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Articles C
(256) 403-0521. (Acts 1990, No. Activities relating to fighting of dogs prohibited; violations; confiscation; procedures for disposition of animals; bond for the care of seized dog; forfeiture. Carrie Hudson - Domestic Relations. 3-1-14. Any judicial determination in municipal court or district court that a dog is dangerous may be appealed to the circuit court pursuant to the requirements of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure and the order of the circuit court shall be final. 3-6A-4. They must be appropriately confined at all times, either by a leash when off the property or other means to keep them within an owner's property. Mr. Howard Wayne East. 607, p. 812, 9901, as amended, effective January 1, 1980. 90-530, p. 816, 2; Act 2009-636, p. 1949, 1.). Right of officers, etc., of humane societies to take charge of and care for neglected or abused animals; written notice to owner from whom animal taken; lien for expenses for care and keeping of animal. The court may correct, alter, or otherwise adjust the bond or funds to be deposited upon a motion made before the expiration date of the previous bond or deposit of funds. County rabies officer; application; appointment; term; powers and duties; authority of county board of health. Part 4. RABIES VACCINE. 3-1-2. All members of the domesticated canine (Canis familiaris) family. Suspected or confirmed contact of saliva with a break or abrasion of the skin or with any mucous membrane, as determined by the health officer or medical or law enforcement personnel. By Law; Amending Subsection 6 (3) (C) Thereof Pertaining To The General Statement Of Facts Contained In An Informal Complaint To Include Handicap Status In The Basis Of 3-1-29. CHAPTER 1. Expenses incurred in connection with the housing, care, or upkeep of the dogs by any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall be taxed against the owner. The certificate shall be dated and signed by the person authorized to administer the vaccine. | (c) For purposes of this section, livestock is defined as equine or equidae, cows, swine, goats, and sheep. (256) 235-3863. Chapter 7A. (3) The owner or keeper may choose at any time to surrender the dog to the local animal shelter or other animal housing facility holding the dog. The injection, in a manner approved by the State Health Officer and the State Veterinarian, of rabies vaccine approved by the State Health Officer and the State Veterinarian. The filing fee is $65.00 Minor Name Changes You will need to contact an attorney for a minor name change If the appropriate jurisdiction does not employ an animal control officer, the duties of this chapter shall be carried out by a law enforcement officer. Activities relating to fighting of dogs prohibited; violations; confiscation; procedures for disposition of animals; bond for the care of seized dog; forfeiture. Prev Next Killing or disabling livestock; penalty. How to Find Sex Offender Information. 84-796, p. 206; Act 2011-542, 1.). The animal control officer shall file a summons for the owner of the dog, if known, with the municipal court or district court. Calhoun County District CourtUnlawful Detainer/Eviction Procedures. (b) It shall be unlawful and in violation of the provisions of this chapter for any person to import, receive, sell, offer for sale, barter, or exchange animal rabies vaccine, other than antirabies vaccine intended for human use, to anyone except a duly licensed veterinarian. If the dog is impounded with a veterinarian chosen by the owner of the dog, the owner of the dog shall be liable for paying to the veterinarian the cost and expenses incurred in impounding, feeding, and providing veterinary care or treatment for the dog. f. The owner of the dangerous dog shall be required to pay an annual dangerous dog registration fee of one hundred dollars ($100) to the county or municipality for a dog deemed dangerous by a court or pay a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) to the county or municipality for non-registration within two weeks. Unauthorized access or use is not permitted and constitutes a crime punishable by law. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. It requires dogs be confined to owner's property. Wanton, malicious, etc., destruction, injury, etc., of animal or article or commodity of value of another -- Proof of trespassing by animal in mitigation or justification of offense; tender of compensation. 3-6A-8. (Acts 1990, No. 9 sec. (a) Every owner of a dog, cat, or ferret required to be immunized for rabies as defined in this chapter, shall cause the animal to be immunized by the rabies officer, his or her authorized representative, or any duly licensed veterinarian, when the animal reaches three months of age and subsequently in accordance with the intervals specified in the vaccine's license. It shall be unlawful for any person having knowledge that a human being has been bitten or exposed by a dog, cat, or ferret to fail to notify one or more of the aforementioned officers. A paper copy or electronic copy or evidence thereof shall be maintained by the licensed veterinarian for a period of one year past the expiration date of a certificate. Sess., No. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. 3-6A-7. There is 1 Court per 16,503 people, and 1 Court per 86 square miles. Keeping of dog known to kill, etc., stock prohibited; liability of owner for injuries, etc., caused by same; liability for killing of same. (1) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, the State Board of Health by rule may establish procedures and qualifications for an exemption from the requirement for a vaccination for an animal if a rabies vaccination would be injurious to the animal's health. Box 1511 Montgomery, AL 36102-1511. Nothing in this chapter shall be held to limit in any manner the power of any municipality to prohibit dogs, cats, or ferrets from running at large, regardless of rabies immunization status as herein provided; nor shall anything in this chapter be construed, in any manner, to limit the power of any municipality to further control and regulate dogs or cats in such municipality. The following are merely procedural guidelines to attempt to aid you: Give a 7 business day notice to the tenant (for a yearly lease) OR 30 day notice to the tenant (for month to month, expired, or no lease). An additional paper copy or electronic copy or listing shall be provided to the local rabies enforcement authority upon request by the authority and in the manner as so requested. ; failure to burn or bury dead animal, etc. b. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as diminishing any right or liability for injury by dog bites now existing under the laws of this state. For community cats, the inclusion or omission of just a few words in these laws can be the difference between life and death. Liability of owner for damages done by livestock or animals running at large; judgment lien upon animal or livestock causing damage (Ala. Code 1975 3-5-3), 40-12-111. 3-7A-6 . 3-1-8. (d) If a dog that has not been declared by a court to be dangerous, when unjustified, attacks and causes physical injury to a person, and the owner of the dog had prior knowledge of the dangerous propensities of the dog, yet demonstrated a reckless disregard of the propensities under the circumstances, the owner of the dog shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES. 1975 Ordinances . High 59F. The age of the majority in Alabama is now 19. 3-7A-8 . (j) It shall be presumed that a dog is not a dangerous dog pursuant to this chapter if the dog was on property owned by the owner of the dog when the event subject to a claim under this chapter occurred or if the victim was trespassing on any property when the event subject to a claim under this chapter occurred. 3-1-10. Pell City does have a leash law, a vicious animal ordinance, and requires owners to be in control of their pets at all times. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings: (1) Animal control officer. 3. (a) Any person, who unlawfully, wantonly, or maliciously kills, disables, disfigures, destroys, or injures the livestock of another while the livestock is on the premises of the owner of the livestock or on the premises of a person having charge thereof shall be guilty of a Class C felony. Read this complete Alabama Code Title 3. It shall be the duty of the rabies officer to immunize for rabies all dogs, cats, and ferrets covered under this chapter and he or she may employ as many licensed veterinarians to serve as deputies to aid him or her as he or she may desire. Relation to Volunteer Service Act. Comprehensive lawyer profiles including fees, education, jurisdictions, awards, publications and social media. Code of Alabama. Please be assured that your information will remain confidential and will not be shared. Liability of owner of dog for injuries to person bitten or injured while upon property owned or controlled by owner, etc. If the instructions cannot be delivered in such a manner, they shall be mailed by regular mail, postage prepaid and addressed to the owner of the animal. When person deemed lawfully on property of owner of dog. Email: Any expenses incurred in the quarantine of the offending animal under this section and Section 3-7A-8 shall be borne by the owner. More than 40 people attended the hearing, which started at 5 p.m. in the commission room at the Chilton County Courthouse. Duties of animal control officer. (Acts 1982, No. (Acts 1990, No. (Acts 1990, No. The committee shall consider all cost factors in administering the vaccine as the economy dictates, including but not limited to the current prices of vaccines. 3-7A-9. The form must be filled out completely before returning to the Calhoun County Probate Office. (Code 1876, 4405; Code 1886, 4171; Code 1896, 5591; Code 1907, 6236; Code 1923, 3219; Code 1940, T. 3, 4.). Calhoun County uses the latest encryption technology to safeguard information entered into the system. 3-6-1. Cullman, AL (35055) Today. (e) In addition to any fines imposed by the court, a person guilty of violating subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) shall pay all expenses, including, but not limited to, shelter, food, veterinary expenses for boarding, and veterinary expenses necessitated by impoundment of the dog, medical expenses incurred by a victim from an attack by a dangerous dog, and other expenses required for the destruction of the dog. 1-A - Authority of Coastal Counties to Regulate Motor Vehicles and Littering On Beaches, Texas Constitution Art. At public rabies clinics, the rabies officer may charge an immunization fee established by a committee consisting of the State Health Officer, the State Veterinarian, and the president of the Alabama Veterinary Medical Association, and approved by the State Board of Health prior to the first day of January each year. Animals 3-1-5 on Westlaw, Law Firm Tests Whether It Can Sue Associate for 'Quiet Quitting', The Onion Joins Free-Speech Case Against Police as Amicus, Bumpy Road Ahead for All in Adoption of AI in the Legal Industry. Cruelty to animals. to be kept on dogs nor shall this section apply in any county in this state until You can explore additional available newsletters here. Shirley A. Millwood. 3-7A-9 . All dogs, cats, and ferrets which have been impounded in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, after notice is given to the owner as provided in Section 3-7A-7, may be humanely destroyed and disposed of when not redeemed by the owner within seven days. Penalties for violations of provisions of article, etc.