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Pet friendly rentals in 04276. North Turner What does the planning process look like? North Sebago Topsham Newfield Somersworth Coopers Mills School Board Combined Monthly Business Meeting & Budget Workshop on Monday, February 6th in the Falmouth Elementary School Cafeteria. Tuesday, January 3, 7:00 PM in the Falmouth High School Library: January School Board Workshop (The workshop topic is an overview of the school budget process, agenda will be posted on the School Board Meeting Page a week in advance of the meeting). Williamsburg Tenants Harbor Biddeford Rumford District Central Office 207-781-3200. Lubec IMPORTANT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND COMMUNITY DIALOGUES: SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS MEETING: Monday, September 19th at 7:00 pm in the Falmouth Elementary School Cafeteria (agenda), CAMPUS MASTER PLANNING Community Information & Discussion Session: Wednesday, September 28th at 6:30 pm in the Falmouth High School Theater (Campus Master Planning web page), STRATEGIC PRIORITIES & PRE-KINDERGARTEN Community Information & Discussion Session: Monday, October 3rd (during the regularly scheduled School Board Workshop) at 7:00 pm in the Falmouth Elementary School Cafeteria (Pre-Kindergarten web page). Arrowsic Sorrento Canaan Port Clyde Standish Brooks If a school is closed this information should usually be available on the school's website and / or their social media pages. FALMOUTH, Mass. Richmond Learn more on the Master Planning Page of our website. Stillwater Image 7. Power failuresKeep an eye on power outages with our map. Ellsworth A winter weather advisory will be in effect in eastern Massachusetts Monday from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service. $320 - $650. You may also wish to visit the school . Locke Mills Shawmut Chatham North Fryeburg Bowdoinham Susan Prince: Assistant Director of Special Education Bayville East Falmouth: 3.7 inches, recorded at 7 a.m. East Sandwich: 3.2 inches, recorded at 8 a.m. Abbot 207-781-3200 West Farmington West Stoneham Burlington Deblois Benton Chamberlain Birch Island Schools . Edgecomb This is the most recent update from the National Weather Service in Boston's Twitter account: The forecast calls for the heaviest snowfall coming Monday night. South China Dayton West Kennebunk The agenda is availableon the School Board Meetings pageHERE. In addition to the welcome return of families and guardians to our schools for Open Houses and as volunteers, another celebratory highlight of this year is the opportunity once again for our students once to learn and serve outside the walls of the campus. Troy Not being in school necessarily means some special education students are not able to access learning. Check out our subscription offers. Emergency personnel will report to work. Greenville Junction The Proposed Strategic Priorities: Setting the Course for 2022 & Beyond webpage includes the background work that led to the document, the document itself, and a Feedback Survey to collect our community members thoughts. Allagash North Haven Carmel Bailey Island Main Office 207-781-3988 207-347-3130 (fax) You can find emergency numbers and contact information for Student Services Team members in each building on our Student Services Website Page, and dont hesitate to reach out to building administrators as needed. Dear Students, Staff, Parents, and Caregivers. Lacrosse Clinics are coming soon! Big humidity drop this afternoon! Falmouth Schools Calendar 2023 This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 school calendar for Falmouth Schools in Maine. Assistant Principal: Chris Hughes, 74 Woodville Rd, Falmouth, ME Woolwich Grand Lake Stream Plantation North Shapleigh The New Year is in sight! Nurse Direct Line:207-347-3152, Principal: Richard Gowers In conversations with the School Board, the District Leadership Team, and Falmouth Education Association (FEA) Leaders, a number of important concerns were raised that led to this determination: Teachers and families/caregivers have questioned whether remote days have learning value equal to remote days, and also highlighted the value of letting kids be kids on real snow days (e.g. Liza Little, Psychologist and Director of Counseling Services at U.S.M. School activities on campus will resume tomorrow (for those programs with Saturday events), and we will return to school on Monday with all normal safety protocols in place. What Cape Codders said about Jack Mawn, snow that was expected to begin falling in the early Tuesday morning hours, Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical School, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Kingsbury Plantation Bowdoin If conditions are severe enough to threaten the safety of students traveling to and from school, a decision is made to close school or delay opening. Waite Out of an abundance of caution, and in collaboration with FPD, Imade the decision to close our schools for the day. Penobscot Newagen West Cumberland Soldier Pond East Waterboro School Delays, Closings and Weather Cancellations for Falmouth MA. 2023. Sabattus Paris Special Purpose Private Exempt Cushing North Norway School Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM As of 5:45 a.m., Barnstable, Bourne, Falmouth, Monomoy Regional School District - which covers Harwich and Chatham - Sandwich and Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical School announced. 1997 Class C Falmouth 83 Narraguagus 56. Proactive planning avoids costly, reactive decisions. Cliff Island Boothbay Parsonsfield The forecast calls for the heaviest snowfall coming Monday night, resulting in difficult travel conditions. Wellington Cutler Indian Township-Passamaquoddy Tribe Sullivan Harbor East Millinocket Go Back; Kids. Dennysville In June 2022, the federal waiver allowing districts to continue receiving nutrition reimbursements while operating non-traditionally expired and was not renewed. Beals Family Ice Center will open both the indoor arena and Twombly Pond warming hut. credit/cori check. 207-781-3988 Brownville 16 Sidewinder Rd is a house located in Barnstable County and the 02536 ZIP Code. See All News . With yesterday and todays unexpected snow (despite the Weather Channels continued prediction that it would turn to rain . Oquossoc 1998-2023 Falmouth Public Schools, All rights reserved. Gilead Matinicus Isle Plantation Visit the link above to view the full, original school calendar. Thank you for your patience as we work out the start-of-school schedule, transportation, and other blips that inevitably present themselves at the start of a new school year. While summer continues to offer the best of Maine, the Leadership Team and staff across the district are busy preparing for the year ahead: Crews are wrapping up renovation projects, outfitting new portable classrooms, waxing floors and settling furniture. Bar Mills Individuals and families needing shelter should call the Falmouth Communications Center at 207-781-2300 before traveling to the warming center so appropriate accommodations can be made. Lewiston Moody Please join us on Monday, October 3rd at 7:00 pm in the Elementary School Cafeteria (during the regularly scheduled School Board Workshop). Claremont Central Office North Edgecomb This will be the only student flu shot clinic that will be at the schools this year. We know there are questions and a desire to collaborate. Cross Country; Field Hockey; Football; Golf; Soccer (Girls) Soccer (Boys) Tennis (Middle School) . Schools will end at the normal times. Swans Island Orland We are requiring pre-registration for this event. Center Lovell Albion We encourage and fully support all to follow the mask wearing practices that make them feel most comfortable. Dedham Cherryfield Eastport East Dixfield Newcastle Windham When he pulled it up front I was blown away at how smooth it looked. At this time, they have determined the threat to be a hoax and not credible. Eastbrook Mexico Search . Teachers and families/caregivers (all levels) have expressed concern about children who do not have the skills to self-manage in the remote context, and may not have parental oversight to support schoolwork. Rockport This coming Sunday marks the end of the celebration period that began on January 21st. Our students and staff are to be commended for their calm and helpfulness. They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. Patten If you look closely, you can see the dry air push working in north of Portland. Officers found a young woman shot to death inside a bedroom upstairs. Greenland Navigating Creative Pathways to Courageous, Compassionate, and Fulfilling Lives. Cumberland Foreside Harrington Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Orleans home sells for $4.09 million, pending sales for condos down on Cape, Islands, New state police leader is former Harwich officer. Dresden West Poland North Conway Center Barnstead Islesford Public/Private: Salem Schools must open for 195 days each year. Trevett York Harbor. FALMOUTH, MA Barnstable students will get a few extra hours to sleep in on Tuesday. Gorham Ogunquit 2 Baths. This evening is an opportunity for our Falmouth families, staff and students to learn moreabout the whys and whats of our Strategic Compass Point EAST: Cultivating a climate and culture that is safe, equitable, and fosters wellness. Wallagrass Winn Mars Hill Shirley Mills Barnstable County topped out at 4 inches in the latest report, which came out at 11:59 a.m., and the lowest report in the county was just half an inch. Canton Suffice to say, it feels great to have students and families back on campus with all of our fall activities and programs in full swing. Bucksport Presque Isle Unity Township Aurora We do not need to make that day up at the end of the year, and the district will not have to sustain the additional unanticipated costs associated with doing so. New Market Campus Master Planning:Thank you to the families, guardians, and staff who attended our first Community Master Planning Workshop this past week. Woodland The official agenda can be found on the websitesSchool Board Meeting Page. Casco NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) Due to the threat of severe . Falmouth Public Schools is currently a mask-optional environment. We have also started planning a Community Conversation around our district equity and inclusion work. KIMBERLEY'S is totally independent and is owned by the local resident Sole Principal, Steve Kimberley MNAEA. Friday, November 11, 2022 - Veterans Day / No School, Upcoming: December School Board Workshop (Falmouth Performance Data & Math Curriculum). Vienna The ongoing partnership between Falmouth Schools and the Falmouth Police Department is an invaluable part of keeping our schools and community safe. falls a week from Sunday on the 25th; and Kwanzaa celebrations begin on the 26th. Swimming begins practice on Tuesday, Feb. 28th from 6:30 to 7:30 at Greely High School. Center Conway The following resources may be useful to you as you talk with your children about the events of the day: Tips for talking to children about violence, Creating supportive environments whenscary things happen. Sebec Lake Fryeburg East Pittston Perham Benedicta Milford 1 bath. FALMOUTH, MA Barnstable students will get a few extra hours to sleep in on Tuesday. Global United States School Calendar Maine. Jackman Easton Saturday, March 11, 2023, from 10am to 12 noon. Sebasco Estates Lake View Plantation Northwood Arundel Jackson Robbinston Randolph Brooksville New Sweden Long Island Private OPEN TODAY, 4:30PM TO 6PM. Bridgton The region could see up to 6 inches of snow. Crystal Intervale Bancroft Floor Plans. Spruce Head Island Blue Hill Also exciting is the energy and ideas of the PTO groups formed or forming in each of our schools. The energy and excitement level of parents and guardians back in the buildings for Open Houses has been almost as high as it was for students on the first day of school! West Bowdoin Chebeague Island Auburn Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Testing. Parents and guardians are asked to register in. This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 and 2024 school calendar for Falmouth Public Schools in Massachusetts. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Superintendent of Schools may find appropriate and acceptable. Madawaska Wolfeboro See All News . East Holden Students are not to be on school grounds until ten minutes before school begins. Monmouth Cape Cod real estateOrleans home sells for $4.09 million, pending sales for condos down on Cape, Islands. Tenant gets access to private beach on Jenkins pond. Technology Region Westmanland 58 Woodville Rd, Falmouth, ME Main Number: 207-781-3988 Nurse Direct Line: 207-347-3152. Charleston The second part of the evening will focus on the Exploration of Pre-K Programming for Falmouth Public Schools. Costigan Washburn Early Dismissal There are no set times for early closure. FALMOUTH Falmouth Public School teachers have criticized plans to reopen schools, citing a survey that showed half of local educators were uncomfortable starting off with a hybrid model.. Whiting Piney Ridge Treatment Center LLC. Pittston Tennessee School Closings: March 3, 2023. by: Sebastian Posey. In addition, this information will be posted at Merrill 1987 . This center will be opened based on demand. Brookton Township Freedom North Bath We are ready to look forward! Kingfield Bingham Litchfield Lakeville Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Town of Bourne Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility (ISWM) Falmouth residents may use Bourne ISWM as guests, for a fee. But the opportunity. Principal (K-2): Stacy White Assistant Principal (K-2): Karen Walker Principal (3-5): Ryan Patrie Cumberland Center York We encourage those families/caregivers to share their plans with the appropriate school(s) if we end up having make-up days in June that students will be unable to attend. Federal government program that provides up to $30 a month toward Internet service to qualified households, Work Permit Process for Children ages 14-17 who live or go to school in Falmouth. North Brooklin Public Special Education Macmahan Island Center Ossipee 26 Shore St Unit 5U, Falmouth, MA 02540. . Castine 207-781-7429 NOW PLAYING ABOVE. Pejepscot News - Falmouth Public Schools District Information News Online Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024 Now Open Online kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens on Wednesday, February 1, 2023. Dennis Town Hall delayed opening until 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, in the latest snow-related delay caused by Tuesday's early-morning storm. Falmouth School Delay and Closings Media Stations and links. New Sharon "With the continued snowfall early this morning, additional time is required to have all roads cleared prior to the school buses running by the DPW," school officials said. MLS# 611616. Penobscot Nation Principals and our Health Services Team will be sharing more information in the days to come. Medway Sebago Lake KG. Bass Harbor We are a month into school and the busy hum on our campus continues. We acknowledge that midyear calendar changes are never ideal and that some families may have made plans for the projected school year-end based on the current calendar. Brunswick East Waterford Cape Cod Community College canceled morning classes, and the school plans to open at 12:30 p.m. Schools and other programs in Massachusetts issued delays or called snow days for the storm, which hit harder in different parts of the state. Well be highlighting these individuals and sharing more information about these folks in our website newsupdatesin the days to come:. Winterville Plantation Teachers are meeting to collaborate on curriculum, ensure student schedules are in place, and organize welcome sessions for students and guardians. 207-781-1321(Nurse), Navigating Creative Pathways to Courageous, Compassionate, and Fulfilling Lives,, Proposed Strategic Priorities: Setting the Course for 2022 & Beyond, Dr. Jeff Barkin, Psychiatrist and former President of the Maine Medical Association, Dr. Amy Mayhew, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Director of PIER. Every Day. Oxbow Plantation Automated messaging will be used to notify families regarding changes in school schedule (snow day, delayed opening, early dismissal). North Lebanon Barnard Twnshp Quimby Walpole Jonesport East Madison Weld Rockwood Indian Island Freeman South Windham Hampton Beach Conversations focused on having kids return to school Wednesdays, but the day. Clifton By Staff Report Carthage South Liberty New Brunswick South Freeport Hamlin Cary Plantation Technology Center ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 58 Woodville Rd Falmouth, ME 04105. Shortly before the formal start of the school day for Falmouth Middle and High Schools, the Falmouth Police Department (FPD) received information about an online threat specifically targeting Falmouth Schools. 51 Woodville Rd Acton Image 1 (current) Image 2. 987 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18. North Hampton Find out quickly below if snow, cold or other weather . Pembroke Camden Orrington Karen Walker:Elementary School Assistant Principal (K-2) Live Feed. Lincolnville Waldoboro Saint George Rangeley Plantation Pleasant Point Cushing Island Chocorua Sundown Cape Neddick South Portland Wales Newmarket Falmouth Town is a civil parish within Cornwall, formed in 1974 from the historic Falmouth Borough Council. The Budget Workshop will begin at 6:30 pm, followed by the Monthly Business Meeting at approximately 8:00 pm. LAW Art Show - Trimester 2, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Prospect Harbor 126 Twin Hill Rd, Falmouth, MA 02536 . Ctr Conway Greenville A reminder that practices for Indoor Track and Swimming Start after Feb. break. 207-781-7429 Hersey Also note that we have incorporated non-student days such as teachers preparation days, teachers services days, and professional development days into the dates below. High 74F. Seal Harbor West Peru Moro Plantation Kents Hill Monday, December 19, 7:00 PM in the Falmouth Elementary School: December School Board Business Meeting (Find meeting agendas on the School Board Meeting Page of our website). If you would like your child to receive an influenza vaccine please complete the appropriate registration form below by Thursday, October 6th. Springfield Readfield We encourage all members of ourcommunityto continue to cover your cough, wash your hands regularly, and stay home if you are sick. VIDEO TOUR. Stay tuned for more information once we have rounded the bend of conferences and settle on a date that works best. Etna Northport Northeast Harbor Search. We attempt to make the decision that is safest for families with a priority of also maintaining educational routines. Steep Falls Montville Hulls Cove Limerick Fort Fairfield Charlotte West Newfield East Poland Reminder: Wednesday, February 8 is an early release day for all students. Happy February! Shirley Limington Otis Lovell Maxfield Nashville Plantation Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Falmouth Public Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar and 2023-2024 approved calendar. Global United States School Calendar Massachusetts. Bremen Falmouth received its Order of Charter in 1661. Round Pond Our 6th Grade students have returned to Camp Kieve to deepen their collaboration and leadership skills, our High School Art students have sought the color and inspiration of our regional agricultural fair, and our grade 2 students will head out to learn about our coastal tidal pools next week. Atlantic To help us gauge interest in the event, we ask that you fill out the three-question response form linked here, which also provides you with an opportunity to indicate the type of information you hope to glean from the presentation. Anson Sinclair Rome Waterville Main Number: 207-781-3740 Ashland Madrid Scarborough Pause Gallery . Eliot West Buxton Falmouth Middle School & Falmouth High School will be having their student flu shot clinic on Wednesday, October 12 during school hours from 8am-11am. Belmont Prentiss Township FHS-Junior Family Guidance Night. Here you will find the latest information, events, and programs for ourschool district. Moscow "Equity & Inclusion in Falmouth Schools" on Thursday, January 19th from 6:30-8:00 pm at Falmouth High School. I hope the winter break was wonderful and that todays picture-perfect snowfall is a welcome sight, adding some brightness to our lengthening days. Guilford Woodstock Gale warnings were in effect early Tuesday for coastal waters from Provincetown to Chatham to Nantucket, also in Cape Cod Bay and Nantucket Sound. Meddybemps Knox Lamoine Lee Wind gusts of up to 35 mph are also expected. Current challenges include age and wear of facilities and infrastructure, and program expansion and staff to serve evolving student needs. Falmouth Select Board Schedules Special Town Meeting, Kindergarten Registration Opens Soon For Falmouth Schools, Falmouth Confirms Name Of New Fire Station, T-Mobile Tuesdays: Fresh Perks Every Week, CNA/HHA | Your Perfect Client Match + Great Benefits, Living In A Lighthouse Is Possible At Cape Cod Home Of The Week, The Poop On Free-Range Cats And Your Lawn And Garden [Block Talk], Healey Budget Outlines MA 'Millionaires Tax' Spending Plan. Stoneham Our communication plan in a situation where we need to call a weather-related delay or school closure includes: Goal of sending announcements by 5:30 a.m. Indian Education East Wilton Island Falls New Canada Weather conditions can often change rapidly and seriously because of our coastal location, causing the possibility of school closures, delayed openings, or early dismissals. Franklin Caratunk State Operated Westfield Gretchen A. McNulty that make the addition of schoolwork difficult. 51 Woodville Rd Gray Dexter Portsmouth Vanceboro A huge shout-out also goes to our FES PTO and the Elementary School administration and staff for an awesome 2nd (hopefully) annual Harvest Festival. Monhegan Plantation Media FHS-Soup for the Soul, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Verona Denmark Belgrade Calais It is important for us to create an opportunity to share information and hear the perspectives of our students, staff, parents, and caregivers. Moose River Williamsburg Twp South Gardiner Detroit Derby Here's how much snow was reported in the 11:59 a.m. National Weather Service report. Falmouth Public Schools announced the dates for kindergarten registration this week, with times for each day during the school week of March 27. North Waterboro West Paris Cape Codders weigh in on why. Cornville New Vineyard Cape Cottage Messages sent by email, text, and/or phone (based on your PowerSchool preferences), Banner announcement posted to our website, WCSH-TV (Ch 6); WMTW-TV (Ch 8); WGME-TV (Ch13), Portland Radio Group (Coast 93.1, WPOR 101.9, WCLZ 98.9, WGAN 560/98.5, Rewind 100.9, The Bay 107.1/93.5, Pure Oldies 105.5, and The Outlaw 970/101.5), SAVE THE DATE: Community Information/Discussion Sessions, Monday, January 9th from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center at Yarmouth High School Understanding Todays Cannabis with Dave Packhem, Founder and Executive Director of Students Empowered to End Dependency (SEED), Thursday, January 12th from 6:30-8:00 PM at Falmouth Middle School: CAMPUS MASTER PLAN - Visioning our Campus for the Future, Thursday, January 19th from 6:30-8:00 PM at Falmouth High School: DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION IN OUR SCHOOLS. Peaks Island To our students and families who will honor Yom Kippur this coming week, may it be a good holiday. New Portland Falmouth 58 Penquis 36. Blaine Berwick Firsts, lasts, and security are due at signing. 207-781-3740 HS Athletic Office 207-781-7429 . Roseland Academy. Boxford Kittery Point One spotter in Plainfield - in Hampshire County - measured 8 inches of snow, while another in Worcester County's Charlton measured 8.1. Emosburg Falls <br><br>Producer at Split Focus Films, a video production company catering to the music and events industries. Southport All schools in Yarmouth closed after an online threat, according to school district officials. Some Falmouth families/caregivers have expressed that they seem to always lose power in storms even when many others do not.