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Around 5 a.m. Monday, a loud sound moved through parts of Anchorage. You feel the sound.. BroadfordBoy I first experienced this as a nocturnal phenomenon in the early 1960s when I lived on the edge of a large city I know this because (I cringe to recall) I referenced it in a poem I wrote for the school magazine. RoyfromBungay Maybe the Hum could be beat frequencies. The noise was very loud and sounded extremely close and no construction or large machines was operating in the area at the time (not allowed at that time in the morning) and this area is not near a factory or train station or any other place that could be a reasonable source of this noise between 6am and 7am (although there is a NATO training base and a Spanish military airbase nearby). Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. If its not natural, human-made or harmless, it must be the return of Jesus, the work of Satan, an insidious Government conspiracy, the beginning of the New World Order, a message from Aliens, a test run of Project Blue Beam or a mind-control attempt by HAARP! Most of them the sound needs to be louder. 2:30 my daughter woke I put her to bed tryed to go back to bed but heard sounds outside ,so I stepped out in the snow and heard wat sounded like trumpets in the sky it was a beautiful sound More about this and other astronomy highlights 2023 According to Dean Regas, astronomer at the Cincinnati Observatory, those Erie lights are Starlink satellites, a fleet of communication satellites orbiting several hundred miles above earth . The Muhammads - Pallas 6. Other people in my town heard it too. The largest video list of sky sounds in the sky in 2020 The next time that you hear any weird sound that you can't immediately identify, please notify us. Explore. Sounding like a trumpet or a collective from a brass. But for the time being, you will likely continue to see these trains of satellites in the night sky. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I heard it three or four times in the 70s. The satellites can appear as bright streaks in telescope images, ruining observations of galaxies and stars. According to Robb, theres not a railroad yard nearby, nor a factory, or anything else he can think of that might be responsible for the unusual loud noises. One theory is tunneling for the hyperloop. But it was constant, directionless and difficult to say if felt or heard. The noises are inaudible to human ears unless the volume is high. 7.9M views 4 years ago #InsideEdition Strange sounds are being heard around the world, and no one seems to know where they're coming from. Some ressemble a loud engine, a rumbling, the slamming metallic door or even a lithning stike, others more like a groaning. 6. Annual Fast Will Begin With A Crescent MoonAnd End With A Total Eclipse Of The Sun. And a lot of ppl had left the park. Video, Mysterious sound coming from Merapi volcano on March 16, 2020 Video, Strange noise near Phillips 66 refinery in UK on March 15, 2020 Video, Weird noise in the backyard on March 15, 2020 Video, Another weird sound in the sky on March 14, 2020 Video, Strange dull drum-like sound in the distance in Australia on March 12, 2020 Video, Mysterious sounds in the sky at California related to missing cases Video, Scary noises from the sky on March 8, 2020 Video, Strange noises in the sky Ontario Canada on March 6, 2020 Video, Weird sky rumble in Singapore on March 5, 2020 Video, Mysterious sky sounds in US on March 4, 2020 Video, Weird sky quakes in Arkansas on March 4, 2020 Video, Strange sky noises, Auckland, New Zealand, 3/3/2020 Video, Mysterious humming noise in Europe on February 27, 2020 Video, Apocalyptic Sky Trumpets on February 25, 2020 Video, Terrifying trumpet sounds heard in the Philippines on February 23, 2020 Video, Strange Sounds coming from the sky again on February 23, 2020 Video, Loud noises from the sky at night on February 20, 2020 Video, Unexplained groaning sounds baffle residents of Anchorage on February 16, 2020 ADN, Strange Sounds, Mysterious noise in the sky hits Sunderland UK just before storm Dennis hits video, Weird noises recorded in Tennessee on Feb 13th video, Epic bip sound hear in the Cascade Mountains on February 12, 2020 video, Strange Sound From Sky captured on February 11, 2020 over Edmonton, Canada video, Weird metallic sound in East Tennessee on February 10, 2020 video, What the hell are these mysterious noises from the sky? Comment: It sounded like a high pitch noise for nearly a 1 minute over Gainesville, Florida. Comment: I woke up to a strange alien noise in the sky of Norman, OK Monday morning between 4-5am (CST) April 13, 2020 (yesterday). Its also sporadic, ramping up for about 20 seconds and then disappearing. expecially in the quieter and more silent countries. YouTuber Daniel Robb recently shared footage of unusual screaming sounds emanating from the sky during a lightning storm in Bryan, Texas on May 27, 2020. Ah, speculation, but the point is, that the trumpet or Shofar, is being used by those Above, to reach specific individuals for their own reasons. As Robb states in the footage, the noises consisted of a vibration sound followed by a loud shriek like a bansheea blood-curdling scream. These screams went on for at least half an hour. Now Theyre Living Mortgage Free! "Its definitely a phenomenon of some kind.. The jellyfish can be very poisonous and cause people to go into shock or die on the spot from the amount of poison entering a person's body at one time. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Would love to know what it is. On that date they'll be just 0.5 degrees apart, and appear to shine. I went to investigate looking up . It most definitely was not music, and I am convinced it was the Suffolk noise. Metallic Sasquatch Leads to Flat Tire In Montana, Watch SpaceXs Starship SN10 Launch, Land, and Eventually Explode, Not Quite Ghosts: When Radio Waves Make the Walls Speak. Im in Mississippi, i had a friend say she also something similar the same night around the same time but she lives in Texas. A mysterious noise from the sky is continuing to baffle people all over the world - as well as giving those who hear it sleepless nights. I thought I saw a strange light in the sky over the ocean through my window. This is when all the believers will be removed from the earth, and the bible says the dead in Christ will rise first. About two percent of the population can hear it, typically resembling a monotonous subwoofer or diesel truck engine idling in the distance. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. My work is entirely READER-SUPPORTED. Weird and strange news stories from across the globe. I think it is all the same, I just dont know what the cause of it is, Thompson said. But with, The curious tale of a particularly persistent Elsa doll has been lighting up paranormal circles and national headlines this week. Video, Weird sounds from sky on the Island Nttery in Norway, Europe Video, Mysterious humming noise in rebro, Sweden on March 24 Video, Mysterious noises at midnight on March 24 Video, Terrifying sounds recorded in the Sky of Middle East Video, Creepy trumpet sounds in the sky compilation Video, Strange Shortwave Radio Oddity Signal Findings UVB76 on March 22 Video, Creepy sound of earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia on March 22 Video, Strange sounds in Nashville, Tennessee on March 21 Video, Strange sky noises in Singapore on March 19 Video, Strange sounds in Novosibirsk 19.03.2020 Video, Angel Moroni Loses Trumpet in Earthquake on March 18 Video, Strange Sounds in Hialeah, Florida at night Video, Are You Hearing Very High Up Engine Sound In The Sky? Question: This person as said, must be very powerful, perhaps even a god-like being, that can do awesome things, yet chooses to hide out, amongst the likes of us mere mortals and is strong enough to do as he/she pleases. It sounds like really heavy equipment. It's definitely not people making this noise, there is no construction happening nearby, and no trains make that noise. Recorded at 11:48pm. Literally, I wear earplugs to sleep at night, and it woke me up, Quinn-Davidson said. It's definitely weird, sounds like a trumpet. My thoughts too! The person I was with heard it too, and we joked about UFOS. But just as everyone has a different description for the sound, they also have a different explanation. The lack of human noise during lockdown has made people more aware of background meteorological sounds, from wind to distant thunder. June 8, 2022 strange noise in the sky at night 2020 . The rumor-debunking website Snopes says that scientists point to natural causes, such as earthquakes, tidal waves, methane explosions and even shifting sand dunes, as the possible reasons for the . As well as the earth that we as humans are destroying by taking from it for our own benefit all the time. Here is Edmonton, Alberta, one can hear strange sounds when ice is being scraped off the roads, but that cannot account for these as we have clear roads and there has not been low enough temperatures to freeze everything sufficiently for ice removal! Get On The List To Receive Your Daily Dose Of Weird News And Amazing Phenomena. Its almost like a foghorn, and screeching metal on metal, said Jamie James, who heard the sound as she was getting ready for work in her home near Lake Spenard. Orb ball of light night sky stationary then started moving low altitude: 3/4/22: 1/15/22 02:35 . However, people have raised concerns about the number of satellites SpaceX is launching. This is a worldwide phenomenon,\" he said. He often referred to the Suffolk Hum or Suffolk Noise which, he said a small proportion of people could sense when he was a child and later on. and the earthquake was of higher magnitude, hence louder tectonic sound. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). Strange sounds are being heard around the world, and no one seems to know where they're coming from. But fear not. Thanks in advance! Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Especially with real-time meteorological charts? Download and use 100,000+ Night Sky stock photos for free. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Scientists Continue Doing Weird Things With Video Games, Engineered Arts Unveils Ameca, the Most Advanced Humanoid Robot. Blood red sky over Bavaria, Germany on January 5, 2023 [People report odd interactions with lynx as their numbers grow in Anchorage]. SpaceX launches the satellites on its Falcon 9 rockets. But, He says, take care that youre not deceived; this is after the abomination of desolation. All Rights Reserved. Often it starts at a certain time, usually between 2200-0100 but it also can be present throughout the day. But she, too, had heard the noise.