was born, on May 20th, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis were approved for a patent for "blue jeans with copper rivets". In the Fake Ending, Vlad says that Clara's wedding ring was found in a kid's meal at Fry Me Taco, leaving Clara somewhat delighted that Vlad paid for a kid's meal just for her, resulting in them kissing. He donned the suit to hide from the ghosts, apparently fooling them. Very little is known about her life as a human, and there is much speculation surrounding her death, though it must have happened at some point before possessing the animatronic. Updating status. It has been speculated that William Afton is the player in, However, there is evidence supporting the game being a dream, due to. For a long time, it was believed he was a nightguard, thanks to seemingly wearing a badge in the 'You Can't' cutscene from the second game, and being an easy way he would have a job at the establishment, either Phone Guy as noted above, Mike or Jeremy. He goes through unknown changes and becomes Scraptrap. His endoskeleton is rustier, and seems slightly less detailed. Starting out her marriage by opening a small business with her husband, it was clear that she was at ease with her circumstances and wanted to enjoy every moment with her three children. Jake believes that something else was powering the Agony, and it was far worse. I'm going to suggest that Cassidy was the first person murdered by William Afton, and it happened before anything we've seen in the FNAF games thus far. The girl is lured away and gets murdered by him as part of the Missing Children's Incident. All of the animatronics burn, and Michael is killed in the process. The place soon became every childs go-to for birthday parties, and Im sure Clara mustve had her own childrens birthday parties here as well. Charlie asked the animatronics "What do you want from me? He shows off his power with his Twisted animatronics, declaring that he alone can control them. Arthur sees footsteps emerging from the man and leading to the toys. Terrence Afton (also known as Michael Afton) is the main antagonist characters from Coloxus (series) . He is most likely damaged from the fire. Nurse Ackerman explains that he was taken off life support years ago but is somehow still alive. Illinois had the highest population of Afton families in 1880. For a week, he faces off the bloodthirsty spirits haunting the animatronics. Answer: After building up considerable trust towards Circus Baby, Michael Afton was lured into the Scooping room. They charged $13.50 per dozen jeans. In this case, though, Clara was getting scooped due to some kind of fault that the establishments two technicians wished to investigate the following day. There may be some truth to this, as internal conflict between Circus Baby and the remaining three Funtime animatronics arose later. Share memories and family stories, photos, or ask questions. Clara is one of the bosses in Special Delivery, although she was introduced later down the line after the games launch. The Puppet and Withered Freddy help the five new children in some way, with many believing that they're helping them possess the Toy Animatronics. The middle and little fingers of Springtrap's right hand are notably missing their fingertips (this is no longer the case for his model in future games). She thought it was because Mike had brown and Terrance red hair like Lora's Mother and Father. The eyes themselves as multiple blood-vessels can be seen in them. Afton was unaware that the suit was long past its use, and it was extremely damaged and risky to wear. Regardless, after her death, it is strongly theorized that she came to possess Ballora and open a new chapter of her life as an animatronic. Scary Video Games Elizabeth Afton Clara Afton Chris Afton Michael Afton William Afton Fnaf Sl . Here, Henry Emily initiates his final plan where all the rouge animatronics are set ablaze, and thus, Clara finally departs to the afterlife. Although the Act was supposed to be temporary, it stayed in effect until 1965. Are Our Aftons The Same? On the Night of June 26th, 1985, William wears the Spring Bonnie suit to lure five children (Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cassidy) into the Safe Room to murder them. Elizabeth Afton got smashed under a toppled roof, and died. He was eventually caught in a horrific fire, but Andrew attached his soul to him, to anchor him to life so he could suffer. The first outcome was that Clara separated from her husband, who was not only a leading suspect in the Missing Childrens incident but also the inventor of those bloodstained animatronics. Nurse Thomas tried to suffocate him with a pillow, but William barfed up blood and a green liquid, causing it to tear through the pillow. With the Afton households growing prosperity, something I believe Clara viewed as more of a blessing than a necessity due to her simplistic nature, an unfortunate chain of tragedies was just around the corner. She realized that a mushroom was stuck in the ground by a sharp spike nearby. It's unconfirmed whether William or the Puppet stuffed the children into suits. The burglars were found to be paid by cash from a slush fund used by the Committee for the Re-Election of the President - the official organization of President Nixon's campaign. Explore les dernires vidos des hashtags : #whathappenedto. Aftons Wife in fanon. Michael Afton's appearance is only shown twice in Sister Location. while they were revisiting the pizzeria for the third time; they begrudgingly take him along, but Charlie notices a series of scars on the back of his neck. Despite this, the voice at the beginning of the. Like most other Special Delivery animatronics, the more damage Springtrap takes, the more broken he is, gaining more dark burn and dirt marks over time. In the e-mails, Steven Wilson, one of the employees in Fazbear Funtime Service, stated that he got kicked off the system and is now locked out after finished scanning the last set of circuit that his co-worker Daniel Rocha gave. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. These were Springbonnie and Fredbear. Let me out." Mrs. Afton is the mother of the Afton Family. February 7, 2021 BbY.kittens. Sort By. The average age of She didn't When he reached the center, he began to convolute and eventually exploded. In Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, while residing in the remains of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, which was directly underneath the Mega Pizzaplex in a sinkhole, Vanny downloaded Glitchtrap into his old body in which he previously burned to death in and with Vannesa's help was able to repair and modify his original body, and after the transfer was completed, William regained his physical form and became Burntrap. His temporary fate after the fire was revealed in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. When the group of friends notice that Carlton was missing, they report it to the police department, but action wasn't immediately taken, due to Carlton's habit of being a troublemaker.