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I cant make sense of it, said RichFerchen, 52, who worked with Aarum at both The Chapel and the Ranch for decades. And while I appreciate your no-doubt informed thoughts on how the media operate, I might point out in the case of Pastor Pitts, he was charged with more than a dozen crimes by multiple jurisdictions. Afterward he recieved a standing ovation. BTW my name is Dan. You are praising Denny Schafer? I think we should left God be the judge, because you should be very careful with talking bad about people God calls. Meet #MattRasor who is the Chief Financial Officer at Cornerstone Church under the leadership of Bishop Michael Pitts. Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it. I never saw him in the same light after that dream. MAUMEE -- A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. said Lester Sumrall about the Maumee building, We began holding services in East Toledo at the Historic Eastwood Theater, Cornerstone Harvest Church planted in Lima, OH, We invest 4.2 million dollars in world class facilities for the children's wing and multipurpose facilities at our Maumee Campus, Cornerstone City Church planted in Wayne, MI, We celebrated the consecration of Pastor Michael Pitts to the office of Bishop, We launched Heal The World as an outreach arm of Cornerstone Church, The historic Eastwood Theater was and once again began holding services as the new Eastwood Campus, Cornerstone City Church restructures as our Wayne Campus, Purchased the Summit building in downtown Toledo and began renovations, Cornerstone Harvest Church restructures as our Lima Campus, Cornerstone launches as the Downtown Campus, Phil and Meredith Ryburn installed as Lead Pastors. From events to our Online Campus you can all the information and resources you need to grow in your faith and connect with others. Bishop of Cornerstone Church Toledo and the Cornerstone Global Network (obviously this is paraphrased) Dont be blinded by the charisma of this man. The answer, apparently, is 7 months. But I want justice.. This is the foundation of Pitts message to his congregation. Non relevant to any of this. (Of course, I hadnt to surf in secret and never told anyone at church that I was questioning the church) I felt like I had become so obsessed/convinced that I was in the one, true church that I couldnt leave or I would surely lose my salvation. [1], In 2015, Pitts commenced monthly revival services in San Jose, California. The . I am a part of the pitts family and reading this has been both hilarious and very very sad. Just because you can take a scripure out of context doesnt mean you have Michael Pitts number. Ive been by their place and its not that much. I agree with Lily on the things that she compares with the Bible. Non the less, Free speech is allowed unless it causes the defamation (sorry for the previous quirk, spell check is a genious) of character in more than verbalized, and reserved form, or prevention of potential income. Futhermore, you obviously did not really look into the Delta incident. Your Welcome!! Shesangry, but not vindictive. Open today: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Within a year, however, she said she would go to the police to report heruneaseabout thehabitsshed seen develop betweenWayne Aarum and teenage girls at the camp. LE, Hey!! I can tell you, that is NOT Godly. Theywerebetting on which new campers Wayne Aarum might pay special attention to, he said. Had the authorities had any convincing evidence on him, they would not have dropped all the charges and offered him a trespassing plea, would they? Perhaps your level of discernment in much higher than the present leaders of the church, or you have no discernment! Send your wonderful presence and your fire on each one who reads this!!! I dont expect anyone to understand the blessings of being a child of Abraham. Cornerstone launches as the Downtown Campus 2019 Phil and Meredith Ryburn installed as Lead Pastors Privacy Policy Download Our App Careers Contact Us 1520 Reynolds Rd Maumee OH 43537 hello@cornerstone.church 419.725.5000 Copyright 2023, Cornerstone Church. For MANY reasons. Wayne Aarum was not present for the meeting. But during his tenure at Circle C,Ferchenadmitted that he saw Aarumclosely embrace girls, and that, on multiple occasions, he happened upon Aarum and a girlspeaking together in secluded rooms or spaces. Follow her on Twitter @Sjtaddeo. Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders accused of sexual misconduct 00:00 00:00 An unknown error has occurred The allegations were made by former and current members of. I think you need to know more than what Pitts and Clan want you to see in the saftey of the congregation. Looking at his website, and how everything came to be, he talks more about how this is what he wanted (the ministry) and not enough about what God wanted. You can share anonymously or with your name. Dont waste your time or money with this church. You people need to pick up a Bible and get a church home, instead of judging someone that is following God will for his life. I donot follow him I follow Christ Officials did not press charges after Pastor Pitts agreed to seek counseling with a psychologist who sees sex offenders, they said. [5] As of 2005 it became the largest church in Northwest Ohio, with 4,000 members. A buddy of mine used to video tape the services at Cornerstone. Devan ODierno told the USA Today Network that Wayne Aarum was physically inappropriate with her, including placing his hands on her bottom while hugging her tightly in an empty room, while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch in the 2000s. The more his congregation makes, the more he makesthats reality. Its written in the Bible. The goodness of the Lord affecting all nations is a recurring theme of the Ministry of Cornerstone. Hey, if you want to defend a pastor who is arrogant and manipulativemore power to you. On the contrary, I thought she spoke alot!! He is one of the greatest men of God I, or for that matter the world, has ever known. First off, I dont go to his church nor have I ever attended or given him any money. Who was without sin Christ was! Shed resignfrom her position not long after, her emotions a mix of heartbreak andfrustrationasshe leftthe Ranch. Cornerstone Church, Maumee, Ohio. Sexual abuse prevention organization Darkness to Light operates a toll-free number for individuals, children or adults, in the U.S. who need local information and resources about sexual abuse. But thats the truth. He told me, My son has a problem, hes an idiot, and hes going to ruin this camp if he doesnt stop, Ferrante said. In early 2021, The Chapelheld a members-only meeting to sharesome of the findingsand to announce the church wassuspendingall activities and financial ties to Circle C Ranch. They are by-products of being worshipped and idolized. Isensed that I was a part of something very good. Of course, why would he want to speak with someone who doesnt have any money? Joe Schmoe would be hated in the community and locked up. Rest assured that he makes far more from his speaking engagements and book royalties than his salary from cornerstone. A Roundtable, In Israel, Left and Right Join to Protest New Government Threat to Democracy Whats Striking is Whats Missing, He Gets Us and Sleazy Swift Boat Ads Share a Central Figure Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch, The Dreher Affair Highlights the Rights International Networks, Correction: The SBC Does NOT Oppose Womens Ordination Just Women Pastors, Women as Head Pastors Was Final Straw for Southern Baptist Convention Not Scandal, Sexual Abuse, or Dalliance with Dictators, Still Left Behind: What the Endurance of the Left Behind Cinematic Universe Can Tell Us About Conservative Moral Psychology, Espionage Allegations Against Russian Church Raise Religious Freedom Issue in Ukraine, As Tensions Escalate in the Balkans, the West Could Hand Putin a Valuable Weapon, Putins Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe And Theres Reason to Believe itll Go Mainstream, the largest evangelical sex abuse scandal to date. Community. So the vampires gave it to them. At least as of a few years ago, he was living in a half-million-dollar home on 30 acres, wearing designer duds, and driving a Cadillac. You see, Pastor Michael Pitts was charged with several counts of exposing himself to strangers. I have attended Cornerstone since 1995 and without a doubt, the relationships, benefits of life and strength of my walk with God are all directly related to my involvement with this church. In a May 7, 2021, email, Aarum said there were occasions, such as when problems arose at the Ranch, when he wouldhaveto enter a space where a female counselor is present.. They were righteous. Furthermore, Pitts character is such that it makes it quite believable for me that he did it. Michael did marry me and my husband and I attended all locations (Douglas, Byrne, Airport Hwy. In fact, if you call him Mike hell correct you and ask you to please call him Michael. A warrant is: a writ issued usually by a judge or magistrate which commands an otherwise illegal act and affords the person executing the writ protection from damages if the act is performed. Thats an improper assumption on your part. Many ofthose womenwould later spend years in therapyto erase traces of emotional entanglement with him. Simply amazing. I heard that an offering was taken for him for his birthday, and he said it was not enough, and had the plates passed again. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.) (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.). But you dont have to be bamboozled. If its not to Gods glory, it would fail. All rights reserved. Going to the next level, a new season, Im believing God for a harvest, getting my stuff back from the devil are saying frequently used in Charasmatic circles. So I. - Do you think these mega-churches he preaches at aernt paying him? Havent they ready the first 5 chapters of Acts? You are right, I notice something about Toledo Area. Thank goodness!!! LOL . Dear anonymous commenter, Im not mad in the slightest. Last year, when Pitts appeared for a command performance at Paula Whites church, she declared it was by divine appointment. Pastor made no excuses for his actions and apolagized to the congregation. [22], In August 2000, Pitts was charged with a DUI. A USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found thatAarum, 55,touchedat least 16teenage girls inappropriately, some on multiple occasions, according to their firsthand accounts. As far as the exposure incidents go, he didnt have any excuses because he held to the fact that he was innocent. The investigationsfindings were serious enough that Norris recommendedChapel staff tosharethemwithlaw enforcement, state and localOffice ofChildren and Family Services agencies and state and local Department of Health agenciesbefore her report was complete,she said. God takes care of His own Lily, I think youd better remember that and to finish that statement you can look to the Bible! Not to mention the fact that if Pitts really was provably in another country on April 18, 1995, one might think he could bring that up to Delta police at the time not mention it to the media two years later, after hes already served his court-appointed sex counseling. Im done. That is love! Why is it that any joe schmoe, who could have done the same things that Pitts did, and have the book thrown at him? Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others. If, as you say, you dont care if your spiritual leader has a penchant for public masturbation, drunk driving, and lying well then, I suppose Ive wasted your time. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Because this was a completely separate incident and Pitts did go to counseling for the Delta incident speaks volumes about the criminal case regarding his indecent exposure. Im still not angry, but it seems youd like me to be. I call it an organization because thats how he runs it. He blamed his problems on media monsters. email me. The Chapel, where Aarums brother Wes Aarum Jr.was a pastor until he resigned in early 2021,is attended by about 5,000 people. More significantly, I believe these imposters are, at best, a poor representation of a man who Ive come to realize has a shockingly superior intelect to that of the average person. Who cares what kind of outward gifts he gives. THATS ALL. Curious to note a few things here that were never brought out or known or told in or by the media: 3 months before the big arrest a few city/government/police officials called a certain individual in the police department, in the investigations, and spoke to this person. It seems as though youve stirred up a hornets nest by doing this, but I dont see anything wrong with it. Had he been conclusively identified at the seen, he would have gone to jail! After the lawsuit against SGM was dropped, in fact, Mohler and two fellow evangelicals published a. for Mahaney, calling him our friend and a vast influence for good. The statement claimed that Mahaney was not charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing. Thus, they wrote, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C.J. matthew! (www.cornerstonetoledo.com)Why dont you worry about your own walk and stop judging another mans servant if you want reference scripture. I thought this forum died, if you have a problem with Pastor Michael Pitts, take it the Lord in prayer. Jun 1986 - Oct 2020 34 years 5 months. The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee Has Ever Said By San Antonio Current Staff Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church has been the victim of #fakenews in the past, sure,. Thats your defensiveness rising up in you. In all of those years, much to the shame of its leaders, I have NEVER heard such righteous teaching. alot of those individuals were other pastors/priests in the city and alot were in a city/government office or political office. Any reasonable person would do this seeing as he lives in Toledo. Pastor Pitts doesnt need to explain himself here, nor has he ever done so! Kat: Pastor Michael does not have a private jet please dont spew out ignorance you know nothing about. I know for a fact that he offered no excuses for his actions. Im down-trodden that we have found a place to BB-Q those who try to serve a living God. God Bless Pastor Pitts, Cornerstone Church, and all heares and doers of Gods word. The deal threw out several charges of indecent exposure. Today, far too many called Christian clergy are spiraling headlong into perdition. Its apparent because these people cannot govern their own lives, they turn a blind eye and enable Pitts to continue his charade and deception. There have I been flattering enough. I doubt, however, that he likes to advertise his legal difficulties. Getting caps on your teeth is no different. Ferrante would sometimes linger in those secluded locations, awkwardly making conversation, to ensure someone else was present. In response to Lilys postings about Michael Pitts: I personally cant believe you sat in that mans church and discerned the things you did. Id settle down on the f word if I were you. http://www.dennyradio.com Its called the 10 Commandments. AGAIN, ANYONE WHO SAYS TO HIS BROTHER, RACA IS ANSWERABLE TO THE SANHEDRIN. I just recieved this email from a friend. Im beginning to feel like Im back in High School here. I found each of the women to be credible, saidattorney and founder of MinistrySafeKimberlee Norris, who haspracticed law addressing child sexual abuse for over 30 years. It is what a person believes that makes him righteous. (For those who havent read up on Pitts, most of the charges he faced were derived from people who saw a man meeting his description masturbating in a public place, like a park or a parking lot. Manypeopleare devotedto the Ranch and the Aarum family, and said they never experienced or witnessed egregiousphysical behavior from Aarum. Thanks, and yes, I have applied for disability (though that makes me feel like a jerk) but anyway, Im just waiting right now.