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New Milford approved a 15% property tax for the New Milford Fire Protection District, to pay for pandemic-related costs and an increase in the minimum wage. There are no published events in current month. Durand approved of a 1% sales tax increase to pay for infrastructure improvements and equipment for the Villages police force, including body worn cameras. Apply today! The City of Sycamore is a Council-Manager form of government, which was passed by referendum in 2003. WINNER: Michale Torman (70.8%) has won the race for Village of Paw Paw President, over John Prentice (29.2%), with a vote of 126-52. DeKalb's Ward 4 race remains extremely close. Click here to use VoteSmart's Side By Side Tool that allows you to compare and contrast candidates' voting records, issue positions, and more! He invites any residents and any other community stakeholders who have any concerns that the Township might be able to address to contact him about them, noting that: Im at your service., 8540 Kenwood Rd., Sycamore Township, OH 45236, Trustee Meetings: The first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 P.M. Democrat Tom McNamara took home the Rockford mayoral race with 68 percent of the vote. must not be serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution as a result of a conviction. color: white; Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Voter must obtain a vote by mail application from their election authority, in-person or online, to request a vote by mail ballot. An average of 1.8 mayoral races and 52.6 city council races went uncontested between 2014 and 2021. Images of the high school basketball season in the. Every voice counts. Kamrin Muhammad (53.4%) leads Kenneth Scrivano (46.6%) for Rockford Public School Board District C. June Stafford (39.6%) leads Ashley Williams (39.4%) and Roger Smith (21%) for Rockford Public School Board District G. Martesha Brown (54.6%) is leading Tyler Smith (45.4%) for Rockford Park District Park Commissioner. background-color: #003388; Sycamore, IL 60178 Phone: 815-895-4515 Fax: 815-899-2054. In the last Presidential election, DeKalb county remained moderately Democratic, 51.4% to 45.6%. He has lived here since 2001 and also practices law at a firm located within our borders. candidates. All ran unopposed. April 6, 2021, 7:45 AM. 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CHICAGO (WLS) -- Several suburbs are holding elections Tuesday, choosing mayors, trustees and council members. City government WINNER: John Peterson (57.1%) has won the race for Rockton Village President against Dave Winters (42.9%), with 100% of votes counted. **Hamilton County COVID Defense Team Member 2020/2021 U.S. Congress Operations: Meghann Olshefski Mandy Morris Kelly Rindfleisch Do you have a non-profit Organization that you'd like to add? Click here for more information. In DeKalb County, IL 51.4% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 45.6% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 3.0% voted Independent. For the past four years, the 40-year-old lawyer has served as the village's only female trustee. Sattler won 335-326 votes. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. These meetings are open to the public. 15: Karen Camporese, Rebecca Giannelli, Jean Randazzo, Marcia Reiken, Dist. School boards if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; What's on my ballot? Neddermeyer is running for mayor unopposed. City departments include: Administration, Community Development, City Clerk, Engineering, Fire, Police, and Public Works. She is a former president of the NKU Alumni Board of Directors and is a current member of the NKU Foundation Board, serving on the Governance/Membership and Real Estate Committees. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. It appears Jim Luebke's active write-in campaign was not enough to defeat Mary Hess for DeKalb Township Supervisor. @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { text-align: center; Click here to find the latest polling places at the Illinois elections site. **Sycamore Township Board of Zoning Appeals Chairman of Board 6 years . background-color: #db0000; Several suburbs are holding elections Tuesday, choosing mayors, trustees and council members. He and his wife Jill chose to move to Sycamore Township and raise their 4 kids here because they recognized this is the crown jewel of Greater Cincinnati communities with great neighborhoods, great schools, and low taxes and theyve never regretted their choice. Hamilton County Public Health 207: Aurora Austriaco, Linda Coyle, Jin Lee, Carla R. Owen, Dist. Both ran as Independents. He recognizes that our Kenwood Retail District is the Crown Jewel of retail in all of southern Ohio, and he is totally committed to the continued re-development and re-vitalization of the entire Kenwood shopping area. Barnes and Morris met several times in forums to outline their vision for DeKalb, including a forum hosted by WNIJ, the League of Women Voters of DeKalb County, and the DeKalb Public Library. Mayor - Todd Latham 115 Boulevard Street Sandwich, IL 60548 Phone: (815) 570-1402 mayor@sandwich.il.us Term expires: April 2025. Thompson is the village's first female African American mayor. Drivers License Facilities. WNIJ's summary of news items around our state. Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen, Residency: Must have been a resident of the precinct for at least 30 days prior to election day. Tom worked closely with Hamilton County Prosecutor, Joe Deters, and former Hamilton County Sheriff, Simon Leis, to insure that his proposal met all legal tests. County Clerk & Recorder. Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings: The third Monday of the month at 6:00 P.M. (Except Holidays), Hamilton County Auditor (Vote for THREE) Ed Muncie (Nonpartisan) James McKelvie (Nonpartisan) Michael D. Millette (Nonpartisan) Timothy W. Morgan, Sr. (Nonpartisan) Kimberly Weiss (Nonpartisan) FOR CLERK TO SERVE AN UN-EXPIRED 2-YEAR TERM. Career-wise, he has been an attorney since 1992, practicing law in firm and corporate settings in Atlanta and Cincinnati, and he has also served in management and IT-related roles. Retired Sycamore Mayor Kenneth Mundy died Tuesday, December 3, at the age of 73. 10: Casey Amayun, Marty Lundeen, Tina O'Neill, Jessica Shannon, Dist. PROJECTED WINNER: Republican Natalie Mulhall (63.1%) is the projected winner of the race for Belvidere Ward 2 alderperson, over Independent Catherine Rose Barnes (36.9%). Tom has also led and won many fights on behalf of Township residents against proposed commercial developments that encroached into residential neighborhoods, but no victory was greater than the fight to prevent a Target Superstore in Blue Ash from developing in the backyards of our Dillonvale residents. | Provides that employees shall have the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of negotiating wages, hours, and working conditions, and to protect their economic welfare and safety at work. Early voting is under way in the April 6 election for school board and local municipal offices. For a full list of Cook County races, visit the county clerk's website. WINNER: Democrat Jonathan Logeman (72.1%) has won the race for Rockford Ward 2 alderman, over Republican Tyler Crosby (27.9%), with a vote of 791-306. Statement of Economic Interest. .partytd.Green { Dave Winters (57.5%) is leading John Peterson (42.5%) for Rockton Village President. The City of Sycamore's government is housed in the Sycamore Center located at 308 W State Street. Mundy served as mayor of Sycamore from 2005 to 2017, but his involvement with the city began as early as 1972 when he was the treasurer of the Public Library Board. Republican Kevin Frost (50.6%) leads Democrat Bryan Amezquita (49.4%) for Ward 4 alderman. VOTING ON ELECTION DAYThe polls are open from 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sycamore Mayor Contact Information. While rules vary by site, voters can register to vote or update their . Where engaged citizens across the country come together to share ideas and build stronger communities. Steve Braser, formerly a longtime third ward alderman, was sworn into office as the new mayor during the Sycamore City Council meeting on Monday night. Sycamore, IL 60178 Phone: 815-895-4515 Fax: 815-899-2054. "It's nice to see how so many women are taking on leadership roles, so I'm proud and honored our community seems to be on that is supportive of women in leadership roles," Neddermeyer said. New Resident . Elections in 2023 | And it's not just Willow Springs.
Local businessman Cohen Barnes made it official, announcing his intention to run for Mayor of DeKalb (IL) in the April 6th, 2021 election. 45: West Conway Marinier, Emily Shultz, Kathryn Padberg, Kelli P. May, Dist. Election 2022 Guide - Polling Places, Times, and Candidate Info for Sycamore, IL . Both ran as Independents. In Cortland, Mark Pietrowski won the election for mayor with 309 votes. The City Manager is appointed by the City Council, and the City Manager appoints all other employees. Voting in your Sycamore, Illinois elections is the opportunity to do just that. Tom became the first Chairman of the newly-created Board of Zoning Appeals, a position he held until his election to the Board of Trustees in 2006. Meeks replaces Ginger Hanely, who finished the term of John Beck, who died last April. .partytd.Gray { Another historic election is being held in Flossmoor, where voters will elect a woman as mayor for the first time. Independent Rudy Valdez was runner-up with 16 percent. **Hamilton County Land Reutilization Committee Member of Board since 2011 She has resided in the Township since 2005, having lived in both the northern and southern parts of the Township. So by voting in November, we symbolically mark the survival of democracy. 103: Anne Van Gerven, Kate Harper, Cahterine O'Keefe, Michael Weaver, Dist. Municipal government } Tracy is a Sycamore Community Schools lifer (K-12), and a forever-proud Aviator. WINNER: David Atkinson (77.2%) has won the race for Village of Franklin Grove President, over Michael Crofton (22.8%), with a vote of 88 to 26. Democrat Gina Meeks (74.5%) leads Republican Bobby Walsh (25.5%) for Ward 12. All three ran as Independents. Todd Latham (53.1%) leads the race for Mayor of Sandwich, with 93% reporting. Mail-when registering by mail, you can not vote an absentee ballot for the first time only. SYCAMORE - A former Sycamore City Council alderman is officially the city's new mayor about a month after the April 6 consolidated election. Click here to see the full list of precincts open until 8 p.m. In Sycamore, Steve Braser received 81% of votes to be elected mayor. Schaumburg library: Erin Flannigan-Davies, Anita Forte-Scott, David Jonen, Carol Pye. In other contested races, Barb Larson appears to have claimed DeKalb's Ward 2 aldermanic seat in the unofficial tally over challengers J.J. Wett and Wes Hoadley. Jonathan Brust (58%) leads Dennis Di Guido (42%) in the race for Mayor of Genoa, with 93% of the vote counted. Synopsis As Introduced WINNER: Democrat Gina Meeks (62.7%) has won the race for Rockfords Ward 12 alderperson over Republican Bobby Walsh (37.3%), with 872-518 votes. Are you ready to make a difference? WINNER: Donald Sattler (50.7%) has beat current Poplar. Newsletter, Paddock Publications, Inc. is an Employee-Owned Company. It will be done by somebody or other. To view a list of state legislators from Illinois, click here. Douglas Corson had 137 votes and Charmaine Fioretto had 127. 68: Cathie DeMoon, Krysia Ressler, Emily Weisman Savino, Henry Liu, Dist. On Yahoo, Yelp, SuperPages, AmericanTowns and 25 other directories! Hamilton County Sheriffs Office RELATED: COVID-19 issues at center of Tuesday's Glenbrook District 225 school board election. From Sycamore school board members to executive level public servants. For more information, visit the Illinois Board of Elections website. Mark Pietrowski, Jr. (65.9%) leads Douglas Corson (18.8%) and Charmaine Fioretto (15.3%) for Cortland Mayor. Northern Public Radio | } It is vital that your voice is heard in making decisions about your local government. WINNER: Independent Clint Morris (56.8%) has won the race for Belvidere Mayor, over Republican Mike Chamberlain (43.2%) and a vote of 1,306-993. 108: Thomas Hollatz, Cara Steetz, Beata Swacha, Herlberto "Herbie" Torres, Dist. City Maps. table #officeholder-table td { Peoples Choice candidate Jodi Miller (50.8%) leads Democrat Ronnie Bush (49.2%) for Mayor of Freeport, with 14% of the votes counted. WINNER: Democrat Tom McNamara won an uncontested race for Mayor of Rockford, with 7,978 votes and 100% reporting. 2021 CONSOLIDATED ELECTION FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY----NOT FOR PUBLICATION. Burden won 972 to 915 votes. Sycamore has eight elected alderpersons - two per each of the City's four wards. finally allowed to vote in those elections.
WINNER: Mark Pietrowski, Jr. (53.9%) has won the race for Town of Cortland Mayor, beating Douglas Corson (23.9%) and Charmaine Fioretto (22.2%). Mayor and City Clerk's Office 144 E. Railroad St. background-color: #6db24f; Tech: Matt Latourelle Nathan Bingham Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Beth Dellea Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Eric Lotto Joseph Sanchez. Local courts 129: Richard Kerns, Valerie Brown-Dykstra, Julie Stone, Dist.
Deciding how to vote: https://votesmart.org/, Polling Place: Illinois registration verification and polling place finder, Verifying provisional ballot status: Click Here. In his free time he enjoys playing golf and tennis. The current members of the U.S. Senate from Illinois are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Illinois and find your representative, click here. Proposes to amend the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution. Todd Latham (53.7%) leads James McMaster (40.3%) and Richard Robinson (6%) for Sandwich Mayor, with 7% reporting. The three appeared in a forum for their goals as mayor hosted by WNIJ and the League of Women Voters of DeKalb County. Polls are scheduled to close at 7 p.m. and results should begin to come in soon after. 2 men stabbed in River North fight: Chicago police, Prayer vigil to be held for CPD officer fatally shot on SW Side, Inmate beaten to death in Cook County Jail's max security wing: police. By, Hong Kong court convicts 3 activists who organized Tiananmen vigils, Over $30M worth of Funkos are being dumped, An American walked her pet cow in Moscow's Red Square. } In addition to out-of-state developments, she has overseen the successful opening of local marquee development projects including Crestview Hills Town Center and the various Rookwood properties. In Sandwich, Todd Latham has been elected mayor with 53% of votes over opponents Richard Robinson and James McMaster. office of the election authority or at an Early Voting Center. Republican Brian Leggero claimed 14 percent of votes, and Independent Ronnie Manns had two percent. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Public Statement on Water Lawsuit Settlement, No-Cost Water Service Replacement Program, Citizen's Beautification Committee Meeting. The polls opened at 6 a.m. and most closed at 7 p.m. UPDATED 12:55 p.m. | Mboka Mwilambwe claimed victory Tuesday night after defeating two less-experienced opponents in the Bloomington mayoral election. text-align: center; Tom James was elected as a Trustee of Sycamore Township in November 2019. Election Day 2021: Breaking down Illinois mayor, trustee races. } Local recalls, Illinois congressional delegation Democrat Jonathan Logemann (87%) leads Republican Tyler Crosby (12.3%) in the race for Rockford Ward 2 alderman. In Broadview, Mayor Katrina Thompson is being challenged by Sherman Jones. The Oscars will air on ABC and can be streamed on ABC.com and the ABC app as well as Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV or FuboTV. 33: Felicia Gills, Chad McLean, Christian Rivera, Morgan Banasiak, Dist. Hamilton County Building Department If you would like to customise your choices, click 'Manage privacy settings'. He had served the 12th Ward for nearly 20 years. To view a list of local ballot measures in DeKalb County, Illinois, click here. For military and overseas voters, voting by mail may begin 45 days prior to the election. During his initial campaign, Tom promised that his very first order of business as Trustee would be to pass enhanced notification rules for all sex offenders that move into our community. Several suburbs are on the verge of history, about to elect their first women mayors in Tuesday's election. Luebke had challenged his name not being included on the ballot. | He has led the village since 1997. City Administrator - Geoff Penman (815) 786-9321 gpenman@sandwich.il.us. Quick Links. Hampshire village president: Mike Reid Jr. Hanover Park village board: Yasmeen Bankole, Bob Prigge, Sharmin Shahjahan, Harper College board: Diane G. Hill, William F. Kelley, Nancy N. Robb, Hoffman Estates park board: Rajkumari Chhatwani, Keith J. Evans, Patrick J. McGinn, Linda Dressler, Hoffman Estates village board: Karen Mills, Michael Gaeta, Karen Arnet, Hoffman Estates village president: Bill McLeod, Huntley village board: Ronda Goldman, John Piwko, JR Westberg, Itasca village board: Jeffrey T. Aiani, Frank Madaras, Patrick Powers, Lake In The Hills village board: Bill Dustin, Steven Harlfinger and Bob Huckins, Lake Villa village president: James McDonald, Lake Zurich village board: Mary Beth Euker, Greg Weider, Dan Bobrowsk, Lake Zurich village president: Tom Poynton, Lisle village board: Marie Hasse, Mary Jo Mullen, William Trussell, Lisle village president: Christopher R. Pecak, Lombard village board, Dist. Addison village president: Richard H. 'Rich' Veenstra, Antioch village board: Jerry Johnson, Scott Pierce, Brent Bluthardt, Arlington Heights library board: Carole Medal, Sarah Galla, Amy Somary. You may also apply to vote by mail permanently now, so even in future election cycles you will not have to submit an application. : Scott Weller, Wheeling village board: James Ruffatto, Mary M. Papantos, Mary C. Krueger, Wheeling village president: Patrick Horcher, Winfield village board: Dan Janowick, Don Longacre, Debora Piscola, Dist. All Rights Reserved. 8:53 p.m. The two met in a forum hosted by WNIJ and the League of Women Voters of DeKalb County. He is the President of Marketmaster International LLC, an international marketing and sales company in the Specialty Steel and Specialty Steel parts business, which he founded in 1985. 88: Andrew Edmier, Al Manzo, Jean Taylor, Dist. Registration Deadline: Online registration . 300: David Scarpino, Emmanuel Thomas, Christine Birkett, Dist. Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Challenger Dennis DiGuido had 286 votes. Parliament. Two forms of identification with at least one showing your current residence address are needed when you register in-person.
} Democrat Aprel Prunty (86.2%) leads Republican Jerry Wells (13.8%) for Ward 6 alderman. The latest on the April 2021 election (UPDATED), Get results for individual races by visitinghttps://www.mystateline.com/election-results, Find election related news athttps://www.mystateline.com/your-local-election-hq. Felony Convictions: must not be serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution as a result of a conviction. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, The only Synchronized Swimming in the Stateline, True love match: Stillman Fire Chief donates a kidney, As teachers leave the profession, Illinois to spend, Rockford featured on new episode of HGTVs House. "I think women are steeling out because they feel they have the right to.". Both men ran as Independents. PROJECTED WINNER: Robbin Snodgrass (53.1%) is projected to win Machesney Park Village Clerk, over Kristine Denolf (46.9%). 73: Wesley Ann Polen, Karl Borchers, Michael Engle, Dist. WINNER: Democrat Mark Bonne (52.9%) has won the race for Rockfords Ward 14 alderperson, over Republican Mike Stefanic (47.1%) and a vote of 572-509. If submitted by mail outside the U.S. an application must be made: *Not less than 30 days prior to the election to receive full ballot or; *Less than 30 days prior to the election to receive a federal ballot only. Tom is a 1978 graduate of the University of Michigan, where he studied Political Science and Economics. Public policy, Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom Tom Weidman has been an active public servant, in Sycamore Township and throughout the Greater Cincinnati area, for almost 30 years. **Hamilton County Township Association President since 2008 **HC Republican Party Executive Committee Member since 2008 This page is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. He received 2,391 votes to claim 62% of the votes against challenger Carolyn Morris. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Sycamore, Illinois Election Guide brings together local election information, polling places, poll locations, poll times from independent public sources like the League of Women Voters; Vote411.org and the Vote Smart project. Effective upon being declared adopted. text-align: center; Document Library. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. All three ran as Independents. 6. Normal business hours are from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Veterans Honor Roll. State legislature | In Aurora, incumbent Mayor Richard Irvin is being challenged by Alderman Judd Lofchie and John Laesch. **Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority Member of the Board since 2012 Illinois online voter registration application. Before moving here, he served as Vice President and then President of a 180-home Homeowners Association in an Atlanta suburb. 308 West State StreetSycamore, IL 60178Phone: 815-895-4515Fax: 815-899-2054, City addresses inaccurate description of settlement, Determine your home's eligibility with a 60-second form. At his first meeting as a Trustee on January 5th, 2006, his fellow trustees agreed with Tom, making Sycamore Township sex offender notification rules the strictest of any community in Ohio . Tom has always worked hard to find the balance between Commercial and Residential properties to allow both to co-exist. Illinois state executives PROJECTED WINNER: Independent Cohen Barnes (62.8%) is projected to win the race for Mayor of DeKalb, over Carolyn Morris (37.2%). 46: Jim Weidman, Jason Lacroix, Stephen Mack, Andrew Schmidt, Dist. In Sycamore, Steve Braser received 81% of votes to be elected mayor. This ballot is cast by personal appearance at the. 44: Courtney Simek, James Robinette, Sarah Novey, Cary Weisgram, Dist. Aldermanic elections are held every two years, at which time half of the City Council is elected. Voter Registration, Absentee Ballots, Candidates, Types of Voting Machines, Ballot Measures and more. Both men ran as independents. Type in your Search Keyword (s) and Press Enter. Besides serving the residents of Sycamore Township as Trustee, Tom also serves the public on the following Boards: **Sycamore Township Community Improvement Corporation (501c3) member 2012 Type in your Search Keyword(s) and Press Enter ICYMI: Chris Dargis Joins WGN Political Report, Oswego Village President Troy Parlier Endorses Scott Gryder, Regan Deering is Supported by Republicans that Want to End Social Security and Medicare. Click here to view our 2023 Sycamore, IL Election Guide where you can find information and links regarding absentee voting, candidates, polling places, registration, and much more. The cause of death was throat cancer. There were five candidates in that race who appeared in a forumtalking about their goals for the school district on April 1, 2021. "I was born and raised here, and now I'm raising my own three sons here, so it's very near and dear to my heart.".