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In perfect conditions, like my garden, the reverse rotation leaves a wonderful seedbed. Your email address will not be published. Which according to my research is King Kutter. Aside from that thickness of both the 6-feet county tiller and 5-feet king Kutter is the same. CountyLine Rotary Tiller is perfect for cultivating, aerating, and Moreover, it will raise, oxygenize, and cultivate the sand in your farms, yards, lawns, and gardens. I bought a 6' TSC tiller a couple of years ago and it was made by Bolensno markings on it, but had Bolens manual with the unit. Comparison Table: King Kutter vs Tarter Tiller Tiller [], It is an overwhelming query most people ask: what is the major difference between the tarter tiller and king Kutter? Except that Cat 0 is lawn tractors, not sub-compacts like the 1025R which is a Cat 1 Limited (limited lift height but newer models might not have that). This is a great tiller for the money. County Line and King Kutter are two house names for absolutely amazing tillers! Ive been reading online tractor forums and talking with tractor owners for several years now. Problem just started and no problems with it the last 3 years. Close. No idea. So far I have not broken and extend pin but I think Tim mentioned that he has broken one. . So its a good resell value too. Frustrating. You can also make use of one when you let your garden plot lay fallow but desire to evade the topsoil from getting laden or crusty with undesired plant growth. Hey Tim- [] up from time to time. Well built, heavy (500+ lbs. KING KUTTER II GEAR DRIVEN ROTARY TILLERS are designed to perform with its heavy duty gear drive and square tube frame. Close. The B2650 should be able to run a 5ft. The last page of the manual is the warranty page and has KingkutterII at the top of the page. King Kutter has a huge collection of accessories for gardeners and tillers. Ive heard good things about the harbor freight one honestly. If not, going from one end to the other (start to stop) the tiller will leave a trench from the tiles regardless of rotation of tines. I have a 2038 large frame 38 HP JD Looking to purchase the King Kutter Tiller 60 inch but I am not sure about tine rotation. Its portability is also easy. King Kutter Rotary Kutter W-Slip Clutch - 72in, Model L-72-40-SC, 40 HP, King Kutter Gear-Driven Reverse Tine Rotary Tiller, Model, RTG-72 - 72in.W, King Kutter Rear Discharge Finish Mower - 72in. First, it will be heavier. For example, you can plant any kind of seeds and seedlings there. I till too many gardens that have rocks, lots of rocks and I WILL NOT HAVE A REVERSE DIRECTION TILLER. How much of a pain is this? Your email address will not be published. All of the County Line tillers (here in PA.) that I've seen have a Tarter label on them somewhere. Take a close look at the Tartar (or County Line) 4 ft tiller. The 6' Countyline tiller I bought was 1629.00 (listed on TSC's internet site at $1900.00). However, I would not fault others for choosing the reverse rotation, as they certainly have their advantages. If you have any wood chips on top of the soil, it will also be put deep in the soil by this tiller. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I have used it a little and so for so good. King Kutter II TG 60 Rotary Tiller. 2016 John Deere 1025R - - - 50 hr Service cost comparison between dealer and DIY ?? Never even thought about it Cory. Without sturdiness, you may not have the desired control over the machine. I have used it extensively on 3 gardens and over 2 acres of food plots. I would have loved to have bought a King Kutter branded product but Rural King had this one at $500 less. Which doesnt speak good. Deere announces new 260B Backhoe for 1-Series Tractors. I have not used the tiller but I bought a County Line 5-foot brush hog this spring. Compare the metal gauges and inspect the welds. In past years multiple advances take place in gardening. You must log in or register to reply here. tiller without a problem from what Ive seen. Has anyone used a CountyLine tiller from TSC? I will add it to the web post here, but I dont have time to update the video before posting. But make sure you can get parts. I dont want an offset tiller. The breather for the oil needs to be maintained. Any idea of the best way to get this to work? Just use low range and go very slow then the hard dirt magically fluffs up. Looking at a slightly used 5 with asking price of $1,200. My experience with a reverse rotation tiller is limited to the walk-behind variety, as neighbor Bob had one. When I first got it, I didnt expect to use it much. Since then, the association has increased its concentration from tree-felling machines to power yard care tools. Tiller I have owned. All latest, new, and older spare parts that you need for the tiller are available in these stores in the USA. Do not have the model yet. The buyers only options are to get the item fixed, replaced, or get a refund. Welcome to King Kutter Inc. Family owned since 1978. Also, I didn't mention in the video but I did get a price break on this when I bought it, but only due to the fact that it was missing the drive shaft and slip clutch. The If you already have an account with us, please login at the login form. If I can help, i do. Adjustable runners for working depths from 1 in. Forgot thatand missed it in the video coming out later today as well! For example, the price of the County line rotary cutter ranges from $1,500 -1,800. Comparison Table: King Kutter vs Tarter Tiller Tiller [] Full throttle. There are more reports on blades and rakes on the County line. Tartars website indicates that all of their products are made in the USA. Except for these two, theres not much maintenance for these tillers. That pic and the specs sure look and sound like a King Kutter Tiller. To protect the implement, to protect the driveline (tractor/PTO) and to soften the engagement of the implement. Go over the ground repeatedly. I dont want to cut down my PTO shaft until Im sure I can use it. TILLER 4FT KING KUTTER'S GEAR DRIVEN ROTARY TILLERS are designed to perform with its heavy duty gear drive and square tube frame. All Right Reserved. If you have a Deere 2-Series, Kubota B series, use a similar rule, get a tiller just wider than your tractor. Moreover, the prices pay off! I have a 1025R without a FEL. You can adjust the skids for depth but be careful not to drag the chain case. But which one is better? I have a 1950 ford 8N. The smaller ones that get thrown forward get herded to the end of the row, and are eventually cleared from the garden. But it is a self-jamming design & takes more HP as its fighting the tractor. However, some tillers have reverse rotation. Ok, with that unpopular opinion stated, I would prefer the slip-clutch approach over the shear-bolt approach. Brands like Woods & LandPride are a bit higher end in price. There is a bonus to a 510 lb tiller, hanging out back it is a great ballast for rooting about with the loader. First pass is better than any other tiller on the market and you can set the blades to how many inches you want. In my opinion, there is no way a 25 hp tractor can tear up a 40hp (or higher) rated gearbox. A moderately wet to hard firm grassland can also be tilled satisfactorily by this tiller. Required fields are marked *. So, I dont think it is the best choice for a sub-compact tractor. It takes time, love and tillers! Ive done my research for you here in this piece. The biggest reason is one that someone commented on, throwing rocks forward At first, in a newer garden area, this can be a pain; the biggest reason being that the larger ones can get jammed between tines and tiller housing, which necessitates stopping to pry the rock out. I checked with several local equipment suppliers and received quotes from high $1700 to low $1900 for the same King Kutter TG-60 tiller. At first I didnt have a quick hitch. Tarter Tiller vs King Kutter (Good and Bad), Soil Pulverizer vs Tiller | Complete Comparison, Counter-Rotating Tiller VS Forward Rotating (Good or Bad), Tilling Vs Plowing | Differences & Similarities, Echo Tiller vs Mantis Tiller Review | Similarities and Differences, What is a Garden Tiller? It isnt difficult. Im new to tilling, at what rpm should the tiller be running when it engages the ground? Look online on EverythingAttatchments.com for choices on implements for sub-compact & compact tractors. It doesnt require high power for its efficient working. very few modern tractors have a hydrostat. The shaft had already been cut very short, so I had to get a new shaft. When buying a tiller, I would recommend that you select one which is (or can easily be made to be) quick hitch compatible. Thank you for registering with Johnsmowerstore.com! But that is not the case! See rule #1! While all rear tillers are driven by the tractors PTO, the power is transferred to the main tiller axle shaft in two different approaches. If our irresistable force (tiller tines) encounters and immovable object (root or rock stuck between tines and frame), the most likely result is an engine stall from a full-throttle (at least PTO speed) RPM. You may also want to consider four or six tines per rotation. to 4 in. Add to Compare . Join 60.000+ subscribers and get a new discount coupon on every Wednesday. When I got the Countyline tiller home the manual that came with it advised you to contact KK for parts, questions etc. The carryall frame and a center buster from the King Kutter XB brand also fall in this category. Oh well. We bought the county line 4 ft tiller from tractor supply for on our kubota bx2380 tractor. I also have two sons that are welders, so if there are any issues, I should have that covered. Forward rotation will jump over rocks, roots & stuff. Ideally, the lines should move backwards as this ensures better burial of residues. Cutting tines broader than other tillers. This will be the perfect width. ), 3 offset is the only flaw. Deep and thorough tilling is the priority. The only thing that MIGHT prevent this would be a reverse-rotation tiller discussed below. This is a private label exclusive to TSC. Do your research on which brands are available in your area. Theres a spring system on the little push button. You have no items in your shopping cart. I cut it as long as possible in hopes that it would still work with quick hitch. Im looking at the KK XB, did you have the modify the drive shaft length when you used it prior to getting the quick hitch? Rotary Tiller at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. While this option seems like it would be more reliable, manufacturers of chain drive tillers are quick to claim that the gear drive version pulls much harder, losing power as it transfers through the gears. Moreover, it will raise, oxygenize, and cultivate the sand in your farms, yards, lawns, and gardens. All subcompact tractors sold now have hydrostatic transmissions. Second, each rotation of the tiller shaft will perform 50% more cutting action. These seem to be identical to the King Kutter branded tillers. Raya Pajajaran No.19, RT.03/RW.06, Sukasari, Kec. But it hangs low so you may want to use the dual adjustable lift links Tim shows in another video. MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower. From the above article, the difference and comparisons between the King Kutter and County Line tillers have been distinguished. So County Line wins this one! I used to be a mechanic for tractors big and small. Several viewers end up buying their tiller with their tractor so they can get it financed together. It is difficult to measure exactly, so I understand what you are saying. I havent looked at this in a while, but if I remember correctly, its not just a flip of a lever and does take a few minutes to do. You are using an out of date browser. If I remember correctly the 6' KK I looked at several months ago was pushing $3000.00. And the 72-inch models use 35-50 HP engines. Fortunately, the manufacturers of county line tillers have amazing customer service. You have been logged off your account. 2023 TractorByNet.com | TractorByNet is a registered trademark of IMC Digital Universe, Inc. Other trademarks on this page are the property of their respective owners. John Mower Store is now available on Google Play & App Store. This machinery creates hoof-shaped hills and a silty soil surface by combining digging, sowing, and pulling. This is one statistic that you should be sure to check. I would recommend buying the heaviest tiller you can find in almost every instance. It saw a lot more use then. (Its rated for 20-35 hp tractors. This is because it can till a larger area but it tills in forwards which is a bit problematic for the tractor. Shaft, gearbox, chain, etc. You WILL notice the difference between a heavier tiller and a lighter tiller. Some tillers have 4 tines per flange, and others have 6 tines per flange. Some folks run 54 or even 60 tillers. Any unit that is used in a commercial setting is covered for 90 days after the purchase. Its blade rippers are ideal for tough breaking. Thanks again for the great site. Because a lot of oil vaporizes out of that section. 4-6 inches depth is what I get. County Line tillers do come with mower blades whereas King Kutters come with box blades. The other drive choice consists of a series of gears which transfer the power from the upper shaft to the tiller axle shaft. Some might say that these tools [], September 4, 2021 by Rogergardner Leave a Comment, King Kutter is the manufacturer of County Line Tillers that are wonderful garden farmers or tillers. The King Kutter has a better resell value mainly as it has a more durable build. For the King Kutter brand, the King Kutter II models are offset when in the 4 width. Comes with heavy-duty PTO shaft and slip clutch. Johns Mower Store, Secure Payment with PayPal - Free 30 day money back guarantee when you ! After seeing that this unit had been sitting outside and looked a little rough, I was skeptical to buy it. It is capable of tilling an airplane too, as stated by some users. Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16142, Indonesia. We have clay soil in these parts. One very nice enhancement to the 3 Point Hitch system is the Quick Hitch. Hope this helps you and saves your time and money! What Is The Difference Between The Photostick And Photostick Mobile? It isnt too difficult. If you have ANY questions about the operation of this online shop, please contact the store owner.