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Using Kerio is a USELESS suggestion.OMG, It's absolutely AMAZING what READING PROPERLY can do for a person! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Your mouse should now be connected! If your mouse pointer movement disappears, follow these steps to determine if your computer is completely frozen. "), and they kept focusing on that point, which is what made me so angry. Simply close the app, and it should work upon opening it again. Thankfully the fix is a pretty simple one. Oh my gawd, Id have your babies if it were biologically possible!!!! After LastPass's breaches, my boss is looking into trying an on-prem password manager. I wrote a blog post a while back about the disappearing mouse cursor in Visual Studio on virtual machines that Id connect to using remote desktop. Thanks! Deselect Auto-hide the taskbar. still the cursor is not visible on the remote computer which i have remoted in to, please help. I know that Splashtop has the ability to do what I need as I showed in my post, so I asked a very targeted select audience this question, "So, can any other Splashtop users verify that this scenario works?" While remote printing between two identical OS is simple, what happens if you need to print from a Windows to Mac or vice versa? I don't get why you fail to comprehend that simple fact.Regarding your "I also note the plethora of splash top users" comment, I looked for a Splashtop-specific forum and found Remote Support. Flashback: March 3, 1971: Magnavox Licenses Home Video Games (Read more HERE.) Hope this helps someone else besides me, who likes the original white cursor scheme. Users can even execute this via a remote session while connected with Splashtop. To connect your mouse to your iPad or iPhone, follow the steps below: Set Up Bluetooth Mouse to iPad or iPhone Open the Settings app Select Accessibility Select Touch Select the AssistiveTouch toggle - this will open a new menu Select the AssistiveTouch toggle at the top to turn it on In the same menu, select Pointing Devices Move on!Gregg, For any poor soul who may still be following this thread, the originalSPECIFIC issue with Splashtop has been fixed with their release on 6/21/20 of the Splashtop Streamer version, a product specific to Splashtop and NO other product.The new Splashtop Streamer fixes the SPECIFIC Splashtop issue I noted in my original post and as noted multiple times, it is 100% unrelated to ANY other products suggested or mentioned.Note: items in bold text were highlighted in case someone else has poor reading skills.Gregg, BTW, who is "Denis (LiteManager)" and why is he spicing every post?Gregg, You sound like someone who would go to the doctor complaining of pain in the third finger of your right hand, and when the doctor asks, "Can I amputate your left foot? I had to remove the machine from the domain Before doing that . Bonus Flashback: March 3, 1969: Apollo 9 launched (Read more HERE.) Its been fun to see how much relief this tip has been bringing to clearly frustrated people! Click " Apply " and then " OK ." However, if the remote computer is on your companys network while youre remotely accessing it to browse the internet, your company can still monitor your internet activity as if you were using the office computer in person. On the guest machine (that you are remoting into) simply edit the current Windows theme and change the mouse cursor. (Mine shows disabled if I use the function key to disable it- surprise..:)) My i.t dept had no idea how to fix this. Workaround If the computer indeed does not have enough video memory, there are two proven workarounds available: 1. In my case, I use a VM for work on a personal machine, as I am a contractor and the work VM needs to be on the network and have all the group policy stuff, which like many organisations has its theme logod for corporate satisfaction. You can also select Pointing Devices and then select your mouse to customize the mouse buttons. Therefore, ANY response mentioning a product other than Splashtop is 100% irrelevant. As it stands, the only Splashtop plans that offer remote printing access are: Additionally, users can only remotely print documents if their desktop or laptop computer uses one of following operating systems: Its also a good idea to remember that the remote print feature is only available during an active remote session. Starting the session from a mobile device is very similar to starting from a computer. Splashtop users are able to toggle the blank screen on/off while in a remote session, as well as the lock remote computers keyboard and mouse to prevent tampering while youre working on the computer. I realized I messed up when I went to rejoin the domain To fix the issue, uninstall that update. or I've also had a blue remote screen, but can see the mouse moving. Generally, Splashtop should be fairly responsive with 1.5 - 2Mbps of uplink from the computer being remotely accessed. After LastPass's breaches, my boss is looking into trying an on-prem password manager. Please help attach logs in your ticket. I was about to start digging into Citrix settings. This is usually a temporary loading issue, which means all the user must do is open the recent applications menu on their mobile device. Download Splashtop Wired XDisplay HD - Extend & Mirror and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It allows you to remotely access desktops, laptops, and servers from anywhere over the internet or LAN. For more information, please see our So pleased I found this after trawling through all the idiot didnt read the manual posts on other sites. After a second, your iPad will be screen mirrored onto your computer. Cant you just use VNC or something similar? Geez, you may as well have recommended trying to open Excel without issue. Its possible to use Splashtop and RDP together, but as you Try tapping the touchscreen with your finger, and then try tapping the screen with your surface pen. Apply, and voila, the cursor is visible again and the remaining pointers are still white. Select. My name is Helga York. Splashtop offers users a simple, cost effective wireless touchpad/keyboard solution. A recent New York Times article titled How Your Boss Can Use Your Remote-Work Tools to Spy on You has led some people to worry that Splashtop can be used as a tool for managers to spy on their employees. Fixed Windows 10 Remote Desktop mouse issue. QED. Gregg, sorry to hear the issues. Before doing anything, make sure the issue isn't a temporary one. The Best Apps to Control Windows PC with Android and iPhone [contentsdisabled] You can view the screen, open files and work with applications on your phones gadgets normally (although maybe not as quickly) as if you were right in front of that computer. Select Google Chrome and click Uninstall. Splashtop remote access and remote support solutions. AnyViewer is a safe and reliable remote access software for Windows. Passionate about delivering compelling solutions on the Office 365/SharePoint platform. This black screen will linger for a few seconds, and then the app crashes. Sometimes it happens to me when I have a second monitor plugged in and doing that usually fixes it. It's irrelevant to your specific situation, but hey, hack it off and see if it fixes the problem!Gregg. Neither VNC nor SOS uses the Splashtop file that was the root of the "known issue" that was unknown to my Splashtop techs so ALL other products are irrelevant, even SOS.------------"testing other remote desktop apps does not exhibit the same issue, ergo you could discount an actual PC problem and could have proven to the technical team, seeing as they were being so obtuse, that it was the splashtop software that was at fault if they tried to tell you it wasn't. Yes No AM ambercalm Replied on October 4, 2016 This does work in LogMeIn, TeamViewer and GoToMyPC. New features in Splashtop Personal App for Android; Suggestions for Best Performance; Why do I get a "satellite" icon on the computer name? Pc mac download - Splashtop Remote Desktop download free - Access your computer from another PC or phone - free software downloads - best software, shareware, demo and trialware Vincent (the first responding tech have this same information?Why did In this article, we've seen how to get set up with Splashtop SOS. Users will find the taskbar located at the bottom of the office computer. It is so frustrating when it disappears . Hello!I have a ticket open with Splashtop support (#111861) but I am getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE with them. That's useful clarification. They give you the code displayed in the app and you use that code in your Splashtop app to remotely access and control their Android device. Check the Synaptics 'Device Settings' tab, Tapping, and check Tapping is enabled. Lock the streamer settings using Splashtop admin credentials. Proving that someone else's product works when I had already proven that their own product can work would have been a waste of time. Most often, users will receive a black screen upon opening the app. They chose to ignore that and kept focusing on the Console session.I am mad because they kept ignoring what the were being told. Thanks and apology for the issue encountered. 0 Comment actions Techsupport November 18, 2015 20:46 Just to add another item: The menu dropdown works after I make any change to the Windows Theme. The Addon "3dxInventor" is NOT installed. (Idk why) No, I did not, and the reason that I did not ask is because IT IS IRRELEVANT if others have the same problem. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our cookie policy. Flashback: March 3, 1971: Magnavox Licenses Home Video Games (Read more HERE.) Remember that each SOS license allows 1 technician at a time to use SOS. not useful to get the answer as to why exchange isn't installing but proves that you don't have a local PC issue with installing software and allows you to discount the local PC being unable to install anything as the source of the problem. In no time youll feel more in control of your computer when accessing it from an iPhone or iPad! thanks for leaving the comment. Hit the monitor icon on the Splashtop ribbon. Any help welcome please before we get onto Splashtop support? Just started using Office over RDP I was lucky to stumble across this page to fix this annoying issue. My Microsoft Keyboard or Mouse doesn't do what I want it to You can change settings, set left-click, right-click, and middle click settings, key settings and configurations, and scrolling resolution. Users can then drag the monitor window to the second monitor on their home computer as well as expand each one to fill its respective screen. Now, when Windows is loading with the spinning dot on the display, press and hold the power. If so, you may need to enable an HID emulator. On the Client machine, launch Remote Desktop, and create a virtual desktop connection. My thought process was maybe if I locked it on the computer I'm playing on, it would be locked in the same position as the splashtop game. It's 100% irrelevant to getting the Exchange issue fixed.". Is there a way i can do that please help. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. 3) After selecting language, press Shift + F10 to open Command Prompt. Just because you may know of other remote support tools doesn't mean that you have actually considered using one to test whether they also exhibit the same issue in the scenario. Thanks. I decided to let MS install the 22H2 build. Mouse Lagging and Beeping Sound Since the mouse is usb connected, there will be no problems with sharing the device. THANK YOU for sharing. Operating system not responding. Reinstall Google Chrome. I did not need ANY other steps to prove that. Its work when I change the guest os one. Solution 1. '"Oh, I understood that completely when I first read it. On the streamer computer, navigate as follows: Right-click install_driver64.bat (for 64-bit OS) or install_driver.bat (for 32-bit OS), Create a remote session to the client computer, Once the drivers installed, a virtual display will appear after a remote session begins effectively (usually called SP-DSP00), Show solid color background on remote computer desktop. Silly me for thinking that all the Splashtop users I see here nearly every time someone asks about remote support would be silent on the issue.Again, look at my scenario of an Exchange problem and someone suggesting Kerio. So glad I googled this and found your answer, its been so annoying! Run FlexiHub on the virtual desktop, and login. Our team actually found a potential issue that terminal session switching doesn't work for selective Windows 7 machines. this might be the cause for the issue here as you tried to switched to terminal session on WIn7. The user only has to run the app, there is no install process. Splashtop is a remote access tool that enables remote workers to access and control their office computers. Below weve provided several ways to resolve Splashtop connection issues. On mobile devices, the experience of controlling the remote computer is a little different than when working on a computer because you wont have a mouse. My original post outlined a SPECIFIC issue with Splashtop and requested someone else test with Splashtopusing the Splashtop-specific steps outlined. Where have YOU been all my life? comes to mind. Options are to Reject after the request expires, Allow after the request expires, or Off. Copyright 2023 Splashtop Inc. All rights reserved. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 3D mouse working remote. Because you came on a forum with extremely limited to none knowledge on the software in question after originally not getting the answer you were looking for and getting nowhere with the one and only set of people that could actually help you. perfectly!Why didnt As Chrome Remote Desktop is a Chrome web-based tool, uninstalling and reinstalling Google Chrome can also fix the problem. This also works for the issue of a black box around the mouse pointer in Remote Desktop. So, if you are using a computer and someone else remotes into it, you will see a pop up letting you know. If your company has installed software on your work computer such as ActivTrak or SentryPC to track the web pages you visit, software you install, or other activity, then that tracking on your work computer will happen regardless of whether you are sitting in front of it in the office or remoting into it from home. With iOS 13 introducing mouse support, you can control your remote desktop with a mouse when remote connecting from an iPad or iPhone iOS device. Thanks for leaving your comments, youre right it might help others! If you have five licenses then any five people from your list of technicians can use SOS concurrently. Open the Start / Settings menu (click the gear icon in the left column); Navigate as follows: System>Power & Sleep. They were telling me it couldn't be done at first. This means that when using a mouse while remoting from an iOS device to a computer, you have to use it the same way you would use your fingers to control the screen. After entering the 9 digit code into the SOS screen of your Splashtop app, click the arrow to connect and the remote access session will begin. Click the "+" SOS icon or select SOS | Connect to Users Computer from themenu, You will see a Connect to Users Computer dialog where you will enter the 9-digit code that the user gives you (in the steps below). Close any/all other readers and browsers that might have open PDFs, Visit the Adobe Acrobat Readers official, Save the installer on the Windows machine, Click Finish once the installation is complete. Sometimes the remote session isnt as crisp as the one users would experience when operating the computer at the office. You will see a screen that looks like this where you enter the users 9-digit code. Therefore, you can try repairing MBR and rebuilding BCD to fix the Windows Automatic Repair not working issue. You said it because you failed to properly read and comprehend the issue at hand and that the requested test steps had nothing to do with ANYTHING other than the specific software and specific situation outlined in my original post.---------Finally, the fact that Splashtop themselves, minus my support techs, knew about the problem PROVES ONCE AGAIN that my points have all been correct and that "Cant you just use VNC or something similar?" Our support team has not heard of this issue before. can you proceed to file a ticket so we can assign someone to work with you to resolve and escalate to product team when needed. ", which is completely unrelated to Splashtop's issue. If the user visits the SOS app download page from an Android device, they are prompted to download the SOS Android app from the Google Play store. With SOS, you can run remote access sessions from your computer (Windows or Mac) or from a mobile device or tablet (iOS or Android). 1 Comment actions 0 One of the most frustrating problems with Splashtop is when it only shows a black screen while trying to create a remote session to an unmanned Windows computer. Thank you. When I first set it up, everything was fine, then in came new IT manager and applied the company theme to everything and the problems start. Copyright 2023 Splashtop Inc. All rights reserved. BTW, their SOS product DOES work on these problem systemswhich I figured out a few days after my post.Did I ask if other remote support tools had the issue? They give you the code and you enter it in your Splashtop App (after clicking the SOS + icon) and that starts the session. It seems the problem is more widespread and affects most input or editing controls across many applications in the remote desktop session. Step 3. [Windows Key]- type mouse and use the arrow keys to go to change pointer size [Enter] to select it and then right or left arrow to increase or decrease size brings it back for me. Follow instructions 1-5 above to make sure AssistiveTouch is turned on. Splashtop recently released update versions. Thanks Gregg. Steps: Open the Terminal on the computer with streamer installed and execute the command: touch "/Users/Shared/SplashtopStreamer/com.splashtop.input.hid" Restart the "Splashtop Streamer" program. First noticed this behavior after logging in with splashtop. Think this help any others like me. That means an issue SPECIFIC TO Exchange servers, so recommending Kerio or any other mail server is 100% IRRELEVANT because a "specific Exchange server" issue is NOT a network problem and "isn't receiving emails" is not "specific" to Exchange. Set secondary authentication options, such asdevice authenticationandtwo-factor verification to prevent unauthorized users from remoting into your computers under your account. This is what fails at my client's office to their Win 7 computers. It could be that the computer is frozen, meaning it is not responding to any commands you give it.In this case, the touchpad would also not be working. Reinstall Google Chrome and try again. If uninstalling the update didnt help, check for blocked access to Splashtop servers due to anti-virus/firewall software: Mac users can experience issues with Splashtop (like Splashtop black screen errors). Step 1. Complex processes are happening to adjust different screen resolutions between home and at the office and this can cause some visual side effects. It is a bit extreme and long winded but it would allow you to confirm exchange was at fault, but ultimately it isn't actually an irrelevant suggestion and it does depend on what the issue is as to whether you would do this. However, another option besides uninstalling drivers is to reboot a key called VirtualDisplay. Im using Windows 11. Sound like it is working. Next streamer update will fix these win7 corner cases, targeting end of June (in 2 weeks). Step 2. And what are the pros and cons vs cloud based. Mouse pointer does not change to resize or hyperlink when hovering over edges of windows or URLs etc. Our team will post a response for you at Splashtop support site (your ticket) shortly with a workaround to resolve the corner case win7 issue. You can remotely control the computer, open files, and more using the iOS touch based interface. I added a "LocalAdmin" -- but didn't set the type to admin. Sadly this doesnt work for me. You should see a prompt to pair your mouse. Learn how your comment data is processed. So, first interaction here, so if more is needed, or if I am doing something wrong, I am open to suggestions or guidance with forum ettiquette. My tablet and computer are on the same local network. It does not matter if every other vendor on the planet cannot connect to an active RDP session, because I already KNOW that Splashtop CAN do it by design with their Splashtop Streamer. Perhaps Mark from Splashtop may have an answer. Sorry JR Im still on my learners plates when it comes to Mac . You can edit the tracking speed, edit cursor size and color, and more. And for this you can use Flexihub software. Automatically blank the remote screen when connected. If you do not have a touchscreen monitor or Windows PC, and your mouse and your keyboard have stopped working in Windows 11/10, it makes things a bit difficult. my problem is that my newly bought Spacemouse Pro doesnt really work when it comes to Hotkeys in Inventor. In the Mouse properties window, change the Scheme to Windows Black (system scheme). No, Splashtop does not monitor your web traffic while remotely accessing a work computer. Limitations of the "Lock keyboard and mouse" feature "Exchange isn't receiving emails" can you use kerio to see if that receives email? If nothing else works, try downloading the certificate (gdroot-g2.crt) from GoDaddy: Turn on Reduce display quality when network is slow: Try utilizing lower resolution for the remote display , Check for network issues by running a ping test on both computers/devices, Open terminal/command prompt and type ping -t, Run the test above on both machines (while being connected to Splashtop), and check the results for errors and connection timeouts when disconnects occur, Run speed tests on both of the computers/devices, Once the test is complete, note the networks upload, download, ping, and download speed as high ping times (latency) can trigger lag during remote sessions, Even if the test returns a pass result, ensure non-ssl packets are permitted via port 443, Navigate as follows: System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Privacy, Click on the lock at the bottom of the window to make edits to the Accessibility settings, Click on the lock again to make sure no further edits can be made. The annually-billed price is $28.6 per computer per month. Do you see that ITALICIZED word "specific" right before "Exchange server" in the scenario? Privacy Policy. Please note: You can switch the setting back to extend these displays upon returning to the office. Remember that if youre remotely controlling your office computer, any software your company uses to track your activity on your office computer can still be used, just as if you were using the work computer in-person. The good news is, this is not a huge obstacle and the solution is practically as simple as printing from the same operating systems, once the correct reader is installed. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. OMG! It felt like I am dealing with Dell support techs with their blinders on.I will do their suggested workaround and try it again.Thank your much less frustrating help!Gregg, Mark,The question Do the cursor settings go back to the original settings? However, if you'd like a free alternative, we have mentioned one in the article itself. For example, you can set the right click to be the home button. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. When you start a session to access a Windows computer, there is a checkbox where you have the option to Connect as Admin. So, when remoting into your computer, click and hold the mouse and then move the cursor up and down to scroll. You can try these steps to resolve the issue: Configure Splashtop settings for individual remote PCs: The next time users create a connection, the display will be crisper since its adjusted the resolution to mirror your home computer/laptop. Create a new remote connection to the Windows machine and start printing. Unfortunately, this solution did not fix my Windows 10 mouse cursor issue while working remotely . When a computer freezes, the first sign is usually that the mouse has stopped responding on the monitor. As I said before, "Using any of the others is IRRELEVANT to my issue with SPLASHTOP. I do almost all my work over RDP and this was driving me crazy! By the time I tested SOS, Splashtop already had the answer because it was a"known issue", but MY techs didn't know about it.________You really should keep "smug mode" off. Ok, so it's a touchpad issue. With both Splashtop and TeamViewer, mouse tracking and clicks were always registered straight away, and transferring files was also fast. I have a system with me which has dual boot os installed. is a KNOWN ISSUE?Gregg. I'm a freelance writer specializing in technical communication. It could not be the computer hardware or any other software problem because the choice to connect to the active RDP session DID NOTHING when clicked in spite of it showing in their software. and was challenged. I dont know how many mistakes I made because I couldnt see the (expletive deleted) mouse pointer. If so, change the cursor movement in Excel so it's set up properly. They have COMPLETELY MISSED what I am telling them or have given me false information.I have users on Windows 7 who are accessing their work computers from home via Remote Desktop Connection (don't worry, it's only after they authenticate to their WatchGuard firewall. This option can be enabled or disabled by using the Lock keyboard and mouse checkbox in the Security tab of the Streamer. To approach a computer remotely, it must first be set up . Then you can use your iPad as a second display for your Windows. This seems abnormal situation as I have never heard of this.One thing our team suggested to try is to turn on remote cursor in client toolbar and see if remote cursor shows the correct cursor changes.. (you would see 2 cursors on screen). As you try to remote in using Splashtop into the console session, the RDP will disconnect. Youll see the circular cursor on screen once connected. Launch the app on your PC and choose " iOS " and then " USB ". Solution 6. You can do this by disconnecting the mouse from the USB port and plugging it back in. The Current Sessions list shows you currently running sessions under your account. Right-click on entry for the mouse you're troubleshooting. This section will deal with issues like Splashtop dual monitor not working and Splashtop not working when the monitor is turned off, because users cant connect to a remote computer if its not active. Any quicker keyboard shortcuts? Youinstalled the Splashtop Business app that the technician uses and clicked the +SOS icon to start an SOS session, We gave the remote user instructions to download and run the SOS app and give the technician the 9 digit number, Next, wesaw how the technician enters that number in their app and can remote access and control the user's device, And finally, we saw how to manage your SOS account online, including managing multiple technicians under one account. response? Mouse pointer disappearing when using splashtop for extended display. So, "Actually it would allow you to work out whether you have an exchange error or a network error" is also USELESS, and "Using kerio is a useful suggestion" is wrong,because I already know in that scenario that it is a "specific" Exchange server issue. Just open the Splashtop Streamer and choose Install Printer Driver. done in the video is exactly as described. I'm excited to be here, and hope to be able to contribute. Step 4. To verify, connect to a remote computer using RDP (via VPN or protected login as I outlined), then connect to that user's RDP session using Splashtop as in the image below.I appreciate any help!Gregg. Some seem to have resolved this by either enabling or disabling mouse trails in Control Panel -> mouse.