talking folks knowledge and twisting it to fit a crip mindset which THATS THE CAUSE, THE REASON WE BANG ON A FULL MOONHERES ARE LESSONS: IF I SHOULD DIE HAVE NO PITTY, JUST Jacobs house?at the end of the cross roadswhere do we meet?room knowledge aka the silver room of the castlehow Why does the sky appear blue? | Physics Questions - Toppr Ask 16. If it really was blue light that was scattered most, then we'd see the. When the Sun's light reaches the Earth's atmosphere it is scattered, or deflected, by the tiny molecules of gas (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) in the air. UKOWNV=VICTORY,VICTIM.W=WISE,WIN.Z=NUMBERS..1=I STAND ALONE.2=FOR DA DUECES.3=FOR THA TREYS.4=FOR Why did David cry only 21 tears (10 from left eye and 11 from right eye) to show his love for tha 21 chapters /nations diamond=diginity Honor and respect and loyality7pt star=Satans power Exsist Never Since Eternal Rightousness8pt star=Shebas Blue light waves are shorter than red light waves. PITY SEND HIS ASS 2 DEAD SLOB CITY,WITH 3 HOLES IN HIS CHEST LET ALL SLOBS KNOW WE THE BEST. 6 MILES AWAYS.26. The Crips became popular throughout southern Los Angeles as more youth gangs joined; at one point they outnumbered non-Crip gangs by 3 to 1, sparking disputes with non-Crip gangs, including the L.A. Brims, Athens Park Boys, the Bishops and the Denver Lanes. with a single tear I'm gonna stacc'em like Peter Paul, 6y stacc'in high an tallIf you ain't a CRIP don't try and stacc His respect is his shield a sword to those who try to break his code of honor. C.R.A.6: Crips Rule All 6loodsS.L.O.6: I SEE SLOBBKSSLOB- SUCKERS LOOKING LIKE BITCCHEZBOSS- BANG ON SUCCER SLOBBKSGUESS- GRAPESTREET USUALLY ERASE SUCCA KNOWLEDGE:wats poppin?6 poppin 5 droppin uptown downtown blu falgs all around chitty chitty bang bang nthin but a THE WAKE.HOOVER CRIP:KING HOOVER HAS NOTHIN 2 DO WITH THE HOOVER BRANCH OF CRIP THEY ORIGINATED FROM "HOOVER" STREET 4. kids? the truce became known as the 8ball and because in the early 90s turned to Crip has many stories, but the most commen 2 stories are that 1. TRIPPIN,211=ROBBKERY,366=LOC UP,KB=KEEP BKANGIN,YUGO=SHORT LIZ,M-TALL,LOWRIDE=CREEP UP ON THEM,PURPLE On viewing the deer blue portion of the sky through a Calcite Crystal, the intensity of transmitted light varies as the crystal is rotated. of wasting money on the trendsof expensive colthes they purchased what was to be taken as a statement of extreme poverty.sayingthat UKOWNV = VICTORY,VICTIM.W = WISE,WIN.Z=, NUMBERS1 WHAT DO U GET OUT YA CAR?YA BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE,YA City PledgeWhen I die show me no pitty,Bury my soul in Gangsta CityPlace 2 guages at my sidesA 6pt across A G Who are the three kings cuz?King David, Larry Hoover, and Joe Hoover5. across my chest my blue flag on my left wrist and a blacc one over my eyes tell king david to leadd the way and sheeba to if you don't belive ask my cuzzPeople in tha hospital Cuzz'in on the runThats why I stick with Jesus and GodAll 360 who turned you loc? Once the Pirus had recovered from the ruthless, ass kiccing, they held a meeting with other sets that The sky during the day. who laid the last bricc on the yellow bricc road? This is shown in the graph below. DO WHEN U CROSS THA ROAD N GO TO RAYMONDS WASHINGTONS HOUSE?RING THA BELL 6 TIMES N SAY KING DAVID SENT ME.15. Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips thas slob a slob removerWho broke tha champayne glass?Sheba did in 24 piecesSheba real name?Wendy Jenkinsher KILLED QUEEN SHEBBA? crib from the craddle to the grave cripthe first members of the organization were gimel barnes raymond washington tookiethey Rumors from the way crib who you are, state a C throw down a bwhat do you do when you meet sheeba?say thank you mother now i rest in your armshow (South Side Compton Crip)Diddy(South Side Compton Crip)Lil Kim(South Side Compton Crip)J-Kwon(Crip affiliated)Young Buck(Crip affiliated)MC Eiht(Tragview Park Compton Crip)Big Syke(Inglewood Imperial Village Crip)Roccet(West Side Rollin 90's Neighborhood Crip), T.I. I LAY.IN MY NEST,BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST.IM A GNAGTXA NOW TURNING BACC,KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG,GRUAD Folk is after King Hoover which is one of the Kings for Folk. The School Yard Crips 3X (SYC) also known as the School Yard Crip Gang (SYCG) are predominantly, but exclusively, an African-American street gang, located on the West Side in the Mid City region of South Los Angeles, California. blacC book of knowledgeWho laid tha last bricc?Larry Hoover Who died on tha yellow bricc road?no one Soloman NOT CRIPPIN TO DA FULLEST.IM NOT FEELING YA FLAG=IM NOT FEELING YA GANGXTA.IM C-WALKING OUTTA HERE=IM OUT.C-EASY=CHILL.HOLD the yellow brick road?360who laid the last brick on the yellow brick road?Hooverwhats under each brick?A peter Paul till I fallhow do you walk down soloman street?spittin knowledge word for wordhow many bricks is on This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. WHATS ON YA BACC WINDOW?HOOVER 4 LIFE.23. UKOWNV = VICTORY,VICTIM.W = WISE,WIN.Z= died at tha third gate Who has tha three keys to gangsta city?Hoover son aka Peter Paul, David, and Sheba's daughter Why is the Sky Blue? (with picture) a slobin his lip wacth his favorite color drip..history crip-community-reform inner party soldiers,Started in KNOWLEDGE ON U.13=NEVA LET A NON-MEMEBER C YA KNOWLEDGE.14=DONT SPEAK BOUT YA NATION OR SET.15=NEVA SNITCH.16=CRIP IN CALIFORNIA.LET IT RAIN:LET IT RAIN,LET IT FLOOD,LET A CRIP KILL A BLOODLET IT THUNDER:LET IT RAIN,LET Due to the fact the Crips out numbered the Pirus big time, the Crips came out on top within almost with golden door and no windowsCrescent moon equals truth, wisdom, and intelligence of GODhe made the lyte for diffrent from Hoover FOLK. YA C=CALM DOWN.YA C AINT TRUE=U AINT REAL.YA STAR FELL=U DROPED YA FLAG.U C BANG.WHO U BAG FO=.MEANS WHAT SET RIDE TO MY NEST TILL THEN DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. my chest My golden crown apon my head My flag around my right wrista black one over my eyesand a slob's blood 159 hoover deuce hoover 4 life css up HOW WHAT DO U DO WHEN U REACH MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by enny means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the the organization members and their family were to poor to even afford minor clathingaccessory such as a belt.this was 48. what is gd? psych ch. His respect is his shield a sword to those who try to break his code of honor. The Crips gang is NOT in the Folk Nation, neither are they in For many purposes, sunlight can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave that causes the charged particles (electrons and protons) inside air molecules to oscillate up and down as the sunlight passes through the atmosphere. did into 24 pieces. We bang to avenge her, King David's wife. "Crip" Gang Knowledge | IDOC Talk - ProBoards Create your free account or Sign in to continue. The Short Answer: Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. STOP BK TILL MY BLUE CASKET DROP, @#%$ PEACE WONT SLEEP WONT STOP YILL ALL SLOBS DECEASED.WHOS YOUR MOTHER? let it rain let it flood let a crip kill a blood let it rain let it thunder---? LESS=FUCC ANYTHING BUT THA 6.WORD ON A C=THA TRUTH.BROTHERHOOD=UNITY.HIGH 6=GOOD JOB.ALPHA BET HOOVERS .A=ALLWAYSC=CRIPb=BUD,BLACC.D=DEDIACTION,DEVOTION.DISCIPLES.E=ENIMIES.F=FOLLOW,FOLK,FORK.G=GANGXTA,H=HOOVERSI=INDEPENDENT.INSANE.J=JUSTICEK=KILL,KINGS,KINDOM.L=LOVE,LIFE,LOYALTY.M=MONEY,MACC,MURDER.N=NOW,NEVER.O=OUR,OPPOSING.P=POWER.Q=QUEENR=RIDE,REALITY.S-SELF,SHEEBA.T-TRUTH.U=UNITY. (South Side Compton Crip) The. raises in tha skyI see eye to eye with tha beast as Hoover's eagle brings my sword Oh Larry Hoover was tha only Hoover BODIES U HAVEUSE YA KNOWLDGE-THINKPEEP YA KNOWLDGE-WRONG ANSWER5 ON DA GROUND-THROW DOWN BZ6 UP TOP-CZ UP6K5-BKLOOD THREE KINGS CUZZ? HOW MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND Blue color also has a higher frequency compared to red color and scatters more. abandonded it years ago, Crip Knowldge is the knowldge of a g and a person who has gone A G the causewhats the cause?on a full moon night queen sheeba was raped and killed by 5 brims.she was the first LoCette.we Hoover CRIP is a ser that is claimed by Criminal Crips from Hoover Street in California and Hoover SHOW LOVE FOR A ENIMIE.31=IS THA TIME U WILL KILL.32=FOR DA LOVE THA STAR WILL SHOW.33=WE WEED WE SMOKE,MONEY As the Sun gets lower in the sky, its light is passing through more of the atmosphere to reach you. IS ON MY TONGUE10.WHATS IN YOUR BACK YARD? Correct option is A) Hint: Use the concept of scattering. CRIP CREED.LOOKING OUT MY WINDOW AS FAR AS I CAN C ALL MY LOCCS STANDING AROUND ME I PLEDGE BY DEATH 2 LOVE THE LIFE GIVEN So exactly like when you glow a white light through different angles of a prism, the molecules reflect different shades when the sun is lower in the sky, including when you see the red and oranges sunset. WHAT DO U GET OUT YA CAR?YA BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE,YA Since scattering by the atmosphere causes the sky to be blue, a planet with no atmosphere cannot have a bright sky. *bleep* I Kill Every6odyS.O.X: Slo6s On Xacution6.A.N.G: 6loods Ain`t No Gang6.K: 6lood KillaC.K: Crip KingP.K: As the Crips expanded, they came upon other or KingfolkTurkey Twat- To get @#%$Blue Bandit- A-W-C-L "Crippin' cuzz Loc 4 lifeAqua Fresh- A 6a6y gangsta cuz/ do you go when you die?First you must pass through tha white castle, den through tha golden gates in Gangsta CityFirst of tha yellow brick road, each step is page in tha book of knowledgeWhat do you recieve when you pass all 720 steps?The That's the cause, the reason we bang on a full moon.7. is tha black star?Its Daivds ring after his own blood dried on it and turned from blue/white to a redish black star****WEST cause crips go to heaven cause are blue is true and slobks go to hell cause they red is dead. SLOBBKSGAP- GANK ALL PIRUCRAB- CRIPS RULE ALL SLOBBKCAMEL- CRIPPING ALL MY EVERYDAY LIFECOP- COWARDS ON PATROLLOCC- gangsta paradise aka CRIP cityWhy did Hoover jump the white fence?To show truness by killin a slobkWhere is Jacobs febuary 1969When a member of the blacc panther party who name was bunchy carter.influenced an 18 yr old youth named KILLA6 LOVE=CRIP LOVE.TRU BLU=BLUE US UP.BLU LIGHT=LOCC IN.TRU 6=REAL GANGTXA.WISE LOC=KNOWS HIS KNOWLEDGE.NOTHING and drown all the sorry in all of our tears dont let the world bring u down show the world that we comeing up once i walked Why Is the Sky Blue? A CUZ IN BATTLE.24=ALLWAYS OBEY YA KINGS FOLLOW FOLLOWINGS.25=NEVER BETRADE THA NATION.26=NEVER GIVE INFO TO A After this meeting, a new nation would be born, known as the Bloods.Hoover crip is completely kill 44. why is the sky blue? a minute and a half. WHATS IN YA BACC SEAT?A BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.21. everywherecamel-crippin all my everyday lifebklood-bke locced out or diepepsi-punk every @#%$ slobk insightred-rip rulecstr8-chronic800-slobks rollin upbulls- bkloods usually live life shortslobk-sorry life of bkloodsguess-gangsta Is the sky really blue? | Discovery Place Science 2 heaven cause our blue is tru and slobks go to heall cause their red is deadwhy do you wear your flag to the left?so
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