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These two rifles were both light and, with outstanding Buffalo Bore ammunition, provided as modern and powerful ballistics as anyone could want. It's my night hog rifle - 4x12-50 L VXR . Heres a look at 10 of the most flexible long-range hunting cartridges. Ohio and southern Michigan are just two examples of areas where the shotgun slug has been replaced by straight-walled cartridges like the .45-70 Government, .444 Marlin and, more recently, the .450 Bushmaster. We are the largest provider of all brands of Rifle Ammo because we offer great service and wholesale prices. Using this web site acknowledges your agreement to the. Learn more . Bullet drop is an important factor for all calibers, but it can make a big difference for heavy, big bore bullets that are only meant to shoot in shorter ranges. You have two cartridges that are headed in opposite directions. Those unaccustomed to hard-kicking rifles will find either the .444 or the .450 a bit much on the shoulder until they get used to it. For generations, a lot of states have allowed deer hunters to use only shotguns with slugs or maybe a muzzleloader during gun season. This Marlin, as weve come to expect from Marlins (especially the new breed with real rifling grooves) laid em in there as well as we could hold with iron sights. This means that the momentum of a rifle's reaction will exactly equal the momentum of the bullet and powder gasses ejected from the barrel. Dont Buy. Buy it. Check out the ballistics chart below for more information. I'm thinking of adding a 450 bushmaster. In our tests, the gun was not as smooth as the .444, had less power than you can get out of a good .45-70 load, offered not a lot more power than you can get out of good .444 Marlin loads, and in short didnt offer us anything at all that we wanted. Our loaner was fitted with a ghost-ring Ashley aperture sight held to the receiver with two screws. And the .450 marlin used in its capacity for large game is exceptional. Find cheap, bulk rifle ammo - 22 long rifle, winchester, 6.5 creedmoor, and more. This is where the differences end, as the 45 70 and 450 are more similar than they are different. Terms of Service - The .444 Marlin, .450 Marlin, and .45/70 are rimmed straight-wall rifle cartridges that are most commonly chambered in lever guns such as the Winchester 1886 and Marlin 1895, though there are single-shot options like the Ruger No. The .444 Marlin has a smaller frontal diameter, and bullets of equal weight will possess a higher Sectional Density than those .458-inch diameter bullets, and should offer better penetration. In essence the rimmed .444 Marlin is an elongated .44 Magnum (the case length is 2.225 inches, with an overall length of 2.550 inches), as it uses the same .429-inch diameter bullets as the classic revolver cartridge, albeit at a much higher velocity. This was adjusted by means of a stepped elevating slide, a design as old as rifles and still functional today. Some companies, like Wild West in Alaska, do a bang-up business modifying existing lever rifles into whatever the mind of man can conceive. Hornadys 325-grain Flextip ammo has a muzzle velocity of 2050 fps and the bullet has a BC of .230. Toward that end, we obtained a pair of nearly identical Marlins chambered for the .444 Marlin, the Model 444P, and .450 Marlin, the Model 1895M. Use of this site indicates your consent to the Terms of Use. During the spring conservation order, you can hunt with outfitters from Arkansas to Saskatchewan. Learn how your comment data is processed. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The plus side of this cartridge is that recoil is pretty mild, so its a good choice for shooters who need to take recoil into consideration. The cartridge has a cavernous case capacity designed to work with black powder of the era, and it used large-diameter bullets to compensate for the low velocity produced by that propellant. Still, we liked the lively feel of the 94AE. Thats alright. Looking at the variety of ammunition available for the two, the .45-70 Government has the undeniable advantage in the number of choices, with nearly every manufacturer including the cartridge in their lineup, in some form or another. The .444 Marlin is essentially a deer rifle that can be used on black bear. Shop for ammo available in all calibers for sale online from We measured the .450 Marlins velocity at 2,045 fps with the 350-grain Hornady Flat-Point Interlock bullet. The overall length on the .450 Marlin is also just a bit longer, at 2.55" compared to 2.26" on the Bushmaster. The .450 Bushmaster was designed to operate in AR-15 platform rifles and is capable of delivering considerably more close-range punch than the 5.56 NATO. The old Trapdoor rifles are restricted to a lower pressure level than are the modern, strongly-built lever guns like the Marlin Model 1895 and Winchester Model 1886; though the case may be thin, it can generate impressive numbers in a modern gun. .451 Caliber projectiles Sounds impressive. By the way, if you are using ar-15, the scope for ar-15 is the good one you should had. On the other hand, the .450 Bushmaster is primarily intended for use on the semi-automatic AR platform, while it can also be chambered in bolt action rifles. Buy From Opticsplanet Buy From Amazon Specifications: 3-9x magnification 40mm objective lens 12.6-34.1 ft field of view at 100 yds The case should come out every time, no matter how the lever is operated. I ended up just taking a lower I had and put a 450 upper on it with a vortex crossfire II 1-430 I think or maybe its 35 or something like that not sure but it will group at 2 inches even for an 10 shot group at 100 yards. It didnt do this with any of the other loads. What kind of gun writer are you? I am currently building a bolt action .444 Marlin that I am expecting good things from this fall. The 2 deer ive gotten with it they made it less than 25 yards. Re: 450 bushmaster vs 444 marlin. But does it deserve the attention? Brass case webs on rimmed cases, like the .45-70 or .444 Marlin, are more than strong enough for whatever pressure the stout Marlin action can take. Few rifle calibers carry as much tradition as the .444 Marlin, which originally hit the scene as a way to give lever-action rifles more of a punch around the ammunition manufacturers stopped commercially producing .45-70-caliber rifles in the 1960s. The .450 Bushmaster is capable of using any .452-inch bullet, which opens a lot more doors for handloaders with the wide range of bullets on the marketincluding some outstanding choices from Barnes. is more comparable to the .350 Legend, but you're losing power and velocity. Also, a synthetic stock is available with Realtree XTRA camo finish. We've got you covered.7x57mm Mauser vs. .280 Remington.300 Win. Your 450 will pick it up from there and range from 350 grains to over 500 grains. Back to the wood. Big Bore Cartridges Compared - 460 S&W vs 444 Marlin vs 450 BM vs 45-70 Govt | Match Grade Machine Big Bore Cartridges Compared - 460 S&W vs 444 Marlin vs 450 BM vs 45-70 Govt Match Grade Machine did extensive testing with different barrel lengths in some of our most popular cartridges. A good solution is to install a proper recoil-reducing pad like the Pachmayr Decelerator. The Hornady Flextip bullet has a BC of .225 and a muzzle velocity of 2325 fps. For instance, Ruger chambers its American Ranch rifle for both cartridges, with few differences between the two. Designed and developed by Winchester, the 350 Legend is the first new introduction to the market aimed specifically at straight-walled hunting regulations. I'd also guess that, given similar shoulder fit, you couldn't tell the difference in recoil. Muzzle Energy: 2,686 foot-pounds. Collectors might want to pick up one and never fire it, plus some ammunition, because we believe this gun will be very short-lived. The overall length on the .450 Marlin is also just a bit longer, at 2.55 compared to 2.26 on the Bushmaster. We didnt make an effort to eject slowly or quickly, just operated the lever in a normal manner. Marlin Model 444P Our recommendation: Marlin ought to know by now how to make a flawless .444 Marlin. The .444 Marlin is on par with the 45 Bushmaster at around 2300 ft/s for a 250 grain bullet, but is easily outdone by the 45 Raptor For either cartridge reloading is the route to go if you're able. All of these walnut-stocked rifles had iron sights only, which is how we tested them. Reloading Brass. Get Special Offers Delivered Right to Your Inbox. While the .450 Marlin can be used in bolt action rifles, it is most commonly found in lever action rifles. 22 Nosler. A heavier bullet will generally travel more slowly than a lighter bullet. The idea took off, and now many of those states are allowing straight-walled cartridges to be used as deer hunting ammo. To totally avoid any problems with hot-loaded .45-70 ammunition, Wild West Guns announced a new cartridge, the .457 Magnum. Though we believe the .45-70 version is a much better bet, many riflemen who also own .44-caliber handguns will want to own the .444 Marlin, and its a pretty good rifle. So when it comes to the .350 Legend vs .450 Bushmaster, is there any discernable advantage of hunting one or the other? It in no way increases the amount you pay and helps us stay in business. With a 150-yard zero, the bullet is 1.66 inches high at 100 yards, 4.37 inches low at 200 yards, and 11.9 inches low at 250 yards. This means that it is still a niche cartridge offered by just a few manufacturers, and you might struggle to find it on the shelves of your local ammunition store. The .458 American was Frank Barness idea, developed decades ago. For a while, nobody was making rifles in .45-70 and the cartridge seemed doomed. Marlin 1895M .450 Marlin, $560. One would think that would have to play in to your decision making. These are two very similar calibers, and indeed both the .450 Marlin and the .450 Bushmaster are seeking to imitate the classic .45-70 Government for different purposes. With the good loads out there for the .45-70, and with Wild Wests .457 Magnum available, we see no need for the .450 Marlin. The main aim of 450 bushmaster is big game hunting in the long-range distance, so the traditional scope that performs in the mid-long range is perfect for this cartridge so that we've recommended this Vortex scope. At 100 yards bullet velocity slows to 1,835 and retains 1,868 pounds of energy. The wood at the rear of the receiver was much smaller in spots than the steel. A 265 grain 44 Mag is measured at 1180 fps with 741 ft/lb at the muzzle. The .45-70 Government has quite the bullet range in comparison to the .444 Marlin; bullets will run from 250-grains all the way up to the behemoth 600-grain slugs, with a slew of choices in between. The trigger pull on the 444P was 4.3 pounds with prominent creep but very little overtravel. That BC may not inspire glee with long range rifle shooters, but in the world of straight-walled rifle cartridges, its pretty impressive. The concept of the fast, short, powerful lever-action rifle is probably best exemplified by the Co-Pilot, from Wild West Guns of Anchorage, Alaska. . The Wild West aperture rear sight costs $100 for Marlins, or $120 for Winchesters. 1.790 Case length. Out of the muzzle, the .450 Marlin packs another 886 ft-lbs over the .450 Bushmaster, a significant difference. Its a very useful tool for me and I now phased out my 308s and just use my 450 for everything now. High-Dollar .22 LR Pistols: Pardini Is Our Pick As Best Buy. This means Marlins, Ruger No. If you are looking for a caliber that can do on the AR what the .450 Marlin does on the lever action, then the .450 Bushmaster is the answer to this hope, though it loses a bit of ballistics in making the switch.