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schools. This is a transcript of "Waiting for Superman". /GS1 17 0 R You said, you still cry every time you see it. The union itself has instead of focusing on good teachers and how we need to help them, give them the tools and conditions, we have always focused on, you know, the due process protections. I think the point of departure between Michelle and I may be that I see, just like in Finland and Singapore and other places, that we need to all actually work together, focused on instruction, focused on how we help people do the best jobs they can and then -- BRZEZINSKI: Wasnt that what she was doing? 7 0 obj And that's something that no parent wants their child to ever be a witness or to hear when they're going to school. Weve seen some innovation spread more than one place. I've been amazed by what's possible. You get to the nation's capital, the nation's capital, only 16 percent of students are proficient in math. We'll come back and continue this. Didn't get an answer on that. Connecticut and Hartford education policy resources, Creating a Dual-Language Magnet School for Hartford Region, Sources on Trinity student protests since 2007, Jack Dougherty and Trinity College Educ 300 students, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, An Uncommon Critique: How A Charter Networks Success Safeguards Student Experiences, The Evolution of Gender Inequality At Trinity College: A Study Through Different Publications, Higher Education for Dreamers After the Failed DREAM Act. This is our country. /Type /Page 57 percent of Daisys classmates won't graduate. DAISYS FATHER: Go like this. BRZEZINSKI: How old is she? LEGEND: Yes. /Parent 1 0 R The good guys/heroes are low-income American parents, hoping to provide a good education for their children. SCARBOROUGH: Davis? We've been talking about the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams earlier today. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] GLORIA: Im just so afraid for him. /T1_1 20 0 R /GS0 18 0 R /MC0 37 0 R It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. And I couldn't understand that why did it take this much to go through all of this? /Contents 33 0 R /Type /Page SCARBOROUGH: The reformer. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To come see, geography and love, thats it. LEGEND: My last thing I would say, we have to realize that these kids are our kids. The video explores several of the problems within the system, and tells the personal stories of several families and communities who have been impacted and disadvantaged by the broken education system. << /MC0 62 0 R This is why. /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] "Waiting for Superman" ( Superman & Lois), an episode of Superman & Lois. SCARBOROUGH: First and foremost -- LEGEND: If we care about justice, if we care about equality in this country, we have to care about fixing education. We even tolerate mediocre teachers. Throughout the documentary, different aspects of the American public education system are examined. SCARBOROUGH: Okay, Michelle -- WEINGARTEN: We agreed at times. WEINGARTEN: Yeah, of course. You don't come off well in this movie. Let me answer your question first. I know you have to say your side of this and this is hard for all of us. We need to get involved and take ownership over this and go to the schools and tutor, go to the schools and mentor. SCARBOROUGH: And you also, your movie talks about how what's happening in some of these schools is demolished a lie, a bigoted lie that some kids are incapable of learning. BRZEZINSKI: Please help us welcome founder and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone, Geoffrey Canada, Washington D.C.'s school's chancellor, Michelle Rhee, American Federation of Teacher's president Randi Weingarten and filmmaker Davis Guggenheim. They couldn't add basic first grade skills, they couldn't have it. /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] We could say to everyone in education we have to give a couple of more hours. Webwaiting for superman full transcriptred gomphrena globosa magical properties 27 februari, 2023 / i beer fermentation stages / av / i beer fermentation stages / av You cannot say -- you can't say, well, the problem with charter schools is they only serve some of the kids when in fact you are advocating for caps on those effective charter schools. The union leaderships could take this on as a platform and say this is something we're going to commit to and give our membership behind this so we can show progress in taking on these issues. SCARBOROUGH: 15 seconds. Waiting For "Superman" is an inside look at the problems with education in America. BRZEZINSKI: Nakia, thank you. "[11] Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly gave the film an A, calling it "powerful, passionate, and potentially revolution-inducing. RHEE: Heres the thing. We increased student achievement levels. BRZEZINSKI: Its very hard to watch this movie. << Natural Language; Math Input; Extended Keyboard Examples Upload Random. There are people who have figured out systems of improving education and the mayor was very aggressive in bringing those folk into New York City and saying to them, we're going to remove the obstacles for you all to do your work. Sept. 23, 2010. How do you get past that? How do you explain that to a child? /GS0 18 0 R BRZEZINSKI: Im sorry, we have news for our audience as well. And I was hurt. Most of them. Most will go to John Phillip Souza, which the "Washington Post" called an academic sink hole. 9 0 obj It was not simply about education. We can't have our school system running like this. (d acJ4@%Q8C/! I have a good feeling about this. What were your thoughts when the number did not come up? Having said that, we have all done too much about focusing on bad teachers. I'm just wondering. /GS0 47 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Resources << /Type /Page >> SCARBOROUGH: They can't. I just think -- SCARBOROUGH: Do you really think he wants to the right thing? << Towards the end of the film, there is a segment that illustrates the charter school lottery as it takes place for different schools. The film shows how Geoffrey Canadas solution to this problem was to create charter schools that would give children and their parents more options within the public school system and would hopefully raise academic performance, decrease dropout rates, andincrease the number of students who attend college. 40 years later we're still fighting for equality and one of the biggest barriers to achieving quality is the fact that so many kids in our country can't get a great education. One of the most disheartening moments of the movie for me is when you were driving away from the meeting, your meeting, with the teachers, and it just showed your face. "[13] Variety characterized the film's production quality as "deserving every superlative" and felt that "the film is never less than buoyant, thanks largely to the dedicated and effective teachers on whom Guggenheim focuses. /Properties << All you have to do is listen to people in Washington about it. SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, let me ask you this. Michelle Rhee, the former chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools (the district with some of the worst-performing students at the time), is shown attempting to take on the union agreements that teachers are bound to, but suffers a backlash from the unions and the teachers themselves. RANDI WEINGARTEN, PRES., AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS: Sure. NAKIA: She felt it wasn't fair that other children were being picked and she was just as smart as they were and why not her. An examination of the current state of education in America today. What did you learn? Why is that such a frightening concept? /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] Ultimately they want the tools and conditions in order to do that. /Contents [ 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R ] You fought the law and the law won. So let me say, because I get told a lot that Im teacher bashing. This documentary follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, and undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying "drop-out factories" and "academic sinkholes," methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable Ravitch also writes that many charter schools are involved in "unsavory real estate deals" [31], In 2011, many news media reported on a testing score "cheating scandal" at Rhee's schools, because the test answer sheets contained a suspiciously high number of erasures that changed wrong answers to right answers. So we're going to differentiate and we're going to recognize and reward the highest performing teachers and we're going to look at the lowest performing teachers and we're going to remove them from the system. The issue is about how we create the best environment for kids. "[22] Anderson also opined that the animation clips were overused. /Resources << DAISY: I want to go to a medical college or a veterinarian college because I really want to become a surgeon. Waiting for "Superman," Davis Guggenheim's edifying and heartbreaking new documentary, says that our future depends on good teachers and that the coddling of bad teachers by their powerful unions virtually ensures mediocrity, at best, in both teachers and the students in their care. You are not exactly what some would consider to be a conservative filmmaker. But I think it's quite frankly a little disingenuous for the union president to stand up and say we liked what Michelle was doing, we wanted it to continue to happen, when the national AFT poured $1 million into the campaign in Washington, D.C. a million dollars in a local mayoral race you know clearly sends a message that they didn't want things to continue as they were. So the question is, what's New York City doing right? [30] In Ayers' view, the "corporate powerhouses and the ideological opponents of all things public" have employed the film to "break the teacher's unions and to privatize education," while driving teachers' wages even lower and running "schools like little corporations. Coming up next, MSNBC's going to re-air the teacher town hall hosted by Brian Williams. Take a moment. KENNY: We catch them up to basic level and we accelerate them to proficient. Teachers in this country want to make a difference in the lives of kids. /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] And that most of them are getting a really crappy education right now. John, tell us how you got involved in this. /Rotate 0 So look, all of us on this stage, whether it's Geoffrey or Michelle or Davis, myself, the two of you, we all care passionately about the children. }>=Uw2cS=V. I9kZJw^EAOd j]Y[wl-e06E#/mlyTbE9f}@8 a/ ^} Acquiring that good education is the daunting challenge they face. Film. But that isn't something that can't be, you know, worked out. And she thought I was crying because it's like Santa Claus is not real and I was crying because there was no one coming with enough power to save us. /Font << You know, in Washington, D.C., under Mayor Fenty who arguably I think is the most courageous politician we have on these education reform issues, we did everything, arguably, that people wanted to see. Feb 22, 2013. /Properties << It's about places that have failed for 30, 40, 50 years, we can't do the same thing this year that we did last year. But when I saw you after the film, and I would -- being macho, hey, Davis, how you doing, man? SCARBOROUGH: How do we do it, Geoffrey? Because we do understand if we're going to fix this problem, we're going to have to figure out how to get you guys together and make this work. BRZEZINSKI: And the reaction that we saw just moments ago was the same, these are people who know. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] RHEE: We wanted to give the teachers the tools. 1h 51m. /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) The film illustrates the problem of how American public schools are failing children, as it explicitly describes many public schools as drop-out factories, in which over 40% of students do not graduate on time. S/p?G4lt(20}G(8!h-D! 5 Why did you pick this topic? You know that process has to be fixed. So it's important to understand how this is locked down here in D.C. and in New York. That is the problem. What are your thoughts? Why? CANADA: Sure. /Rotate 0 And that is a concept that is so necessary. What's going on here? What happened there? But this is the issue that I think Ive been hearing that I just want to get clear. What's the big takeaway from "Waiting For Superman"? And a lot of times some of the older civil rights organizations have historically aligned with the unions. >> The issue here in terms of education -- SCARBOROUGH: Wait. You believe it. SCARBOROUGH: Do you think he's going to do the right thing now that the teachers union is giving him a million dollars? /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] I like to follow the evidence. Kids coming into middle school and fifth grade with first grade reading abilities, leaving in eighth grade with a 100 percent proficiency, outscoring kids in Scarsdale, New York. Were going to talk to in a second and thats where Jeff Zucker told me I needed to go. "[21] Melissa Anderson of The Village Voice was critical of the film for not including enough details of outlying socioeconomic issues, writing, "macroeconomic responses to Guggenheim's querygo unaddressed in Waiting for "Superman," which points out the vast disparity in resources for inner-city versus suburban schools only to ignore them. WEINGARTEN: I think look, again, we had a moment in time where we actually got to an agreement. In a documentary called Waiting for Superman, contemporary education issues that the U.S. has been facing for several decades are addressed. You have to pull out a bingo ball and call your number. /Rotate 0 WebShop for waiting for superman documentary transcript filetype:lua at Best Buy.