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Sequel: Fait Accompli* Warnings: non con, mpreg, medical kink, multiple partners, het A Small Sacrifice Nothing If Not Opportunistic* Rating: PG-13 While he waits, he remembers the important moments of their history together. Warnings: threesome, BDSM, voyeurism, OOC Summary: Harry and Lucius unwittingly do something nice for the holidays. Of Withered Leaves and the Blessed Dark written for Mistress_Fatale. Radix Acclaro* Author:Awesome Opossum Summary:Harry has found a new life after defeating Voldemort, but his old life wont let him go, and he cant give up either. Summary: Harry wants to play a game Challenge fic set down by hijo de muerte. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Cedric Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: Malfoys dont tolerate anyone touching the people they consider theirs. Summary: Harry is missing and presumed dead, so his will is read with surprising results. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Author: abstractconcept December 13th Warnings: OOC Author:Lomonaaeren Rating: R Author: Firesword Rating: PG-13 Healing, sequel to Broken Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Voldemort Summary: No summary provided. Summary: Harry has fled from the wizarding world, seeking freedom from persecution. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Author: beren Well, everyone but Draco. Summary:When Harry makes the biggest mistake of his life he will need the help of Severus and Lucius to make things better. Rating: NC-17 A little bit of the usual dashed with some of the not so usual. Carte Blanche, sequel to Green Lights Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Vernon Rating: M A Vision Rating: NC-17 Watch the Tide Turn Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism Author: shamelessnameless Warnings: mpreg, mentions of suicide and stillbirth, mental health issues Rating: NC-17 And why does Cedric look so sad? Rating: M Author: Firesword Author: purple mangosteen Summary: A fairytale-ending isnt always what you would think. Summary: 12 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry gets impregnated by Draco and Lucius takes him in. Someone asked for more Master!Lucius/Pet!Harry. Time Enough and Room To Love Evenings Freedom Lucius*, part of the Unbearable series Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bill, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Others Author: keikokin Rating: PG The Boy Who Lived Author: randomisedhabit Summary: Harrys tumultuous childhood catches up to him. Warnings: mpreg (birth scene) Summary: On the night before his execution, Harry decides its time to stop hiding his pain. Sex ED Rating: R Summary: After his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Magic ensures Harry meets the age requirement. Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius Summary: Rather than kill him, Voldemort hid Harrys existence from the world and raised him as a pet. Rating: R Trouble Summary: A canon-divergence out-take from a scene of Orchard not yet posted: Harry Evans finally has something he finds very hard to excel in: grasping languages. Summary: After awakening with Lucius, Harry is in no doubt that he likes cock, Lucius almost more than his own. Rating: R Marks of Distinction* Draco does, too. Oh, does he get it! Some are easy and some arent. Lucius thought his mate must have died long ag. Author: Cloud_Nine Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: In which Lucius Malfoy has a thing for fit Quidditch players. Summary: Lucius observes and gets more than he bargained for. Rating: NC-17 He Completes Me Emerald Dancer Series Of the Heath and Hay Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: Harry likes to play mind games with people, the more dangerous the better. Ingnue Summary: No summary provided. Not Only In His Dreams Harry works in a gay club Cazzo and hes rather slutty. And who is ready and willing to pay the price for our golden boy? Underneath Your Clothes* Harry Potter and the Secret of Nature* Potter has to go to a magic Sex-shop and buy something extreme. Warnings: BDSM Summary: Just a random fic I started and got addicted to writing. Summary: Harry loves his broom. Author: Crickett_89 Parody of the movie A Knights Tale. gayness. Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Warnings: non con, underage, torture, BDSM, self-mutilation, bloodplay, suicidal thoughts Summary: This work features Harry Potter being in a relationship with males from all houses. Ill Be Waiting Author: softlysweetly Warnings: OOC Warnings: femboy!Harry Author: scyllablue Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Various Author: vlredreign Author: LinW Author: TheSiner Summary: Lucius finds himself in a quandary when his beloved pet tries to escape and then wakes up with no recollection of the past two years in his life. Rating: NC-17 Author: DictionaryWrites Rating: NC-17 Both pay a high price for their choices. Summary: Harry is captured by Death Eaters and it seems they have rather more in mind for him than he bargained for. If you can legally peruse the contents, you are welcome to read the blog's background story (see posts below). The Light That Did Once Shine His Happy And the reason why they are always late. Author: Starkindler Home From the Hill Author: abstractconcept Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Tom/James mentioned and Remus/Severus implied Gross anachronism and bad humour. Rating: NC-17 Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Summary: Harry, Lucius and chocolate saucewhat more does anyone need? Everything in this story is more book based then movie based. Excidium Unfortunately it wasnt ment to last. Author: yaoigirl22 Harry Bob's on the dick, swirling his tongue around the head of the cock. Dolores Umbridge, who has been transferred to head the wizarding prison as a disciplinary measure, wants revenge on Harry and has him locked up in the same cell as Lucius Malfoy, the man Harry has sent to Azkaban in the first place. Warnings: mild BDSM, threesome and foursome, crossdressing Author: Furorscribiendi All those who opposed him became nothing more than slaves for the aristocracy- breeders, domestics, Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Harry and Lucius fuck. Author: Anne Phoenix The Bet* Rating: NC-17 Warnings: crack!fic Summary: Narcissas viewpoint on Lucius and Harrys relationship. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Written for Beloved Enemies Dictionary Drabble word florilegium: a collection of excerpts; an anthology of short pieces. Summary: Harry is referred to a special club by George Weasley. Human* Red* Author: akuma_river Author: sine_que_non767 Author:WithDemonWings He settles into life with his new mates Lucius and Severus, who intend on taking care of him. Warnings: OOC, violence Of course Harry shows up where theres trouble, towing along his significant other in the process. Summary:Harry has killed Voldemort. Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Summary: It is said, that the kingdom of Hogwarts was as peaceful as it was because of the power of the Protector Stone. Summary:A cursed object causes Harry to rewrite time. Fathers and Daughters Harry and the Dreamsharers * Their Own Fairy Tale: One Year Later a Christmas Short Rating: R Disserviced Gold, part 1 of Larry snippets Summary: Hermione finally knows where Harry keeps sneaking off to, its not what you think, or is it? Summary: Lucius is forced to kiss Harry Potter during the Holiday festivities. How do you go grow up and go to school with the boy who will one day be your father? For Draco Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco Rating: R Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Harry, as it turns out, is a collector. Author: firefrost Rating: NC-17 Author: Slashpervert and Aveeno baby Summary: Harry is captured by Voldemort and is rescued by an unlikely hero, and wizarding debt is paid in full. Warnings: no sex, body modifications Summary: Some things should stay in that place in the middle of nowhere, with a big black horse and a cherry tree. Now free of the contract and in love, they try and work out married life and fatherhood. Sequel: Reunion Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Rating: R Who can save him and can things be turned around? Warnings: mpreg Snape On a Holiday* Warnings: mpreg Sequel: What Once Was* Warnings: mpreg Summary: After the mishap at the Ministry Lucius went to Azkaban. Forces of Nature Warnings: warfic Ashes to Ashes* Summary: A new Dark Lord? Author: Lomonaaeren Author: Mello_McQueen Summary: Harry has become a magical creature and Draco, who wont get over himself, is his abusive mate. The Golden Prince 3: Breaking in the Boy* Summary: The day of Harry and Lucius 10th anniversary is approaching, and Harrys starting to wonder about Lucius suddenly secretive behaviour. Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary:Written for djin7 in pornish_pixies: Lucius/Severus/Harry where Harry gets the upper hand and has his evil (and by evil I mean has-absolutely no idea what do, as it is an unexpected boon, and he is a Gryffindor virgin *woot*) way with them. Author: Sestra_Prior Plot bunny from Allexandrya. Rating: PG-13 The Discovery While the Ministry can trace his use of magic, they cannot trace his spirit. Rating: NC-17 Unexpected Letter After finally gathering up enough courage just to go, hes now ready to find out why its so special. Summary: A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Snape, Lucius/Harry, Severus/Harry Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Forbidden Want Summary: Voldemort won the final battle. Rating: R Rating: PG-13 Summary: I am truly sorry, Harry. Summary: Lucius Malfoy is missing only one piece in his most prized collection. Unexpected Changes Warnings: mpreg, violence, creature!fic, character bashing, mentions of non con, D/s, veela!fic Pairings: Harry/Lucius (implied), other male/male Author: tigerblak Based on a challenge by keikokin, this is another of my earlier stories and features big time OOC. Summary: Harry is saved by none other than Lucius Malfoy when his uncle starts to publicly beat him. Author: Anne Phoenix Between Life and Dreams And so was someone else. Warnings: non con, BDSM Land, Sky and Higher And Harry has Stockholm syndrome. Author: DragonaireAbsolvare Warnings: character death, suicide He should have known fire is said to leave fertile ground after burning everything it touches. If you dont get it, email me and Ill tell you what movie to rent and watch. Summary: No summary provided. Very stream of consciousness. Author: Maeglin Yedi Rating: PG-13 The Long Road* Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: No summary provided. Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: R Author: Stella Hargrove Summary: First the Fates weighted Harry Potter with adversity, then they gifted him with power. Colours of the Wind Author: keikokin Warnings: character deaths, darkfic Author: SSDSnape Summary: Harry is serving detention with Snape. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Ron moans and grabs Harry's head, leaning down and sloppily making out with him. Author: Kindred Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco Unconventional Relationships* And thats when things go from bad to worse. Three Wizards In Search Of An Exit* Summary: There were very few men Harry considered haughty. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry hates feeling so isolated but a certain blonde man may be able to help him with that. Warnings: het, daddy kink, rough sex, light Dom/sub Will the sender agree though? Summary: Harry walks in on his lover with another. Warnings: crossdressing, mpreg Lucius had to return to England and try to dissolve their strong bond. Rating: NC-17 No Better Seduction For Refuge* Rating: R Summary: The dark lord has a rather beautiful pet. Author: keikokin Summary:Severus and Draco find Harry in the astronomy tower. Pairings:Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Summary: Its a Saturday morning. Author: aisling Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Summary: The Dark Lord was dead. Summary: In answer to a challenge:: A telepathic bond is formed between Lucius and Harry. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus(/Other), Severus/Lucius Author: Miss C Riddle Author: FrankieSpitfire Warnings: infidelity Author: keikokin Because Harry Potter was afraid. Summary: Lucius looks down at him from high up, with a face frozen into a disgusted grimace, but eyes that hurt his forehead. Warnings: au, underage, character death Author: iulia_linnea Author: amanuensis Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry receives a very special present for his birthday. Oblation Surrender At Will* Warnings: underage, darkfic, slavery, dubcon, torture, bloodsports, breath play, D/s, AU and one somewhat evil surprise. Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, character death Fancy Time with the Beautiful People? Summary: There are always consequences to your actions. Heres what happened next. Summary: Its both too late and too early for them to meet, and the old gods must have been drunk off ambrosia when they created this bond. Author: greenie Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Wier (Wither) Author: ITookTheOneLessTravelled Goodbye Rating: PG Watching With Green Eyes* Warnings: non con, underage Summary: Potter. Summary: A strange little ficlet with extremely suggestive references regarding the reason why Lucius Malfoy might obey one Harry Potter in the aftermath of the battle with Voldemort. Summary: Oh, god. Summary: No summary provided. Summary: A story about Harrys night with someone special. But he really does try. Harry Potter, Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy story line. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Warnings: non con, violence, character death Author: scarletscarlet/ships_harry Warnings: BDSM, hurt/comfort, daddy kink, PTSD, panic atacks, check notes for more Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Other The Punishment of the Golden Prince*, part of the Golden Prince series Author: Unknown (Dixiebell). Author: keikokin Warnings: dub con, infidelity, het, threesome, PWP, dark!Harry Summary: Every long road has a turning eventually; Luciuss ex-lover Severus and Severuss lover Harry will help him find it. Cycles of Hunger* En Las Montaas Rating: NC-17 Pressing Matters Summary: Lucius loves riding horses. Rating: NC-17 It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. True Lusts Mate PS. Rating: PG-13 Rating: G Its Affection Person. Author: Hile Rating: NC-17 Phenomena How far will he go, and will he end up with a trick or treat for the Ball? You Cant Always Get What You Want Author: TheSiner Eulogies Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Author: Sapphira_Ruby Summary: Returning to Britain holds some serious challenges for the three men. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Lucius Malfoy knows exactly where to look. Summary: Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter are happily married, hunting down the last of the Death Eaters together. Draco has lost as well. Author: iulia_linnea And its taking a huge toll on him. Written for Beloved Enemies inaugural Dictionary Drabbles challenge. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Voldemort/Bellatrix, Severus/Hermione Rating: NC-17 Author: Ravenna C. Tan Author: Author_Person Summary: Pain and grief turned into anger, and he ruthlessly slaughtered everything in his path. Summary:Harry Potter is not meekly warm and slow and affable; he is demanding and rough and aggressive. Rating: M Like the feel of sunlight on his face, and Luciuss smile, and that he likes long-haired men. Summary:Regarded as a traitor to the Dark Lucius muses on his return to the light side an on just how quickly they forget. Summary:Professor Malfoy would like to speak with Professor Potter after dinner. But I didnt have the heart to steal him away from the people awaiting him at home. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort/Lucius Sequel: Lord of the Manor Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Other Obliviate With socks. Author: harrymalfoypotter22 Summary: Its Harrys birthday but somebody else gets the surprise. Rating: PG Author: leela_cat Summary: Harry and Hermione get lost in the Dark Forest. Warnings: AU, threesome, pegging, underage Summary:I dont think I ever realized how much they meant to each other until that day. Warnings: bonding Rating: NC-17 Author: UchiHime Rating:NC-17 Author:maraudersaffair Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: R Author: lolafalola Cold Heart* Summary: Whumptober 2021 Prompt 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go. Summary: Ser Ronald Weasley, a knight and captain of the guard at Godrics Hollow, never thought he would one day become Uncle Ron to the children of his sworn-brother and childhood friend. Author: switchknife Author: cyn_ful Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: character death, darkfic I just write the stuff. Summary: Lucius saves Harry when he is captured and brought to a Death Eater meeting, but a prophecy must be fulfilled before they can be safe. Memories Are But Memories Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word exempt.. Grey-green Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Lucius/Narcissa Viridian* Warnings: non con, character bashing, threesome, manipulation Author: Stardind Author: Anne Phoenix Hadrian Peverell will not die on May 2, 1998. Malfoy kept getting close to climaxing, but having to slow down so he could sync it. Warnings: OS A Discussion Summary: After being released from Azkaban, Lucius had nowhere to go. Rating: NC-17 Summary: A happier drabble in the same universe as Warmth featuring the word infidelity. An old tale speaks of an ancient witch who lives in the forest; an otherworldly being of great power and beauty. Author: piq_snine Summary: Five short stories taking place over five years. Author: paperlantern18 This is a story about two different people from different worlds trying to make it work. Fureai Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Severus His At least, Lucius thinks so. Author: Maggie Author: keikokin Warnings: sadism, masochism, various kinks and fetishes, D/s Summary: Harry bumps into a familiar enemy at a familiar place. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Remus, Harry/? Author: keikokin Summary: Hed been missing for two years, turned up in a bloody heap outside the hospital, and apparently slept for two days straight.. Summary: Lucius gives the vegetarians of the world a reason to eat meat. Warnings: veela, incest, character death Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary: The sweet nothings that run through Lucius Malfoys mind as he journeys through a new chance at life. Summary: Lucius regrets sleeping with Harry. Draco to the rescue! Summary: Food smut. Summary: Harry and Lucius have a secret relationship. Author:ExcentrykeMuse Summary: A very disgruntled Malfoy decides that Albus Dumbledore had it right all along. Saints and Sinners The Way You Look Tonight Author: Hijja Summary: Lucius is a Veela whos time is running out, for the second time! But why? Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con If he has not been able to birth a child in five years. Author: Lidane Summary:Harry is in love with four different men: a dark Auror, a snarky Potions Master, a blond Lord, and the Dark Lord. Cold As You The Heart Wants What It Wants Author: used romance But ever since she met a man named Lucius Malfoy in the bookstore everything changed for her and for the him. I Hope I Die Before I Get Sold Summary: Extended epilogue of Watch the Tide Turn, answering the much-asked question, What happens to Harry in the end?. Rating: NC-17 Author: NeonDomino Warnings: darkfic, blood, torture Author: Sinclairum Summary: Harry Potter is Voldemorts private property much to Lucius consternation. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary: Harry has nightmares. Sixteen Years Old Summary: An old contract is brought to light that forces Harry to marry one of the Malfoys! Author: amanuensis Rating: M Author: Elpin Author: rons_pigwidgeon Harry Potter was always a pest, a burden, a freak, never a son. Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Djinn Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Snarry centric, non con, squick prone Summary: Challange by Vincent Ayuru Ekholm, An abused damaged boy finds the ability to escape his life by shape changing. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Rating: NC-17 One day. Author: johari Greenhouse Talk Warnings: underage (implied), darkfic Rating: R Warnings: threesome, possible dub con Just another day at Malfoy Manor, part 2 of the Life at Malfoy Manor series Rating: NC-17 The Beginning of The End In Lust We Trust Rating: R Summary:Lucius finally catches Harry and some interesting thoughts surface. Summary: Things arent always what they appear to be. Author: ms_anthropy Summary: In the aftermath of the War, the Ministry sets up a council to get the country back on track. His Good Boy, part 3 of the Life at Malfoy Manor series Author: ntamara Every Flavour Beans* Their Lucky Day Rating: NC-17 Two Snakes and a Lion Or What The Animagus Saw* Author: Arcangelo Author: keikokin Rating: R Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence * Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco The wizarding world heads into war as he begins 7th year & nobody expects him to be Dark. It is filled with whispers carried by the wind; a whisper of something ghastly and beautiful. When a curious transformation causes him to fall in love with Lucius Malfoy, his honor forces him to aid the man in Azkaban. Author: thorinsmistress Harry is James' twin and Lucious is in love with him. Certain Half-Deserted Rooms Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Taste Of Innocence Vampires and vengeance. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Others Rating: NC-17 Author: bluesunshine24 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: WithDemonWings Can they survive everything thrown their way or will they find themselves in over their heads? Summary:Lucius and Harry share a tense dinner while an unanswered question hangs over them. Summary: After Severus recovers his human horcrux Voldemort gives him the task of breaking him in. Unfortunately, the choices are Bellatrix or Draco. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: gender change, dub con Featuring Nagini as a main character. Author: rainstyle Warnings: character death, AU, dark!Harry Summary: A reflection upon Harry Potters final moments. Unexpected Things Author: Rushlight Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic, mentions of abuse Author: pikachumomma Summary: The war is lost. Warnings: multiple partners, non con, dub con, breath play, voyeurism, bondage, kinks An uninvited guest. Author: Maeglin Yedi Rating: PG Author: keikokin The Return Turns the World Rating: NC-17 How do Severus and Lucius fit into that? Now as the new Dark Lord he hunts down those that betrayed him, waiting for the day that he will be able to join his husband. Summary: There once was a Slytherin dream team in the dreamsharing scene Lucius Malfoy the extractor, Draco Malfoy the forge, and Severus Snape the chemist. How will the world react when they learn of his marriage? Lord Lucius School of Libertinage Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Warnings: AU, OC, creature inheritance, character bashing Snippets of Time* That Fateful Summer Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Warnings: incest, threesome, non con, violence Summary: A drabble the third on the list. Summary:An Outlander Fusion (no knowledge of Outlander needed at all). Warnings: underage, vampire!fic, multiple partners, original characters, D/s Summary: Harrys become different and darker with high ambitions, but why? Warnings: non con Summary: Its time to break the news: Harrys pregnant and Dumbledore is missing! Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir, Harry/Voldemort Rating: NC-17 Well, just call me Daddy. Summary: Lucius finds himself caught up in Severus plan to save himself and Harry Potter; will the ending, though, be what he planned? Summary: Lord Voldemort employs an unusual method to test Lucius Malfoys loyalties using Harry Potter. Warnings: character death Duet Rating: R to NC-17 Author: Minxie Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Riddle Rating: NC-17 Sympathy for the Predators Argent Et Vert* Warnings: AU, OOC Author: Mistress Slytherin Rating: R Through The Fucking Glass Warnings: non con Warnings: light bondage, PWP Summary: When Harry was 5 he had a pet butterfly. Warnings: mpreg Hes finally worked up the nerve to tell Lucius his Secret. Rating: M Alibi Because, no matter what anyone has said, having loved and lost is harder than having never loved at all, because at least then hed have never known what he was missing. The potion was placed in the bathroom cabinet in case Harry wished to take it again. Pairings: Harry/Ron, Harry/Lucius He comes up with an idea to break it: date someone so terrible for him that the curse will give up. Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Summary: Is this what you wanted, my Lord? Lucius asked. Summary:England is quickly falling to Voldemort. Rating: PG Summary:A little, kinda fluffy, story I thought up of a love between Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter. Lucius plays the role of temptation and asks him to use it again. Author: Mistress Slytherin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: MatildaTheBadassPussyCat Warnings: dark!Harry, character death, non con, violence, bestiality Rating: NC-17 enslaved Malfoys Summary: After a mix up with their orders, Harry and Lucius have to share one carriage, something that is not taken lightly by either one. Author: Lomonaaeren Summary: Harry thought his summer was going alright, he got to hang out with his boyfriend Cedric and his best friend Bella. Rating: PG Author: Rube Summary: A new Dark Lord, a request and its consequences. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: fem!Harry, gender change Immortal* Summary: Ron wants Harry to spend Christmas with him. Author: leontinabowie Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg Rating: R Author: xxxiliveforthefuturexxx Summary: A series of shorts and one-shots for my friend and beta, GhostxWriter, who is quite fond of Top!Harry paired with Draco, Lucius, and Severus, and the odd unusual pairing. Summary: Want a family? Vengeance, part 5 of Lucius/Harry Stories Author: hpstrangelove Summary: Harry has a cure for a fataly ill Lucius. Author: Shivani And again. Author: la femme Summary: Harry Potter never escaped Malfoy Manor after being brought there by the snatchers (though Ron, Hermione, and the rest did, taking Draco with them). Author: Anne Phoenix Author: softlysweetly Rating: R Warnings: abuse, non con, violence Chime Warnings: non con What if Severus, Lucius were his best friends vs James, Sirius, Peter and Remus? Summary:Happiness means a lot to people, more so to people who have never really felt it before. Summary: Harry answers a personals ad in the Daily Prophet. Rating: PG-13 It was everything that the deep, dark, submissive side of Harry wanted. Warnings: non con, forced orgasm, bondage Author: marksmom Author: Slashpervert and Aveeno baby Harry and Lucius do the wild thing. When want you want is a really big ask, Harry potter knows what he wants* Warnings: darkfic, non con, violenceSummary: Sequel to my Surrender drabble for BelovedEnemies; Written to Avril Lavignes Im with You on repeat at 3:30 in the morning. Obliviate Author: UnderStarrySkies Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus/Draco, Harry/Severus(/Other), Harry Potter: Blessed By Fates Summary: 2500 Word SnitchaThon fic: Ginny Weasley must pay for her sins of the past, as a traitor and killer. And yes, yet again. Warnings: AU Remembrance Warnings: BDSM, crossdressing, check notes for more Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Snape/Other . Do Unto Others Pavo Cristatus Summary: Harry finds his attitudes to life changing after the fall of Voldemort, and his friends arent the only ones to notice. Summary: Lucius Malfoy hates Christmas gifts, but he doesnt realize hes been given the greatest gift of all. Then his new tenant makes a bet with him. Satisfaction Broken Chains Summary: Harry has everyone fooled except Lucius Malfoy. Lucius is an irritating but welcome customer. Warnings: AU, violence, character death, D/s, dub con, torture Rating: NC-17 Summary: Well, Lucius, if he was captured in your home, you should do the honours. Summary:Harry finally manages to win Draco back. Cut off from the outside world he was cast into Hell. Author: softlysweetly Warnings: Snarry centric, non con, squick prone Author: Corvus Perseus Black Warnings: underage, violence, non-magic AU Warnings: non con Author: MistyMoonlight (Arianna2017) Damn You, Riddle! Warnings: non con, drag Summary: It has been 19 years since the war ended, the youngest of his sons are starting Hogwarts, and he is about to break free of the shackles that have chained him. Rating: NC-17 Author: belleamant Author: LayDCardinal Warnings: crossdressing, threesome, Gryffindor bashing, AU, D/s, double penetration, OOC Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome, OOC Warnings: AU, violence Father. Warnings: non con, kinks Warnings: mpreg Author: Daisee Chain Perfection Da Mi Basia Mille Devoted*, sequel to Surrender* Author: leni_jess Warnings: non con, mpreg As things arent working Hermione and Luna come up with a final plan: Time Travel. Author: orphan account Summary: Working in the Ministry Harry leads a double life and keeps an important secret. Harry engages Lucius in lazy conversation.