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We are in the process of building many tools and resources to help make your studies easier. Clotho is a mythical choice among our girl names that mean death, associated with one of the Three Fates who spun the thread of human life. The Romans would give the Manes blood sacrifices, often holding gladiatorial games at funerals. Commands nineteen legions of devils in Hell. Your little Naenia could honor any loved ones who departed before her time. Has thirty legions of devils under him, A demon from the Philippines who preys on widowed people, A Great Duke of Hell .He has thirty-six legions of demons under him, A Grand Duke of Hell who commands twenty-nine legions of devils, Body of an Angel and head of an Qwl. I think by this stage we've all heard the name Lilith, which is particularly impossible not to love. In Etruscan mythology, Vanth was a benevolent winged spirit who guided dead souls to the underworld. Choosing Manea could give your daughter a connection to the spirit world beyond. The first are the regular names, which are represented by the first 4 names in this generator. A number of rabbinic sources describe the plagues as retribution for Pharaoh's rejection of God and for the Egyptians' idol worshipping practices. A demon god of the Aztecs. In Roman Mythology, Orcus was the god of the underworld and a punisher of broken oaths. The meaning can often be the biggest influence for a parent deliberating over what name to give their baby. pestilence in American English. It appears at least as early as 1906, when it is mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Vendetta could be a pretty name, despite its violent meaning. Morella was invented by Edgar Allen Poe for his short story, Morella (1835). Gladys carries the meaning of "princess" or "royalty". Abiba is a sad Moroccan name, typically given to the first girl born after her grandmother dies. Takes the form of a crow, Also known as Damas, is a fallen angel who became a demon. HOME; 866-489-1188 . Pandora, being an inquisitive, stubborn, and independent female, opened the box and effectively unleashed hell on earth. The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. Revelation 6:7-8. tells us this about the fourth seal: "When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, 'Come and see.'. Synonyms of pestilence 1 : a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating especially : bubonic plague 2 : something that is destructive or pernicious I'll pour this pestilence into his ear William Shakespeare Synonyms pest plague See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Example Sentences Would you be able to give your son a name that borders on being good and evil at the same time? Osiris is derived from the Egyptian Wsjr, either derived from wsr (mighty) or jrt (eye). Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. A lady of means, Adrienne is a powerful and strong choice for your baby girl. 2023. According to Simple English Wikipedia, Samael is considered to be a fallen angel. pestilence (noun) pestilence / pstlns/ noun plural pestilences Britannica Dictionary definition of PESTILENCE literary : a disease that causes many people to die [noncount] After years of war and pestilence, few people remained in the city. Adrienne is one of those beautiful and classic names that conjure up images of polite living in upstate New York. She died during the great biblical flood an event that destroyed most of humanity. Mara included! Its a beautiful name in its own right but it has its fair share of darkness surrounding it. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. This is the mystical meaning of the verse, said in connection with this plague, "behold, the hand of Gd is", indicating how the name Havayah . Known as the night bringer. Like the goddess, your little Morana could end all sadness and suffering. According to Ancient History Encyclopedia, he was also the Egyptian god of chaos. The Incans would pray to Supay and beg him not to harm them. A Greek demon also thought to be a primordial deity who guards the darkness around Hell. He commands thirty legions of demons. It'll make for a great conversation starter with your friends and family. The demon on envy who is supposed to have seduced Adam and Eve. The Prince of Trickery, the Demon of Sodomy and the Antichrist. This unique place name is derived from the Hebrew azaz (to be strong) combined with mut (to kill, death). A Grand Duke of Hell who commands twenty-six legions of demons. Have a look on these prince-like baby names meaning conqueror and choose the best fit for your baby boy. A Great Marquis of Hell who is also known as Scox. In Aztec mythology, Mictlantecuhtli was the god of the dead and ruler of Mictlan the lowest section of the underworld. Meaning of pestilence in English pestilence noun uk / pes.t.lns / us / pes.t l. ns / [ C or U ] formal any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people [ S ] a serious and growing problem: The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out. Unsubscribe at any time. 64 Ruling Baby Boy Names That Mean Conqueror Next Story Getting Pregnant How To Get Pregnant Symptoms Infertility Pregnancy Pregnancy Week by Week Food Second Pregnancy Safety Fitness Giving Birth Health Post Pregnancy Baby Breastfeeding Food The worrier in me would think that the negative connotation of this name would follow my daughter around, putting her in bad situations or that she would fail at everything she tried. In Greek mythology, Achlys was the personification of misery and doom. In Biblical terms, Leviathan was a monster that was overcome by the archangels on the day of judgement and God was praised for its defeat. Most will think that Hadeon is a unique spelling of Hayden (meaning hay valley or hay hill), but youll know the truth. A lady of means, Adrienne is a powerful and strong choice for your baby girl. (pstlns ) noun. Louhi was the goddess of death and disease in Finnish mythology. Agaliarept - (Hebrew) commander of armies. In Slavic mythology, Morana was the goddess of winters death, rebirth, and dreams. Tia could be a sweet death name for your little girl since it doesnt revolve around pain or suffering. Pandora is a very daring name to give your baby girl but it's also quite a hard name to pass up because of its beauty. Ankou could be a spooky option for your little death-bringer. But of course, the spelling of Alvah is beautifully unique and interesting and considering that the name is not included in many lists of popular baby names, you will certainly be choosing a unique and interesting name. In the Bible, Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve. Because of this, the Egyptians would often put her depiction on tombs to help protect the dead. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Perhaps your little Tristana will take away other peoples sadness. This lovely title could be ideal for a girl born after a sad occurrence such as a friends or relatives death. A female demon that attempts sexual intercourse with sleeping people. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the deceased and the afterlife. Mallory is an English surname derived from the Old French maloret (ill-omened). print. In Ancient Rome, the Manes were deities thought to represent the souls of dead loved ones. The most popular name meanings include names that mean hope, names meaning love, and names that mean strength or power. pestilence: 1 n any epidemic disease with a high death rate Synonyms: pest , plague Type of: epidemic disease any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people n a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an . She was associated with winters death, which allowed for springs rebirth. He controlled a host of demons that could cause harm to humans. If their intentions were pure, the Solikha would show them the path to enlightenment. Pushmataha was the name of a Choctaw leader honored for his skills in war and diplomacy. An inferior Demon who works under Beelzebub. In explaining the first plague, one midrash comments, "Why were the waters first smitten and . Yet, we must remind ourselves that Revelation 8:6 says that the coming four horsemenfalse religion, warfare, famine, and pestilencewill be given power over ONE-FOURTH of HUMANITY. Abbadon, (Christian Origin) comes from Christian demonology. Pestilence. Below is a list of demons and demoness names from theology, mythology, and demonology worldwide. The meaning of the name and its history, if you aren't aware, might surprise you a little. This spooky title could be perfect for a little girl who bears an uncanny resemblance to her mother. Your little Alexiares could also be a gatekeeper who wont let evil or darkness enter his life. In Egyptian mythology, Hapi was one of the four sons of Horus not to be confused with the Nile river god of the same name. Give your son power over life and death with a strong name like Ahimoth. Nevertheless, I don't know about you, but it wouldn't put me off using the name. One moose, two moose. His name comes from the Greek charopos (of keen gaze), referencing fierce or feverish eyes. Not many it would seem are happy to use this name since it doesn't even rank on the baby name charts yet. I think we've all heard about the dark nature of the name Seth, but happily, it doesn't seem to have put any of us off giving this name to our sons considering it's quite a popular baby name. His three children were the divinities of suffering and misfortune. A demon from from Suriname. Wars, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, tempests, hail, floods, famines, plagues and pestilence. 268 ff (trans. In Turkish mythology, Erlik was the ruler of the underground and the spirit world. He manipulates with greed & strife. Keres, female spirits drawn to violent deaths in Greek mythology. We invite you to contribute name meanings, ratings, comments, participate in our forums, or contribute facts and information to our growing . 1 Chronicles 21:14 chapter context similar meaning "So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men." 1 Chronicles 21:14 KJV copy save So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. Your little Proserpina could put a bright spin on death. This powerful name is trendy in the U.S., making the top 1,000 for the first time in 2019. This morbid name is well suited for mythology lovers. Being more obscure and interesting than the usual Aaron. The Delphi said Archemoros shouldnt touch the ground until he could walk. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Unknown to most of us, there was a hidden agenda with Gabriel. Manea, the Roman goddess of the dead, ghosts, and evil spirits. However, scholars agree its related to death and ending. He would torment evildoers in the afterlife, causing their suffering for all of eternity.