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AVOID:Wide, stiff styles. The Soft Classic Style (Kibbe Body Type) | InfinitCloset Style Analysis Do You Have a High-Contrast Face? Draped necklines or cowls are a great choice. I also want to draw attention to Graces waist. This isnt to take the fun out of your wardrobe, but the goal is not to overwhelm your soft balance. *. AVOID:Multicolored splashes. If nature has endowed you with straight or curly hair, you should not interfere with changing its structure but only maintain them at the proper length. You might also choose subtle low-lights if your hair is in these color ranges. It is the overall combination of a slight soft physicality with a refined and gracious essence. Angular shapes. Fabric should be lightweightwith slight sheen of silk best. Kibbe style suggestions dont have to be as complicated as you think when you initially start diving into your ID. It is used as an afterthought, and should onlysuggesta Romantic streak. After all, celebrities are always trying to look their best. Overly clingy fabrics, Extremely shiny fabrics (except for evening). Bizberg Themes, Gails New Videos, Vote for Tulsi Gabbard/Bernie Sanders, Tucker Carlson & Russia Today, Ron Pauls Liberty Report, The Hill, Counterpunch, Kim Iversen, Truthout, RT America Videos, Libertarian News, Buddhism, Antiwar.com Blog, OpEd News, Buddhist Teachings, Dallas Theological Seminary, RT America: Most Accurate Mainstream U.S. News; Bill OReilly, CGTN (China) News; The Grayzone News; Jimmy Dore Show; Chris Hedges (Scheerpost). Cookie Notice Clean, soft necklines are a great place to start. Like jeans & sneakers/tennis shoes casual? 101. Soft Classics need to accommodate their balance/moderation and their slight curve. If you are deep autumn, you can use the blended approach with simply darker colors. There is a balance to her body and a slight curve. Soft classics do very well with soft and light sweaters that have a luxurious feel. So this week, Im sharing all of the Soft Classic body research that Ive done. I have a video here with an overview of my interpretations of jeans for each Kibbe ID. I dont know who needs to read, Soft Classic outfit inspiration, Ive started a Pinterest board. Slightly ornate trim (but not fussy). In terms of length, moderate-to-long lengths are usually the most harmonious. I think youll find that they each share aradiantly elegant beauty, along with a graciously refined essence. Skinny jeans that hit at the ankle and that dont have a lot of detail or wear marks are best. Realistic and natural colors are best. AVOID:Unrealistic or theatrical hair colors (blue-black, fiery red, platinum blond, etc.). Slightly round facial features large eyes and full lips and cheeks; the facial bones is symmetrical shape and evenly spaced. Her YouTube channel is a great learning tool for dressing better and shopping smarter. Hair color should be soft and luxurious. Be tallBe extremely petite or small boned with extra delicate hands and feet. Some of the information below may be outdated. However, remember these are just guidelines and the best way is to try these styles, take a photo, and evaluate the garment on your proportions. Chunky styles. Rene Zellweger *. But then, you stumble upon Kibbe. Take these suggestions as a starting point, try them on, and evaluate your head-to-toe look and how the clothes look on YOUR body, and if they represent YOU. In the case of the Soft Classic that would be accommodating balance/moderation and curve. Subdued trim is possible (beautiful and unusual buttons, or small, elegant belts, soft gathers, etc.). Marissa Tomei. The Classic family consisted of three IDs: The Dramatic Classic, the Pure Classic, and the Soft Classic. But dont get bogged down if your style doesnt lean classic. For more information, please see our Im 52, these are the 8 Best Dresses for Short Women, 10 Fashion Mistakes Every Short Girl Should Avoid, Im 52, these are the 11 Best Jeans for Short Women, How to Hide your Belly: 21 Must Know Clothing Hacks. Flared shapes are best, and waist definition is essential (although it may be slightly dropped in very clingy fabric). You can find the full list of extensive exercises in the Strictly Kibbe Facebook group, here. I thought that maybe, the best option for me is to only take into consideration the body part of the test and use the essence system for my face, what do you think? The Classic family is known for its moderation, balance, and blended characteristics. Her overall appearance is balanced, and no one feature sticks out more than the others, which is true of most Classics. But if you have long hair, more styling may need to be applied to create the polished look we are aiming for. You can see in my photo (Im a Flamboyant Natural), that my shoulders and length are immediately visible. Now youve accessed your yin/yang balance, had a crash course in Kibbe terminology, and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel when you wear those beautiful soft classic style lines. (not clingy!). Think of this process as similar to learning a new cooking recipe. Soft Classic Kibbe Body Type Celebrities. Shapes are round, ornate, and flowing while always remaining symmetrical. Thank you for creating this!!! And lastly, a list of bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers to follow who I believe are Soft Classic or serve Soft Classic outfit inspiration. Dont stray far from your natural hair-color. Picture frame or garden party styles with soft detail (silk flowers, etc.). Wash n wear styles. They will have an overall harmonious appearance to their face and body, with no feature appearing obviously disproportionate. Also, Mary is just a funny, vivacious, and charismatic personality to follow. Wide, unconstructed styles. Please note that these are general guidelines and just a starting point for exploring your ID. A slightly antique approach to your jewelry is best. You can also see Im wearing a more Soft Classic style dress. This will create a more personal approach to the style guidelines and take into consideration your unique blend. Pure washes that dont have wear, whisker marks, or holes are easiest for the SC. A wardrobe appropriate for the Soft Classic type should have mostly flowing shapes, just like hairstyle and makeup. You want the colors, textures, and elements to feel harmonious with one another and not have a staccato or sharp look to them. The foundation is a classic style that has been provided with fluidity and softness. If youre a low-contrast person, you may find a subtle highlight quite effective to add a little shimmer, but when covering gray, you must switch to an overall process. Hi Gabrielle!This is a helpful guide!Thank you so much! I have a video that generally goes over applying trends or unique styles to each kibbe family, and it can help further clarify the concept of the head-to-toe look, here. About Community. Please note that I originally wrote this blog post in 2015 on my previous website, GET the LOOK. Long (at least shoulder length), wavy hair will be the most attractive. After a while, you learn how to adjust the flavor profiles, tweak the ingredients, and adjust them to your own liking. Draped dresses are an excellent choice. Try looking into korean actresses, a SC body and essence are quite desirable for actresses. Naomi Watts, Jessica Chastain, and Marion Cotillard present one physiognomic type, and at the same time, three completely different color types: Bright Summer, True Spring, and True Winter, respectively. In the last classic type, identified with the adjective soft, the features are dominated by the female Yin. Softly blended eyeshadows and blushes are perfect. Some IDs have a very clear shape goal- the Dramatic Classics aim for an inverted triangle shape within their outfits outline. Brunettes should always avoid lightening or highlights because the result is very aging and tiring, particularly after youve begun to gray. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. SOFT CLASSIC CELEBRITIES. Przechowywanie lub dostp do danych technicznych jest cile konieczny do uzasadnionego celu umoliwienia korzystania z konkretnej usugi wyranie danej przez subskrybenta lub uytkownika, lub wycznie w celu przeprowadzenia transmisji komunikatu przez sie cznoci elektronicznej. Overstreaked hair. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Waist detail should be more minimal but allow for shaping; you could look for soft gathers or soft pleats. It is important to note that exploring and landing on a kibbe ID is recommended to be a 6+ month process. Separates are effective only if they are part of a well-matched, ensemble approach to your head-to-toe appearance. Hemline should be just below the top of the ankle so as to show a touch of the foot or shoe. Natural hair looks have come a long way in popularity, so just keep it more towards the controlled natural side and it will be great. And honestly, I dont think enough people are talking about it. And they should drape easily or flow along your bodys natural curve. Rounded shapes with slight trim (gathers, shirring, etc.). This is a great polished, SC outfit that has plus sizes available. So trying to compare yourself to a verified celeb or your neighbor will not lead to ID clarity. Its too confusing and there's rarely an image reference to make it understandable. As are dresses that have a flared shape with waist definition. This outfit has a classic feel, and polished look, and honors your slightly rounded edges. It would be best if you tried to achieve a smooth silhouette with slight shaping. (Be careful not to overdo!). Privacy Policy. Haircolor should be soft and luxurious. While both body types are on the shorter end, the soft natural body type generally extends up to 59, whereas most soft classic bodies arent taller than 56. They are a stepping stool helping you get to your own style ladder. Another example of how color analysis can be an insufficient element of the image was the casting of Naomi Watts as Princess Diana Spencer. Amazing quality way beyond what I imaged! Otherwise, the highlights will either mute down your haircolor (which will fade you) or overly brighten your coloring and give a brassy effect. Your email address will not be published. The whole look should have the effect of subdued watercolor. You could also try more fitted mom jeans that have some more fitting through the waist so that your curve is not lost. You want dresses that are soft, smooth and have soft waist definition. Also, when evaluating your bodys physical characteristics remember that these traits and proportions are only in comparison to your own body and not others. Color combinations should be softly monochromatic, with intensities blending together rather than sharply contrasting. Textures should be very light and soft. NOTE: Please keep in mind that there will be some avoids in each category. The most significant difference to note between the two styles is the bodys bone structure. Arms and legs are sometimes short, relevant to the total height; bust, hips and waist emphasis proportions are even. Facial features: 4E,1C. You can also subscribe without commenting. Jewel necklines and scoop necklines also accomplish this. The Soft Classic is referred to as a Graceful Lady. Subdued, intricate detail (applique, beading, shirring) is good. Shes actually a touch taller than I am, but she looks way less frame dominant. Therefore, concentrate on discovering the continuity that ties these celebrities together. In the below photos, you get an idea of Graces natural waist. Even the most ideally matched colors will not properly highlight the beauty if the forms and lines do not create a harmonious unity with the body. Soft Classic is virtually the opposite of Flamboyant Natural. Any advice on how to apply these concepts to a more casual/dressed down SC look? Wide, unconstructed silhouettes. Welcome! The dress looks great on me, I will definitely shop with Soft Classic again! Honestly none of the outfit advice on this subreddit is helpful. You can have a delicate lace trim in your blouse neckline or details, just nothing too over the top. So if youre not vibing with the following suggestions, consider taking your Kitchener Essence into consideration. Learn how your comment data is processed. Any natural hair texture can look good with a soft classic Kibbe style. Symmetrical, flowing shapes. 26. r/Kibbe. Nothing that has sharp edges or straight clean lines. Dearly Bethany a minimalist and capsule wardrobe enthusiast. Since the initial book was released, Kibbe has improved his approach and addressed the complaints that people might feel boxed-in by the overall recommendations or style ID adjectives. Animated, perky detail. You can opt for a slightly antique feel as well. Over streaked hair. However, Bethany rarely wears true Soft Classic styles. It adds a touch of sophistication and delicacy to your look. Soft classics have a beautiful, mesmerizing balance about them. Suspected Soft Classics (unverified but suspected). Theme by 17th Avenue, Hello there! Your seasonal color or preference on how to use color is more important than only abiding by these color suggestions. We want the sweaters to generally feel soft and smooth. The Soft Classic aims for soft, curved shapes that have rounded or delicate edges. This dress could also be made more casual with flat sandals, and a simple tote bag for summer or spring weekend outings. 164 cm (55) to approx. (Contrast EXPLAINED) Color Analysis 12 Seasons Color Analysis 4 Season Color Analysis Makeup Lists Style Analysis Cookies help us deliver our services. Dakota Johnson Perhaps a more modern version of Olivia de Havilland. The classic blouse with skinny jeans and matching accessories provides a chic and casual look. Ornate and fitted jackets, over gowns (shoulder tucks, shirring, etc.). Smooth, soft, symmetrical silhouettes with slight shaping. NOTE: Please dont go crazy trying to find pieces that fit every guideline. The best way to start evaluating your Kibbe ID is with a proper ID photo and the line exercise. & They can have slight shoulder definition with crisp pads, and are best with such added details as shoulder tucks or gathers and tapered sleeves. If youre interested in learning more about. Body type: Evenly proportioned bust, waist, and hips. Hair should be controlled, smooth, and soft; an elegantly clean outline with curved edges. This video specifically is spot-on if youre looking for modern, elegant, and universally flattering Soft Classic styling. AVOID:Sharply tailored detail. Soft pleats, slight gathers, and a slightly tapered leg are nice details. The book I have was written in 1987, the author, David Kibbe, would update it. 1 yr. ago. A light leg that blends the stockings and shoe one or two shades lighter than the hemline is your most elegant and sophisticated look. A Soft Classic means you are basically balance (features, body shape, etc.) Soft Classic Olga Bryliska Image Consultant, page-template-default,page,page-id-19543,page-child,parent-pageid-18942,eltd-core-1.1.1,audrey-ver-1.5,eltd-smooth-scroll,eltd-smooth-page-transitions,eltd-mimic-ajax,eltd-grid-1200,eltd-blog-installed,eltd-default-style,eltd-fade-push-text-right,eltd-header-centered,eltd-fixed-on-scroll,eltd-default-mobile-header,eltd-sticky-up-mobile-header,eltd-menu-item-first-level-bg-color,eltd-dropdown-animate-height,eltd-,eltd-fullscreen-search eltd-search-fade,eltd-side-menu-slide-from-right,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.4.1,vc_responsive, Soft Classic is one of the three types of classic beauty. Abstract rounded shapes that swirl into each other are excellent. The only exception is in the evening, when the dark stocking is ultra sheer; then it is a good choice, if you wish. Youll want to generally outline your shoulders to your knees. Softer fabrics and balanced hems should help. The following list is meant to help give you a clearer picture of what a Soft Classic can be when she is visually defined. Olivia de Havilland, Merle Oberon, Joan Fontaine, Norma Shearer, Barbara Walters, Blythe Danner, Meredith Baxter Birney, Catherine Oxenberg, Caroline Herrara, Meryl Streep. This especially applies to the clothing. When we refer to the shape of the garment we are exploring the general outline, emphasis points, or full silhouette of the garment and/or outfit. The cardigan is a big detail, so everything else is simple: neutral color palette, simple jewelry, and structured, classic clothes. Symmetrical, flowing shapes. Moderately sized hands and feet. Delicate, fourteen centimeters shorter Naomi, played a woman who had a strong, dignified Flamboyant Natural beauty. Required fields are marked *. Note Lupitas soft hourglass shape, large eyes, delicate chin, and overall refined essence. The dress matches its description and my expectation! We are shooting for refined sophistication and not overtly glamorous. Overly fussy or flouncy styles. Elegant, polished makeup is perfect. Overly ornate or intricate lines. As a Kibbe soft classic body type, you have to walk the fine line between sophistication and romance. Find more information in the "Menu Tab" on mobile or any of the tabs on a web browser. Straight lines without flow or shaping. Olivia has an average looking face, which is typical of Soft Classics: very symmetrical and pretty with balanced proportions of her facial features. Instead, she embraces lines and silhouettes better suited to a Soft Dramatic. If one trait doesnt match, that doesnt exclude this ID as an option, as long as that trait doesnt disrupt the overall yin/yang balance. Please take each avoid suggestion with a grain of salt. A fashion brand that stands for femininity, love, and openness. Wide, unconstructed or baggy styles. Remember it is all about harmonizing your clothes WITH your body, so essentially we are looking for clothing styles that also have moderation and allow for slight curve. Forever! So fabric weight and structure can drastically affect this. Seeing what works and what doesnt work is a great learning tool! You can use the markup feature on your iPhone photos, or procreate to draw the shapes your body creates. David Kibbe recommends that Soft Classics stick to watercolor-like makeup: soft, blended, and not in high contrast with the skin. Another way to think of a Soft Classic is a streamlined hourglass. Lupita is not only beautiful, she also has a signature twist on feminine dressing that I think all Soft Classics should take note of. Lupita Nyongo a modern film star who embodies the grace, grounded stature, and gentle allure of Soft Classics. Convert and download Youtube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP for free I instantly fell in love with her sophisticated looks. Here are some celebrity examples that are most likely Soft Naturals but have not been confirmed by David Kibbe himself. Tapered sleeves and a defined waist. Check out this video to see how these elements can be combined. The idea of wearing a head-to-toe outfit is essential, and some individuals bodies may be able to wear certain pieces more easily than others. Large, unconstructed hats. Be sure to tuck in the blouse for light waist emphasis in this look. The waist is often the first to lose definition, and it can look a bit thicker. The same soft, fleshiness is echoed in her upper legs, lower stomach, and hips while her other features are delicate and slightly sharp. General style tip: If the outfit is so distracting that you cant see the person behind the clothes, then its most likely not the most flattering look.