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Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by a translated version. ", Brent Wolfe, Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. WebThe Advanced Master of Social Work (MSW) program at UBC Vancouver offers an accessible, advanced professional degree focused on social work practice in the fields of child and family welfare, health and social care, and international and social development. It constitutes a large part of your program and provides an opportunity to integrate social work theory and practice. Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Learn additonal information about the program's suitability, Lauriers Online Registration and Information System (LORIS), Indigenous Field of Study (full- and part-time). You will be required to list your Course price ranging from CAD 5,175 - CAD 99,120 with a max.Hurry the courses start from 05 Sep 2023. Therefore, we strongly advice full-time students to work no more than 10 hours per week. SWRK8611, Advanced Indirect Social Work Practice This program is available online for part-time students or on location at the Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work in the heart of downtown Kitchener. COVID-19 Research and Innovation Guidance. Ariel Seale, '22Social Work, Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Social Work - Honours Specialization Social Work. With gratitude, we acknowledge that Renison University College is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Hodinohsy:ni, and Attawandaran (Neutral) Peoples, which is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the landgrantedto the Six Nations that includes ten kilometres on each side of the Grand River from mouth to source. The MSW is delivered primarily online, allowing you to continue to participate in family and community life while pursuing a graduate degree in social work. Minimum 75% grade point average (GPA) in the final two years of study (equivalent to last 20 half-credit courses). The Advanced Master of Social Work (MSW) program at UBC Vancouver offers an accessible, advanced professional degree focused on social work practice in the fields of child and family welfare, health and social care, and international and social development. WebThe Indigenous Field of Study is the first MSW program in Canada rooted in a wholistic Indigenous worldview and contemporary social work practice. You will also develop an advanced understanding of social works unique commitment in interprofessional health settings to address structural sources of injustice and inequity as they relate to health and health services access. We are guided by the work of our Reconciliation and Re-storying Steering Committee and Anti-Racism and Decolonization Spokescouncil, as well as theUniversity of Waterloos Office of Indigenous Relations. In addition, students must complete three milestones:a supervised 462 hour Practicum milestone(minimum of two 7-hour days per week), a Field Integration Seminar milestone (delivered online) and a Masters Seminar Presentation (Capstone) milestone. 1 Target dates are noted but are subject to external factors. For further information, please visit www.uwindsor.ca/msw or email msw@uwindsor.ca. However, we ask that you fully describe your duties for work and volunteer experiences that are particularly relevant to the social work field as well as the approximate number of hours for each experience. Please provide us with website feedback regarding these issues. Applicants who, at the time of registration, hold an honours degree in a related discipline from an accredited undergraduate program are eligible for the Regular Track option. Web53 Postgraduate Social Work courses in Canada. Specific questions from the faculty. The purpose of field education is to provide you with the opportunity to practice and integrate advanced-level social work values, knowledge and skills, including the development of a professional self and professional identity as a social worker. As part of your field education, you will complete courses with approved agencies that provide micro and/or macro learning opportunities. Students are required to complete a total of eight(8) courses and an Advanced Practice Internship (6 credits), which requires four full days working in an agency and may involve travel and/or weekend hours. This will be demonstrated through a personal statement, references and an admissions interview. The diversity of experience and expertise offered by the faculty made King's the best choice for a Master's education. General Admission Requirements Organized around an ethic of social care and social justice, each stream of practice shares some core courses and electives germane to the student's field of practice. Courses may include undergraduate level courses or may include graduate level courses taken more than 5 years ago. Ive learned how to mobilize resources from different sources to best support the people I am working with.. We are guided by the work of our Reconciliation and Re-storying Steering Committee and Anti-Racism and Decolonization Spokescouncil, as well as theUniversity of Waterloos Office of Indigenous Relations. This program is structured to deliver graduate courses in three academic terms: Fall, Winter and Summer. Additional Considerations Form. The summer and fall terms are spent in the classroom taking core courses and electives. A completed Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from an accredited Social Work program. If you are currently completing a BSW degree at time of application to our MSW program, you must have completed the BSW degree and your final results must be known by JULY 1 of year of entry into our MSW Program. Once your application is submitted, the application is received in real-time and no further confirmation of receipt of application is provided. The Field Education office also considers new placement opportunities that you propose within the appropriate time frame. Through the UBC School of Social Works Masters program, gain the professional knowledge and skills needed to work with service recipients in order to satisfy their needs, reinstate their wellbeing, tackle unjust conditions, and influence policy changes. 2 For MDiv/MSW program applicants: This program is jointly administered by Martin Luther University College and the Faculty of Social Work at Laurier. The 2-Year MSW Admissions Guide contains all the information required to apply to the MSW Programs at Kings University College at Western University. You experience the intensity of the connection and deep level of understanding that is shared with your classmates. Our aim is to graduate students with foundational social work knowledge and skills, who demonstrate competencies in specialized fields of study in order to navigate increasingly complex service systems. Applicants who have been out of school for a period of time and wish to demonstrate academic ability beyond what is reflected by their academic transcripts are encouraged to write the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) general test and submit the results with their application. An application for admission to all MSW programs must include: *Note: Applicants who have been out of school for three or more years, and who cannot obtain an academic reference, will be required to submit a second professional reference in its place. If you are thinking now is a good time to come back for your Master's it's really a great program and you get great support. If you are currently completing a BSW degree at time of application to our MSW program, you must have completed the BSW degree and your final results must be known by JULY 1 of year of entry into our MSW Program. ASPIRE is Laurier's professional skills development training program for graduate students. Applications open every fall for admission to the MSW program. Students in the regular track part-time program are required to complete 950 placement hours. SWRK8681, Advanced Practice Internship (450 hours completed four days per week full-time). With the exception of field courses, course exemptions may be granted based on prior graduate-level university courses up to a maximum of two half-credit core courses for the MSW Regular Track programs, and a maximum of one half-credit core courses for the Advanced Standing full-time and part-time programs. Students must propose their own placement within the deadline provided. For both the MSW Regular Track and MSW Advanced Standing programs, applications are accepted during the following time periods. This is a 20-month full-time option that starts in September. Students must complete 5 foundational courses and SK598 successfully to start placement in term 5. Student apply to the ISWD program in the first year of the program. If you are currently completing a BSW degree at time of application to our MSW program, you must have completed the BSW degree and your final results must be known by JULY 1 of year of entry into our MSW Program. Take the next step in advancing the lives and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities by applying to our Advanced MSW program. SWRK8622, Advanced Social Policy Analysis and Development All graduate students must maintain continuous registration for each term of the program. WebSocial Work Masters Programs (MSW) in Canada What is an MSW? WebMSW programs at FIFSW are highly recognized locally, nationally, and internationally. Most courses are offered on-campus and during the day, but the program offers some courses online and during the Spring and Summer terms to help with accessibility. You realize that you're not simply here to learn, but to take social work theory out into the world and experience it. the practicum) is the key method of instruction and learning through which Social Work prepares youto become a practitioner, and is often considered the 'heart' of social work education. When applying to the Faculty of Social Work, indicate in your personal statement that your anticipated program is the MDiv/MSW. Email socialwork@wlu.ca for admission enquiries. In any instance where there is a discrepancy between this Handbook and the Western Calendar, the Western Calendar will be considered the official calendar copy. SWRK8640, Program Design and Evaluation, SWRK8680, Advanced Internship Seminar (Online/Distance Education & held in real time) Accreditation of professional social work education Programs in Canada is a function of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE), a national association of university and college faculties, schools, departments, modules, and individuals offering professional education in social work at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. Regular Track programs require a bachelors degree; Advanced Standing programs require a BSW degree. We are fully accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE). The Master of Social Work degree is offered through the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Western University and all courses are offered by the School of Social Work at King's University College. 10 FCE) of university-level courses. Our graduate programs (MSWF, MSWA, MSWI) nurture accountable and critically engaged social work education, research and practice in the advancement of decolonization, anti-racism, Indigenous resurgence, feminism, 2SLGBTQ+ liberation struggles, disability justice and other social justice struggles. Did you complete your BSW degree outside of Canada? Masters in Social Work is available 15+ universities in Canada , including top universities like McGill, UBC, McMaster, etc. Six corecourses. Entry at this level begins with an MSW Foundation Year of studies. Agencies, instructors and placement learning opportunities are approved by the Field Office. 2-YEAR MSW Classes are fully online, asynchronous and self-directed, but students must meet weekly deadlines and assignments. Classes are normally held on Thursdays and Fridays at our Kitchener location over the three terms. Read and agree to the declarations. The University of Windsor MSW program is taught from an ecological systems perspective. There is no specific minimum mark requirement. WebOne-Year Advanced Standing MSW Program Applicants who, at the time of registration, hold a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Social Work program accredited by the Canadian Association of Social Work Education or the Council on Social Work Education are eligible for the Advanced Standing Program. Regardless of the type of graduate degree program you intend to pursue, financial planning is important. Organized around an ethic of social care and social justice, each stream of practice shares some core courses and electives germane to the student's field of practice. Organized around an ethic of social care and social justice, each stream of practice shares some core courses and electives germane to the student's field of practice. There are no extra charges through the university. The timelines for field education courses are structured and sequenced to reflect course requirements and program progression. This program is designed for graduates of a three or four year undergraduate degree program who have completed at least two years worth (i.e. Each course requires a minimum of 15 hours of study per week. The BSW is offered through an accessible and inclusive curriculum, in a learning environment that fosters caring and ethical social work practice within a local and global context. Reference forms are electronically submitted to Laurier by the referee and do not need to be uploaded by the applicant. Experiences Summary Formfor both 1 Year and 2 Year MSW, The applicant's responses to the Supplemental Questions are an important component of the non-academic requirements for admission. There is no specific minimum mark requirement. Classes are normally held at our Kitchener location between Monday and Friday in Term 1 and on Thursdays and Fridays over the remaining four terms. They will be required to undertake an additional 6 credits, as well as find themselves a suitable supervisor from within the UBC School of Social Work. For full details on how to apply, please see the MSW How to Apply page. Initial recommendations regarding substitutions are made by the Associate Dean, MSW Programs and approved by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Applications missing documents after the Supplemental Documentation Due date and/or the referee 14-day window will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Courses noted are current as of posting but are subject to change. Applicants who, at the time of registration, have at least three years of social service work experience and hold a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Social Work program accredited by the Canadian Association of Social Work Education or the Council on Social Work Education are eligible for the Advanced Standing option. Whether youre looking to upgrade your skills, complement your studies or explore new areas of interest, the professional development programs can help you achieve your goals. WebAs an MSW student, you will complete a 450-hour Field Placement (Practicum) at a social work agency in your home community. Web1-Year MSW A Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from an accredited university At least a 70% average in the last two full-time years, or part-time equivalent Completion of a Research Methods course 1000+ hours of paid or unpaid work in the human services is required 2-Year MSW A 4-year Bachelor degree Laurier's incoming student support program will help you transition into graduate studies. Applicants must provide 2 non-academic references from work, volunteer, or professional sources. Submitting a transcript that indicates successful completion of the MSW field course; Submission of all placement evaluations; and. Full-time students should expect to spend at least 36 hours/week on coursework. The process for requesting a field exemption/substitution includes the following requirements: I chose Laurier because the MSW program promised to allow me to consolidate the learning I had acquired throughout my career in a timely way.. To enhance skills and academic record in preparation for subsequent studies. Create profile WebOur MSW program applies an integrated approach in advancing the knowledge, skills and values of Social Work practitioners. My experience at Laurier has nurtured and inspired me. What are the costs associated with placements? Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential to graduate studies at Laurier. Qualitative research methods course and 8 half-credit social science courses. Please visit the MSW Admission Application page for more information. Entry at this level begins with an MSW Foundation Year of studies. The winter and spring terms are spent completing a 100 day field placement under the mentorship of a qualified Social Worker. See the list below for updated information. The summer and fall terms are spent in the classroom taking core courses and electives. Inquiries regarding the MSW programs should be addressed to: MSW Program Assistant 250-472-5622 swgrad@uvic.ca While a thesis option is available for some students, contingent on faculty availability, corresponding research interests, and funding, this option typically adds a year or more to the students program. A professional reference is someone who can speak to your work and/or volunteer experience in human services. Brochures and Handbook MSW Brochure 2022 Placements are recruited for students within a 150 km radius of Kitchener-Waterloo and students are expected to commute. The BSW is offered through an accessible and inclusive curriculum, in a learning environment that fosters caring and ethical social work practice within a local and global context. Advanced Standing MSW For Working Professionals Off-Campus Through the International Social Work Diploma (ISWD) program, a few international placements are available for students in the regular track full-time program. World Education Services (WES) It is highly recommended for applicants who have completed their 4-year degree in another country, to have their degree assessed by WES to determine if it is equivalent to a 4-year degree in Canada. This includes two core courseswhich aredelivered as mandatory, on campus, one-week (Monday to Friday) block courses in August, four other required core lecture/seminar courses (12 weeks each, delivered online), plus two elective courses (12 weeks each, delivered online). The MSW associate dean will assist students in identifying potential thesis advisors; however, enrolment in the thesis option is contingent upon the student finding a faculty member who is willing to act as his/her thesis advisor. The location of the placement is determined through consultation and agreement among you, the MSW Team Lead of the School of Social Work, and the practicum agency/organization. Choose one of the following (depending on micro/macro nature of placement): SK508: Reflexive Group and Community Practice, SK651: Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals, SK690: Inequality, Poverty and Income Support. MSW Programs, or Masters in Social Work programs, prepare individuals for the professional practice of social welfare counseling and administration. Two or more years of experience is strongly recommended. For more information see course descriptions. This program meets all University of Waterloo post-graduate degree requirements. For detailed program schedules: Field education (i.e. A Research Methods university-level course. The 1-Year MSW Admissions Guide contains all the information required to apply to the MSW Programs at Kings University College at Western University. Field education is an integral part of our programs, with tailored placements in community social service agencies or organizations for a period of social work practice. Regular Track, Full-Time, On-Campus (Bachelor's Degree Required), Regular Track, Part-Time, Online (Bachelor's Degree Required), Advanced Standing, Full-Time, On-Campus (BSW Required), Advanced Standing, Part-Time, Online (BSW Required), Advanced Standing, Indigenous Field of Study, Full Time, On-Campus (BSW Required), Advanced Standing, Indigenous Field of Study, Part-Time, On-Campus (BSW Required). WebOne-Year Advanced Standing MSW Program Applicants who, at the time of registration, hold a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a Social Work program accredited by the Canadian Association of Social Work Education or the Council on Social Work Education are eligible for the Advanced Standing Program. Classes usually do not exceed 30 students; this allows for strong relationships between faculty and students and encourages personal learning. Advanced Standing MSW On-Campus Official Proof of Proficiency in English -Applicants whose first language is not English must furnish evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language by a satisfactory achievement within the last two years. The School of Social Work is proud to offer Canadas first health-focused Master of Social Work (MSW) program. When you are sure everything is correct and you are satisfied with your submission, click on Submit my application. After this point, changes cannot be made to your application. The forms below are required to be completed and uploaded with your application. Students who choose the thesis option may choose to take advantage of the following exemptions. Students who wish to complete a thesis must discuss this with the MSW associate dean as early as possible but no later than the first term. Students who are also working professionals are expected to negotiate time off with their employers prior to beginning the MSW program in order to ensure they will be able to complete their courses and graduation requirements within the program timelines. Be sure to follow@renisoncollegeto stay connected to our community. Typically, there are no more than two 5-day intensive courses per term. You will be required to list yourResearch Methods course/s as part of the application process. All Rights Reserved. MSW Foundation Year: Entry from a Bachelor degree in a related area and two years (24 months full-time equivalent) human service experience. Canadian Association of Social Work Education (CASWE), Master of Social Work Indigenous Specialization, CUPE 4163 (Component 3) Sessional Instructors 2023 Summer Term, Two tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, Canadian Association for Social Work Education, British Columbia Association of Social Workers, First Nations Child & Family Caring Society. The Child and Family field of practice of the MSW program is intended to prepare students to work with children, youth, and families in a variety of community based settings ranging from voluntary family services to mandated protective services. This unique program includes the use of Indigenous elders, a traditional circle process, and Indigenous ceremonies. WebAs an MSW student, you will complete a 450-hour Field Placement (Practicum) at a social work agency in your home community. Students are required to propose placements within their communities. Please provide us with website feedback regarding these issues. The Masters thesis demonstrates a students mastery of the field they present, including a thorough knowledge of the relevant literature. If you have questions about the admissions process or requirements, please contact: If you require application materials in an alternate format, please contact the School atsocialwork@kings.uwo.ca. Masters in Social Work in Canada is designed for students who are keen to develop an advanced understanding of social work and a specialized set of practical skills. Minimum 75% grade point average (GPA) in the final two years of study (equivalent to last 20 half-credit courses). Students in the advanced standing part-time program are required to complete 500 placement hours. If you are considering this option, consultation with the Coordinator of MSW Program is recommended. Although this program is open to students of all cultural backgrounds, candidates for the Indigenous Field of Study must also have some familiarity with the traditional wholistic healing approach and/or have used it in their practice.