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Brian, I just purchased and installed a remanufactured L76 AFM engine for my 2007 Suburban. they are known to become plugged. There are so many moving components in an engine these days as opposed to the past. Have a lifter problem on my 2010 5.3 Silverado. [] swaps come with an extra step or two thanks to the Generals fuel efficiency efforts (VVT and AFM). Also putting in a new transmission vs. rebuilding. Thank you. I am trying to find out of this is true. Is the Pressure relief valve replaceable? Also I dont recommend doing this as you may be in violation of some emissions standard or manufacturers ethics code . Oil 0w or 5w -20 With the AFM tuned off, it shouldnt be trying to switch over to four cylinder mode. Pulled the inntake and replaced valleypan With all the solenoids. One alternative is to swap in one of the larger 6.0 non-AFM truck cams. Id try the disabler and the screen cleaning first and do the AFM delete if that doesnt solve the problem. i have a 2007 suburban 6.0 and the number 4 intake lifter took a dive.i have already started to disassemble the engine as i plan on replacing all the lifters and reassemble the engine as i never had any other problems with it. The 1st design (built prior to April 1, 2006) was had afm components but wasnt connected. 2 15 with 5.3 Sierras both with 100k and Took it to the dealer and was told I had a collapsed lifter. I had purchased an extended warranty when I bought the truck new. Put everything back together proper torque, gakets, valve seals, etc. How did your turn out? If someone didnt want to spend gas buy a Toyota. When cylinders are deactivated, the number of crankshaft rotation increases between firing pulses. Pod. Its not possible to install them wrong? Thank you again for the response. They took the engine down today found so much damage inside they ordered a new engine from Detroit. General Motors Active Fuel Management Cylinder Deactivation Technology Active Fuel Management (AFM), otherwise known as Cylinder Deactivation is a General Motors engine technology that. I have an 07 Silverado 1500 ltz. .IMHO . I hate it. Im always sorry to hear when people run into issues like these. Yes a poor design but a flaw ? AFMengines use special lifters for cylinders 1, 4, 6, and 7. GM get a clue! i just bought a 2018 Silverado with the 5.3 I had an 82 caddy 4100 with alumn block and cast iron heads ,, Exploded in Philidelpha, Garbage.. I went with the new motor for the warranty. I guess they also went to aluminum blocks in 2007, not sure if that has anything to do with this issues thanks for the advice! If the 4th cylinder lifter has failed, would driving it damage the engine? They are being forced by the feds to use stuff like AFM to meet the CAFE requirements. My concern is if I leave the non-AFM lifter cover in place & have nothing to plug the 5 pin AFM solenoid connector into, will I get a MIL? Cylinder Deactivation (Active Fuel Management) General Motors Active Fuel Management engine control system has the ability, under certain light load driving conditions, to provide maximum fuel economy by deactivating 4 of the engines 8 cylinders. The pressure relief in the pan opens at around 45psi to prevent over pressurization of the vlom solenoids. This new lawsuit is essentially identical to the previous. Most of the complaints show up in the 2009 to 2011 model years. You will get codes thrown if the afm is physically removed without telling the ECM you did so. I did noticed the oil consumption but it was rare that I would have to add oil. Put an S&B cold air intake on last week with huge oiled filter and it made a big improvement in throttle response and it appears possibly a slight improvement in mileage. I have seen more internal engine failures in the last 5 years or so than I have in the first 15 years in the business. If thats the case, Summit Racing has dedicated truck cams that will increase power through the rangebottom to topbut the meat of it is in the mid-range where your engine spends the most time. Would doing the disabler option once I get it back be the right one? It only has about 9k miles on it. The biggest problem is nobody changes their oil on time. Engines withAFMalso use a special camshaft, a high-volume oil pump, and a pressure relief valve in the oil pan. Any truth to that? I have no clue what to do now. please respond with your opinion. Help appreciated. This should be added to your earlier model if you experience oil consumption. NOT GOOD!! I did and they diagnosed it as being on Cylinder 3, not one of the cylinders that deactivates. No movement on the rocker arms. GM switched over to the 4100 v-8 in 1982. I guess I might have to call a dealership or GM to get a definite answer on this one. At least Dodge admitted they had junk transmissions in the early 2000s and picked up sales each. September 2017, I got talked into trading for 2017 AFM this was a bad choice 5.3 engine. put tran fluid in oil for a day till lifter became active, had to change the fouled plug. Anyway that horrible experiment was in the late 70s early 80s along with those converted Diesel engines..those like the 8-6-4 nonsense were just terrible failures. it is the regulator guy! [], I have 2007 5.3 its a new motor this truck scares me 9000.00 these trucks are jokes You also need the disabler installed in your obd connector. Seems like the AFM disabler device is working for a number of people including myself as the 5.3l AFM engine has inherent design faults. AFM works by deactivating half of the engines cylinders under certain circumstances to reduce fuel usage. Why doesnt anyone make an aftermarket set of replacement AFM lifters that are the right length but DO NOT COLLPASE! The only problem is the extra spray on the cylinder models if a deflector isnt used and this can show up as increased oil consumption. I drive the same 320 mile trip every two weeks and drive the same route and full tank. After a stint in the U.S. Air Force, Brian Nutter studied at the Houston, TX-based School of Automotive Machinists in 1997. Hello Brian, I just purchased a 2018 Silverado with a 5.3 AFM engine, I have 200 km on it. Your 1981 caddy was your fmu I got glue inside of it and it stuck the potentiometer for stochiometric if you get a new fmu or you pick the glue out of the potentiometer you can set it to stoichiometric and get a lot better fuel mileage as far as your truck why dont you look at the intake manifold I got a crack or a vacuum leak somewhere for gas mileage thank you truck service, Near 1981 its your fmu it has glue inside the potentiometer you have to either RNR it for a new one or pick the glue out of the potentiometer for stochial magic is the only variable resistor inside that you can turn with a screwdriver once you get the glue out of it itll read still kill metric just be careful and then you can set it properly with your own meter on your monitoring your O2 sensor and then on your Silverado thingy your 5.3 just check the intake manifold for lakes Ill get you a better gas mileage if you dont have any intake cuz theyre plastic and they crack and stuff like that other than that yeah thats it, Larry Jenkins, I have a 17 GMC Sierra 6.2 SLT, I got 25 to 27mpg regularly with 93 gas and cylinder deactivation. changed oil , its all working now, but want to disable this sorry system. If Problems regarding Chevy 5.3L engines, if the running compression of the misfiring cylinders stays below 25 PSI. These engines made 270-400 hp from the factory will run smooth as silk for over 300,000 miles (unless you have AFM). The engine will operate on 8cylinders, or V8mode, during engine starting, engine idling, and medium to heavy throttle applications. I speak from some experience. An electromechanical system deactivates and reactivates all 16 of the engine's hydraulic valve lifters, controlling valve actuation. Sylinder one lost compression on my 09 5,3. https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/Discussion-t30884_ds822284. I have read synthetic isnt good for AFM lifters. When they are locked into position, they wont wear further and cause issues down the road. Fouls those plugs. As a side note, Range Technologies recommends removing the disabler between visits to the dealer as they will need to access the OBD-2 port. I would appreciate it if you let me know how you make out. The Cylinder Deactivation system, known as the Active Fuel Management system by GM, shuts off some of the cylinders when extra power is not needed which improves fuel economy. Todays computers are faster so it does work. I ave noticed the point about excess oil spray. hi brian when you replace the lifters do you have to change the guides also? Cost about $250, but it is not fool proof. I just got a 2013 Silverado extended cab 4X4 with 124,000 miles on it. With that said, the current global chip shortage has been affecting the industry on a wide scale, forcing production halt among several automakers. My local mechanic suggested whatever I buy with an AFM he will send off the ECU to have the AFM flashed out. another common cause for low OP is the oil pick up tube O ring. 330-630-0240. My Chevy truck with fuel management can not touch my 2000 Chevy with out fuel management. Any help would be appreciated. NOTE: A disabler device should ONLY be used if the valvetrain is in good working order. Dave, I also have a 2008 LTZ avalanche with 106,000 I have the exact same symptoms at this point I just want to sell it will the disabler help remove the check engine light wont pass inspection with light on thanks for your help Chris. The engine also had 799 or 243 casting heads which are closely related to the LS6. Im looking at the Range Disabler but want to make sure it is required/suggested/recommended/safe? Pushing forward. Now Im here tring to figure out what to do. The materials used in the engine were [], I have a 2018 GMC with the Eassist and AFM I just got new warranty engine and dont want this issue again? Its a CA EMMISIONS TRUCK. Took it in this morning and mechanic said cylinder 6 misfire, he said the lifter hasnt failed. A lot of drivers reported losing 2-4 quarts of oil in between oil changes. I had one fail and it chattered the cam to the point that I had to Install a new cam. More information can be found in the GM TSB bulletin number 10-06-01-008g. A 14 gmc 5.3 Sierra 85000 miles I don know what else would cause the surge, but Id research the misfire code and see which cylinder is problematic. Just one or two. Very expensive repair too! For fun, he runs his 427-powered C5 Z06 in ECTA land-speed racing, at OPTIMA street car events, and at a mix of autocross, drag racing, and track days. A problem with cylinder deactivation can be solved by tuning the intake and exhaust valves. You cannot compare them to old 350s. I am having that done today on my 08 Suburban and its only costing me $225. He used seafoam and changed to synthetic oil. Or not because it is the cast iron block and not he aluminum block? I had privilege to work on some of that garbage they never did work . Active Fuel Management (AFM) is a trademarked General Motors technology that improves gas mileage by shutting down half of the cylinders under light-load conditions to reduce fuel consumption. I dont plan on installing the delete kit at this time. Hi Brian, Wow, thanks for the wisdom,, i checked my VIN Code (position #8, M=LH6) and my 2005 Saab 9-7x does have the LH6 motor with iron block, Are you sure its only 2007 & newer motors? So bad theyve been rated least reliable midsized truck by consumer reports for 3 years in a row. bought at Brian Tooley Racing ! Because your Saab is mechanically similar to the Trailblazer, wed suggest that you are correct and no changes need to be made to the relief valve. Replacing engine due to issues caused by AFM. Dont follow just anybody I know where it originates but in todays world I found found it to be amusingly accurate. They are taller and have special oil holes. [] For more on that, read:How to Delete or Disable Active Fuel Management (AFM) on GM Engines. the body is in great shape. Only wish Id did my homework, nothing but issues, from 14,000 miles it starts this motor noise,as if lifters at cold starts, let set up for 8 hrs same noise, this noise is on the right side of engine, it lasts 5 seconds but never heard this until we had this cold spell in the state low temperatures or it was just time for this to start? The oil-pressure controlled system that operates the special lifters is VERY prone to failure, if the oil is not changed on time, OR if the wrong oil is used. Troubles begin with Bean-counters decide on what can be used for production and engineers who arent Gear-Heads. The original version sprayed oil on the cylinder walls and increased oil consumption. If I put my truck in manual 5, it doesnt try to go into V4 mode. Most of all, my concern is reliability. Some drivers want V8 power under their foot at all times. But if you dont like it. Then it takes out the lifter again and again until you bite the bullet and replace the cam. I wont bother with blocking the relief valve. Have misfire code and engine has what I would call a surge while driving. Im curious as to how much tran fluid you put in? Since no air can get in or out, four cylinders provide no power. CAM motion says no just have to disable the AFM and VVT with a stock tune as the camshaft is not an aggressive camshaft but a drop in. NOTE:If you were in a situation where youve installed the AFM delete kit, but dont have access to a programmera disabler can still be a viable option. The engine will operate on 8 cylinders in V8 mode during starting, idling, and medium or heavy throttle conditions. In the mean-time I found that you can keep the engine from going into 4 cyl mode by using the manual shift (if so equipped) and keeping it out of 6th gear. Chevy 5.3 Engine Problems (Gen 4) #3: Spark Plug Failure. the extra oil isnt needed. I will be installing the AFM deactivator tonight when I get hoe. what deleter (if thats a real word) have you heard good things about. Love the truck. Nine plaintiffs filed the General . All Cylinders. Question i just bought a 2005 Saab 9-7 with 5.3 v8, (same as GMC envoy) which came with AFM, the car runs fine, so if i just install the OBDII electronic device, is it just as likely that my lifters will still go bad? 50,000 miles. No problems with any to this point. The motor I pulled was a 2007 LY5 with about 77k on it. Did not help. Basically rebuilt most of the engine while in the vehicle. It depends on the failure mode of the lifter however, certainly worth a try. Now I learn about the cylinder deactivation issue and suggestions to add the Range Technology module to deactivate it. Hi Grant is that disabler still working for you ? Im praying that my RangeTech buys me a few years. Hopefully more is known by then. It's been an issue for a while but I've been getting past it by turning the key only to the off position instead of all the way back to "lock". Then I guess I have to spend a bunch of money and get the delete kit. How about if they just let us have a manual transmission agains for fuel mileage? The most common are fuel pump failure, transfer case sensor failure, fuel injector failure, and carbon build-up. Replaced all lifters on passenger side as well as pushrods for even wear. The problem:. Its ribbed with solenoids on the underside. Logic says that it should not as the ECM isnt programmed to use AFM, but will it see a lack of resistance from no solenoid pack plugged in? Its a simple and effective way to turn off the AFM system and provides the added bonus of improving exhaust sound. Having it fixed now, just curious Seems like a problematic design. General Motors has issued a service update for 2021 model year full-size truck and SUV models that are being shipped to dealerships and may be affected by valve lifter problems. Also, it is the easiest way [], [] for the 2010 Chevy Camaro SSis also a Gen IV 6.2L aluminum-block V8, but with the addition of Active Fuel Management and Variable Valve Timing. Would really appreciate your comments on this point as really interested in an 07/08 escalade without or an 09 hybrid with dod. What was happening to the first is slowly (or quickly in your case) happening to the others. Drives way better for my mostly paved road driving. 1. Where can I buy a bolt to replace this relief valve ?? Absolutely agree, but we all know GM cant afford to recall them all & definitely wont, gettin a Toyota, but first will go to GM dealer and ask to see a truck without AFM & when they say they dont have it Ill say See ya, I have an appointment with the Toyota dealer! Always had GMs never anything else till now. A 17 with 5.3. The LZ1 was upgraded with AFM and []. Engine oil pressure is fine. Vehicle has 40k miles been maintained well and shows no signs of lifter concerns at present. GM claims fuel improvements ranging from 5%-15% depending on the engine. Side note, after 200 hundred miles of trouble free driving the transmission failed so we had to replace that too. I ran 0W-20 on more the 5000 miles between changes. . Can I (should I) also change to a standard volume oil pump? My dad ended up running seafoam through it and some transmission fluid, changed the oil pressure sensor which I definitely think was bad and also cleaned out the little screen and he said it was so full of junk and metal scraps. . In 2010, GM added a deflector (p/n) NAL-12639759 to redirect in into the pan. My 2013 LC9 just had #6 lifter fail, got a misfire code but the ticking gave it away. We need availability of a replacement engine without the AFM. Its not GMs choice to use AFM. Ditto , never buy a throw away vehicle again is my recommendation and my fix . I have a 07 Yukon with 180K and no issues what so ever. Changing the sensor didnt help. 2012 5.3 Tahoe AFM, #4 lifter collapse,replaced all lifters,started engine ran ok, then rough, got #6 misfire code. Any guidance would surely be appreciated. As GM issued 13 updatesnone of which workeddealers disabled the system on their customers' cars, leaving them permanently in V-8 mode. [], [] way. But I can replace all of the other engine parts without doing the pistons and bearings so that is what I plan to do. Is this due to the AFM being shut off? Dummy Me thought gm learned its lesson in 1981 but they never did and I Too am stuck with a Buick thats just waiting to self destruct. The oil pump is high volume, but there are a lot of people that dont change it and rely on the pressure valve to keep the volume manageable.